Is the SAW series, the best horror series in our generation?

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Absolutely no... matter of fact, hell no

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

The only good horror movies to come out in the last 10 years were Dead Silence
(if you haven't seen it you need to) Orphan (was surprised at how good it was).... Amityville Horror with Ryan Reynolds... and a couple others I can't remember... but those are three that stick out.

And I'm 20, I still remember when Scream came out.
i fell asleep on dead silence. never finished it.

Amityville Horror- first thing i said when i saw the credits was "wow, besides the flashbacks in the beginning, nobody died"

i love RZ's Halloween series tho.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

The Saw movie contract suppose to be up to 8. Only 8 Saw movies will be out and as much as we all want to say that they suck, we still go and watch it because it picks up from the last movie and has as on the edge of our seat.

As much as we hate to saw it,,this is the best horror series in a long time and I say it wit this....(

so true
i cant remember the last time i saw a good horror movie (american made that is) there all so corny now. hopefully we will get a ground breaking horror moviesoon. oh btw i don't count saw as a horror more of a gory suspense movie.
It's the best set of movies intertwined with each other ever IMO.

Saw I - VI have been awesome and really take you on a ride. I thought Saw VI was the best one, my jaw was on the floor at the end.

Word is Saw VII is in 3D and VIII will be the last one.
I dont know why people hate on the Saw series. I mean it isnt the most amazing thing to hit the big screen but i guess i like tradition and i couldnt imagine one halloween without a new Saw coming out. I mean yeah the plots are running a little thin but some of the kill scenes in this series, ones that stick out, key in the eye, guy having to jump thru the razor wire, chick getting pushed into the needles and of course my boy Donnie Walhberg and the the ice blocks. I'll never forget when my boy Johnnny Zero needed to know his number and dude cut off the skin of his neck and put it in his pocket lmfaooo

That would suck for us if it were true. I enjoyed the first film but the rest of them weren't able to grab me like that one. Some were entertaining but the last few were completely atrocious, especially 4.
Saw one was a classic and fresh, saw 2 was good......they should have stopped there.

Convoluted/forced plots + ******ed flashbacks=TURRIBLE, JUST TURRIBLE. I would be happier if they skipped all the pretentious nonsense and got right to the torture.  At some point I just stopped following the story.
Originally Posted by RickFoxJr

 I mean it isnt the most amazing thing to hit the big screen but i guess i like tradition and i couldnt imagine one halloween without a new Saw coming out.


I love Saw bee tee dub.
Since it's pretty much the ONLY series in our generation, then yes.

If Scream is included as part of this generation though, I'm taking that series because of its perfect comedic satire of the horror genre.
yo all people are doing in this thread is hating on saw. whats a better horror movie? this isnt a saw appreciation post.
I WAS one of the biggest Saw fans.

Saw 1 was

Saw 2 was
(needle pit)
Saw 3 was

Never saw 4
Saw 5 was confusing to me
Never saw 6

But yea, if Scream is included, I'll go with the Scream trilogy.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

no one should ever go in expecting a excellent movie after the 2nd saw, its clear they are now milking it, but its worth seeing around the halloween season,its become like a tradition
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