Iverson prepared to sign with Knicks

Crazy. He can't make them much I worse I would say, and even if he does, Utah has their draft pick.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Full circle. Greatest day as a Knick fan in YEARS if it's finalized/

I could see why NY did it. Kind of like the Detroit situation, give him a chance & if it doesn't work out, he's out at the end of the year.They're struggling as it is, why not take the chance.

As for AI, I just hope he gets his chance to play his style & be in basketball talks again in a positive way.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm not gona argue about him wanting to win, it is clear he'd rather get a check and a place he can play significantly.

that's why im not one of 'his people'...i've never thought his game was conducive to being the man on a championship team, anyway.

But for this team? this situation? It makes sense, for all parties involved.

people act like the knicks signed him for 5 years 55 million. relax folks, it's all for the show.
Basically summed up what I was thinking while catching up on the last couple pages.

I dont know why because he doesnt have a championship he "doesnt want to win". I mean Is it really a bad thing that he still feels that he can playat an all star level and I think he still can. Rather than basically calling it a wrap and ring chasing.

I mean would some of ya that are hating respect him more if he just ring chased and hopped onto a Lakers\Cavs\Magic or Celtics team. I respect him more forsticking by his guns trying to prove that he still has something left in the tank to add to a team rather than take the Payton\Malone route and try to letsomeone else win them a championship. I think Iverson is the kinda guy where if he isnt the reason the team gets the title then it wouldnt seem right to him.Why do you think it was so important for Kobe to get a title without shaq. He was tired of the Shaq got you your rings arguement. And if Iverson ring chased(what it seems like a lot of you want him to do) he would never hear the end of him not being able to get the title by himself and he had to have some1 elsewin it for him.

The knicks are the perfect fit for him in the situation that he is in right now. They will give him a chance to showcase that he can still play significantminutes and be productive. And the Knicks get to give their fans a reason to watch this year.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm not gona argue about him wanting to win, it is clear he'd rather get a check and a place he can play significantly.

that's why im not one of 'his people'...i've never thought his game was conducive to being the man on a championship team, anyway.

But for this team? this situation? It makes sense, for all parties involved.

people act like the knicks signed him for 5 years 55 million. relax folks, it's all for the show.
Basically summed up what I was thinking while catching up on the last couple pages.

I dont know why because he doesnt have a championship he "doesnt want to win". I mean Is it really a bad thing that he still feels that he can play at an all star level and I think he still can. Rather than basically calling it a wrap and ring chasing.

I mean would some of ya that are hating respect him more if he just ring chased and hopped onto a Lakers\Cavs\Magic or Celtics team. I respect him more for sticking by his guns trying to prove that he still has something left in the tank to add to a team rather than take the Payton\Malone route and try to let someone else win them a championship. I think Iverson is the kinda guy where if he isnt the reason the team gets the title then it wouldnt seem right to him. Why do you think it was so important for Kobe to get a title without shaq. He was tired of the Shaq got you your rings arguement. And if Iverson ring chased (what it seems like a lot of you want him to do) he would never hear the end of him not being able to get the title by himself and he had to have some1 else win it for him.

The knicks are the perfect fit for him in the situation that he is in right now. They will give him a chance to showcase that he can still be that number 1 option type guy. And the Knicks get to give their fans a reason to watch this year.

great rant. I hate how AI is "selfish" for wanting to start and still thinking he still has enough left in the tank to be a starter and an allstar.If anything that is what i respect about AI he stays hungry. He is not ready to hop on to the bench of a championship team like we have seen soooo many starsof recent years do.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

as they say in france, look how well ring chasing worked out for karl malone ... ... ...

he aint chasing a ring he just wants to play, and he CLEARLY STILL CAN. He gonna shut the haters up, I smell Knicks playoff run BOOK IT
Ok Knick fans, you all love AI now, I get it. So he's great, can do no wrong.

Fine by me.

But he's not a winner. Period. He just wants to play ball so he can shoot all night like it's an empty gym. He don't wanna win, he don'twanna compete, he wants to shoot.

I guess KG and Ray feel tainted since they needed help from others to win their ring. They should probably give em back huh?
And Kobe didn't REALLY win his first ring without Shaq, cuz he needed Pau and Lamar and Ariza and Bynum to win that one. He should give it back.

You win a ring as a TEAM. Nobody cares about ring chasing. Being a part of a team and winning is better then being a selfish ball hog and losing night afternight. Sorry that hurts ya'll's feelings, but it's true. 1 million percent true.

I don't really care if Iverson actually wins the ring. Comes up short, no biggie, but at least it shows me that he cares about something more thenhimself. He cares about TRYING to win something. He cares about helping a team win. Shaq been tossed around the league more then groupie, is that gonna takeaway from his legacy? No. He's still trying to win something. AND HE"S ALREADY WON!!!! If anybody had a right to join a garbage team and just putup numbers, it's Shaq. Iverson hasn't won anything. He should at least TRY to make an effort. Go sit on the bench in San Antonio. Join Boston. Play the bench for the Lakers. Play for the Magic. Hell, join the Heat if you think they're at least close. Go to Portland, try to help them. Ifhe's truly a good enough player, and can join up with other guys and share the ball and be part of a team, and not try to be a one man show or the damnhero every night, then I would have infinite more respect for him then. Even if he fails to get the ring. It happens.

Pippen tried, even though he already had 6.
Barkley tried
Malone tried.
Drexler did.

Instead, Iverson gonna go to a team, get his @#$ kicked every night for 5 months, be done with the season in early April and claim what a warrior he is and howhard he tried, meanwhile he'll need to ice his elbow somethin fierce from all the shooting he plans to do. He won't even care if they're losing inNew York, just so long as he gets to start, that's all that matters. lol. That should tell you all something right there. But it doesn't. He'sabout to join your favorite team.

But yeah, applaud him for that. Cuz that's what winners do. They join teams with no chance to win.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Stephon Marbury 2.0

alot of yall are really quick to diss Marbury and classify AI with him.
You missed the point; I was referring to the attitude problem.
you missed my point. Cause if you read what i wrote you see that i acknowledged that Marbury had the attitude problem, but STILL took us to the playoffs in 2 years. If youre gonna compare them in terms of attitude you gotta compare them in terms of skill also. And if AI can do what Marbury did in his first year with this team, and put up those #s and find a way to get into the playoffs, that is far more than any Knicks fan could imagine, and he really should be an MVP candidate
So if you gonna copmpare AI with Marbs like alot of yall are REAL quick to do, you gotta look at the success part along with the attitude
Your homerism is pure
from international superstar franchise player to veteran's minimum on a doormat team. SMH. it's a wrap for AI's career next year.

We really could give a damn what his motives are.

He helps the team. Bottom line.
Originally Posted by Al3xis


We really could give a damn what his motives are.

He helps the team. Bottom line.

I don't care about his legacy or how people view him. He is a better basketball player than who the Knicks start at SG, and would be an improvement tothis team. That's it. Knicks fans are not automatically AI fans just because he might sign with the team, there's a distinction.
cp, youre missing the fact that ai is better than everyone in the league not named kobe or lebron ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

cp, youre missing the fact that ai is better than everyone in the league not named kobe or lebron ...
Yeah, I musta missed that somehow.
so many fairweather fans on this board. I can just tell half you guys clownin him now were on dudes jock back in the day
i dont care what the hell anyone says, Im just glad I possibly mite have a reason to go to a NYK game this season.
I hope the plans come through.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Stephon Marbury 2.0

alot of yall are really quick to diss Marbury and classify AI with him.
You missed the point; I was referring to the attitude problem.
you missed my point. Cause if you read what i wrote you see that i acknowledged that Marbury had the attitude problem, but STILL took us to the playoffs in 2 years. If youre gonna compare them in terms of attitude you gotta compare them in terms of skill also. And if AI can do what Marbury did in his first year with this team, and put up those #s and find a way to get into the playoffs, that is far more than any Knicks fan could imagine, and he really should be an MVP candidate
So if you gonna copmpare AI with Marbs like alot of yall are REAL quick to do, you gotta look at the success part along with the attitude
Your homerism is pure
yeah that sure was a great defense of your argument

IM the homer cause i used facts and pointed out despite all of Steph's failure with the Knicks he DID take us to the playoffs his first year in 04? Im notsome homer trying to say that Steph had a great legacy with the Knicks cause thats ******ed. Im just saying it is also ******ed for ignorant bball fans likeyou to be so quick to judge a move like this and say !#%! like "Stephon Marbury 2.0" but in reality, every Knicks fan on this board would be estaticif AI could accomplish what Steph did in 04, and that is our first playoff bid since 2004. How is saying that making me a homer? Im not defending Marbury'scareer or saying AI will forsure move us to the playoffs, but he will make us better. Ignorant fans like you go on this board and say !#%! like that, but inreality there is no down side. And you aint even man enough to back up your point.

My point is that if AI coming here REALLY is Steph 2.0 than bring him on

peoples biased hate on the Knicks, and Mabury, and Iverson are just to the point of foolishness at times. How can AI on a one year contract possibly have thefallout that Marbury did? Worse comes to worse we can just cut him. AI IS Marbury 2.0, but without the negatives. If hes "good" Marbury than the planis success. But if hes "bad" Marbury we dont have top deal with his !#%! cause he wont be on a long term max contract and hes not here to be ourfranchise player. We can cut him or not resign him with no negatives. Its all of the good Marbury's possibilities without the contract. I'll takeMarbury 2.0

Ok Knick fans, you all love AI now, I get it. So he's great, can do no wrong.

Fine by me.

But he's not a winner. Period. He just wants to play ball so he can shoot all night like it's an empty gym. He don't wanna win, he don't wanna compete, he wants to shoot.

AI IS a winner and a competetor. Damn near the best i ever saw. And i honestly think that if he had to be a 2 or a 3 on a winning team he would, i just dontthink thats his game. Hes just not ready to ride the bench in SA or Boston to win a ring. I can respect that. If i still i felt had all-star potential id tryand be a starter and prove it also. And than bedst case he proves hes still a beast in his 1 year in NY and he can either resign next summer when we should bea contender or sign with a contender elsewhere and prove himself worthy of a starter.

AI would happily backseat Lebron James if the Cavs offered him a starting role to play with him. Casue that would give him a better chance to win a ring. Hesjust not ready to be on the bench behind Mo Williams and players he thinks hes better than JUST to get the ring. Ya see what im sayin? i dont see how AI cominghere to be a starter cause he still feels he has alot left means he doesnt wanna win, i just dont see it. If a winner offered him a starting role like we were�hed happily accept and backset to a Lebron. Hes just not ready to backseat from the bench.
Originally Posted by PrinSe3

so many fairweather fans on this board. I can just tell half you guys clownin him now were on dudes jock back in the day

....l...o...l..... far as I can tell, I only know of 3 in here sayin anything bad on AI, Mike, Dirk and myself.

I'm going to assume you mean someone else you feel slighted AI.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

great rant. I hate how AI is "selfish" for wanting to start and still thinking he still has enough left in the tank to be a starter and an allstar. If anything that is what i respect about AI he stays hungry. He is not ready to hop on to the bench of a championship team like we have seen soooo many stars of recent years do.

I said it somewhere in some other thread... You think ANY superstar - Barkley, Pippen, Jordan, Ewing, Shaq - would simply accept coming off the bench whilethey were still capable players putting up big numbers?? I even challenged you guys to find me ONE superstar (yes, SUPERSTAR) who was asked to come off thebench AFTER putting up GREAT numbers. AI came off of a 25 point, 7 assist season and Detroit asks the man to be a bench player.

And you guys REALLY think that wouldn't have rubbed ANY of you the wrong way?!?!?! like none of ya'll would have been salty about that??? FOH!

Again, name me ONE superstar who was asked to be a bench player. I'll wait.................................................

And I'll keep waiting.........................

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Ironic that there is a 35 page thread about a poor mans AI that is all talk about numbers and has the most amount of +!%$ riding I've ever seen.
Dog, I already said it... Most heads on here seem to only care about stats. Look at the talk about BJ when he went to Europe. And now look at thetalk about BJ after that 55 point game. Not too many people cared about him until he a) scored 55 and b) they saw a screen name thinking BJ is a NTer.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

From 3 days ago, in the 'Iverson on waivers' thread:
The Wizard:
Bring him to NY.

he'll have a starting spot & free reign to shoot
If there is a basketball god, THIS will happen.

He is a PERFECT fit right now for NY. Which probably means the Knicks will blunder everything and not sign him.

Somewhere, SHUGES is buying a lottery ticket, confident that today belongs to him.


ska, I didn't play tonight. But I swear, if my numbers come out in this evening's drawing, I might have to hunt you down and rip up your little DerekFisher poster.

Originally Posted by THE GR8

AI would happily backseat Lebron James if the Cavs offered him a starting role to play with him. Casue that would give him a better chance to win a ring. Hes just not ready to be on the bench behind Mo Williams and players he thinks hes better than JUST to get the ring.
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