January Wrestling Thread/Tonight Raw 8PM EST

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They played Nakamura's theme during the Wisconsin vs Ohio State game. They know whats up.

PS: Cesaro new gear looks dope and he's holding his own vs Strowman. Good stuff.
I knew it.

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Thanks for all the bday love gentlemen!! Second year WK falls on my bday. I'm effin' pumped for tonight. Helps being on the westcoast for that midnight start. Redbull and some fire sativa should get me through.
Leave that Redbull alone before this is your last Birthday!
Leave that Redbull alone before this is your last Birthday!
You're not lying. A friend of mine went to the hospital since his heart rate was through the roof. He was chugging 3-4 redbulls a day for about two weeks. Doctor was like, "the @#$ you doing son"!?

I'll get me a good ol' iced coffee instead.

A lady I teach with is convinced her son passed from this. She saw me drinking something that she THOUGHT was an energy drink and and begged me to stop.
A lady I teach with is convinced her son passed from this. She saw me drinking something that she THOUGHT was an energy drink and and begged me to stop.

It’s no joke. I used to drink Red Bull mixed with 5 hour energy. I worked 16 hrs shifts for a month. I’m sure there’s others like diet, stress level, and rest but long story short I flatline for about 15-20 seconds. From that day on, I swore off energy drinks and change to a healthier lifestyle.
It’s no joke. I used to drink Red Bull mixed with 5 hour energy. I worked 16 hrs shifts for a month. I’m sure there’s others like diet, stress level, and rest but long story short I flatline for about 15-20 seconds. From that day on, I swore off energy drinks and change to a healthier lifestyle.

Oh, I believe her AND you. My lord, you were actually slamming that sht on top of each other? Phew, just the thought of that makes my heart race. Sorry to hear about that, and definitely glad you're still with us!
It’s no joke. I used to drink Red Bull mixed with 5 hour energy. I worked 16 hrs shifts for a month. I’m sure there’s others like diet, stress level, and rest but long story short I flatline for about 15-20 seconds. From that day on, I swore off energy drinks and change to a healthier lifestyle.
16 hour shifts are no joke.
Then you leave work like I have 8 hours to drive home, eat, sleep, get ready, and drive back.
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