Kanye West girlfriend? Vol. Young'n Dancing

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Airupthere301

This should make EVERYONE happy.


now thats a bad white chick

Just not a fan of chicks with long torso's and no hips

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

How are white girls overrated on here? If anything it's those big booty girls that most of y'all drool over and call "thick" that are overrated as hell.

NT embraces any girl as long as she has a big booty and hates on girls with normal physiques 

It's actually both.
In one corner, those who think any woman who is thick or not a size 4 is fat and ugly... usually they will also love "average" women with slimmer bodies. In the other corner, there are those who prefer thicker women, and their desire for mass and curves will be at a higher priority than those who prefer a pretty face and average/good body... this group also looks down on "average" women such as the girl in discussion in this thread.

Both sides complain that the other is wrong, when they're both wrong... and both right. Most people fail to realize that there's preference and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and while that's cliche, it does apply to the standard NT debate about who is attractive and who isn't. The problem becomes when you address your "preference" and standard of beauty is just a social construct which is a result of your culture, societal upbringings, and experiences. So what happens on here is those who prefer thicker women, react towards any praise and attention given to slim, white women as NTers simply buying into white America's standard of beauty and that woman HAS to be average and unworthy of praise. On the flip side, many who favor women such as Kate Upton primarily, do not find thicker women with curves attractive because they're raised to believe they're ugly or somehow abnormal, since they don't fit into the standard expectations of beauty and attractiveness.

Which touches on your last comment, "normal" physiques. "Normal" is subjective, and for the most part a social construct... so when you (and I'm not attacking you personally at all) claim someone falls under the "normal" category, it automatically subjects others who don't as "abnormal". Obviously that can be problematic and is a major reason for the "whitening" of non-white women and the issues within minority communities about trying to fit in to the "American" standard of beauty... but that's another issue, although very related.

Also, when people claim "I see women that look better than here on a daily basis", I don't doubt that (although I'm sure they're exaggerating at times), that doesn't change the fact that those women are still in the minority of ALL women. For the most part, the supermodels/models/etc and other women on here who get attention are NOT average whatsoever. If you go to your local supermarket, church, mall, school, whatever, the average girl will not look like Kate Upton at all. That doesn't mean you don't see plenty of women who look as good or better than Upton, but if she was average, then the majority of women would look like her and that isn't the case. Nothing separates supermodels or those voted "most beautiful" from a regular woman who isn't famous, many things go into being in the select group of SI swimsuit models or Victoria Secret models, it's not as if they based their choices on a scientific study of billions of women.

In the end it's incredibly pointless to argue back and forth about what you believe is attractive because it's all subjective. Women of all shapes, colors, sizes, are beautiful and worthy of praise... the problem becomes when people fail to recognize their own pre-conceived and socially constructed views of beauty that are influenced by your environment and society (which applies to both camps).  Rather than simply appreciate women of all types and their beauty, people on here spend so much time trying to put down and degrade other women simply because they don't find them attractive, spend less time on the negative and more on the positive in life and we'll all be better.

Yeah I wrote a lot, but consider it my final answer for any past, present, and future threads on women. File it in the NT reference book for me

Truth and the funny thing is that the ppl who said she isnt average/regular admitted in a way she was average/regular when the average/regular non airbrushed non special fx/camera lighting etc pic was shown. Then said oh she only looks regular/average because of the pic. But that pic shows how she would look on a day to day basis w/o the expensive highend photo shoots,makeup artist etc that the average girl doesnt have.

Ppl keep saying this stupid %%$ about ok if you can show me a girl around the block that look better prove it. im assuming most ppl if did so would be using a cam phone etc.. And while im pretty good with the iphone 4, and its a decent fairly good cam, it doesnt nearly have the quality of lets say the cams pro cam men use. Plus i seriously doubt a dude can walk down the street and see a girl who has their makeup etc done by some of the best ppl in thhe biz.

And ppl hate to say race has nuttin to do with it but this thread more then proves that it does. Which infacts proves the average white chic point. Lets see on average this particular look/body is the average/most reffered look for beauty when it comes to modeling, and the average/most reffered person who is pigmently challenged is going to agree that this is above average in looks.

Its not rocket science ppl. Take average/norm pretty white girl who fits the mold of what we will determine as beauty + photoshop,lighting,camera angles,exotic different looks in both makeup/clothes and pic background and present it to the average/norm day to day person, in which this country is white= the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is portrayed to be above average will appear to be above average to the average/norm typical white male/female.

I mean we could do a poll on the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is said to the a dime and Id bet my left nutt that for the most part the typical average everday white/asian white guy will think she is a dime.

With that being said these type of threads are stupid because why have a discusssion/debate when you already will know the result before the discussion/debate even starts.

you obviously dont know what average means
who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

How are white girls overrated on here? If anything it's those big booty girls that most of y'all drool over and call "thick" that are overrated as hell.

NT embraces any girl as long as she has a big booty and hates on girls with normal physiques 

It's actually both.
In one corner, those who think any woman who is thick or not a size 4 is fat and ugly... usually they will also love "average" women with slimmer bodies. In the other corner, there are those who prefer thicker women, and their desire for mass and curves will be at a higher priority than those who prefer a pretty face and average/good body... this group also looks down on "average" women such as the girl in discussion in this thread.

Both sides complain that the other is wrong, when they're both wrong... and both right. Most people fail to realize that there's preference and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and while that's cliche, it does apply to the standard NT debate about who is attractive and who isn't. The problem becomes when you address your "preference" and standard of beauty is just a social construct which is a result of your culture, societal upbringings, and experiences. So what happens on here is those who prefer thicker women, react towards any praise and attention given to slim, white women as NTers simply buying into white America's standard of beauty and that woman HAS to be average and unworthy of praise. On the flip side, many who favor women such as Kate Upton primarily, do not find thicker women with curves attractive because they're raised to believe they're ugly or somehow abnormal, since they don't fit into the standard expectations of beauty and attractiveness.

Which touches on your last comment, "normal" physiques. "Normal" is subjective, and for the most part a social construct... so when you (and I'm not attacking you personally at all) claim someone falls under the "normal" category, it automatically subjects others who don't as "abnormal". Obviously that can be problematic and is a major reason for the "whitening" of non-white women and the issues within minority communities about trying to fit in to the "American" standard of beauty... but that's another issue, although very related.

Also, when people claim "I see women that look better than here on a daily basis", I don't doubt that (although I'm sure they're exaggerating at times), that doesn't change the fact that those women are still in the minority of ALL women. For the most part, the supermodels/models/etc and other women on here who get attention are NOT average whatsoever. If you go to your local supermarket, church, mall, school, whatever, the average girl will not look like Kate Upton at all. That doesn't mean you don't see plenty of women who look as good or better than Upton, but if she was average, then the majority of women would look like her and that isn't the case. Nothing separates supermodels or those voted "most beautiful" from a regular woman who isn't famous, many things go into being in the select group of SI swimsuit models or Victoria Secret models, it's not as if they based their choices on a scientific study of billions of women.

In the end it's incredibly pointless to argue back and forth about what you believe is attractive because it's all subjective. Women of all shapes, colors, sizes, are beautiful and worthy of praise... the problem becomes when people fail to recognize their own pre-conceived and socially constructed views of beauty that are influenced by your environment and society (which applies to both camps).  Rather than simply appreciate women of all types and their beauty, people on here spend so much time trying to put down and degrade other women simply because they don't find them attractive, spend less time on the negative and more on the positive in life and we'll all be better.

Yeah I wrote a lot, but consider it my final answer for any past, present, and future threads on women. File it in the NT reference book for me

Truth and the funny thing is that the ppl who said she isnt average/regular admitted in a way she was average/regular when the average/regular non airbrushed non special fx/camera lighting etc pic was shown. Then said oh she only looks regular/average because of the pic. But that pic shows how she would look on a day to day basis w/o the expensive highend photo shoots,makeup artist etc that the average girl doesnt have.

Ppl keep saying this stupid %%$ about ok if you can show me a girl around the block that look better prove it. im assuming most ppl if did so would be using a cam phone etc.. And while im pretty good with the iphone 4, and its a decent fairly good cam, it doesnt nearly have the quality of lets say the cams pro cam men use. Plus i seriously doubt a dude can walk down the street and see a girl who has their makeup etc done by some of the best ppl in thhe biz.

And ppl hate to say race has nuttin to do with it but this thread more then proves that it does. Which infacts proves the average white chic point. Lets see on average this particular look/body is the average/most reffered look for beauty when it comes to modeling, and the average/most reffered person who is pigmently challenged is going to agree that this is above average in looks.

Its not rocket science ppl. Take average/norm pretty white girl who fits the mold of what we will determine as beauty + photoshop,lighting,camera angles,exotic different looks in both makeup/clothes and pic background and present it to the average/norm day to day person, in which this country is white= the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is portrayed to be above average will appear to be above average to the average/norm typical white male/female.

I mean we could do a poll on the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is said to the a dime and Id bet my left nutt that for the most part the typical average everday white/asian white guy will think she is a dime.

With that being said these type of threads are stupid because why have a discusssion/debate when you already will know the result before the discussion/debate even starts.

you obviously dont know what average means
who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity

the people in here crying aren't the white boys
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity

the people in here crying aren't the white boys
Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Big J 33

It's actually both.
In one corner, those who think any woman who is thick or not a size 4 is fat and ugly... usually they will also love "average" women with slimmer bodies. In the other corner, there are those who prefer thicker women, and their desire for mass and curves will be at a higher priority than those who prefer a pretty face and average/good body... this group also looks down on "average" women such as the girl in discussion in this thread.

Both sides complain that the other is wrong, when they're both wrong... and both right. Most people fail to realize that there's preference and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and while that's cliche, it does apply to the standard NT debate about who is attractive and who isn't. The problem becomes when you address your "preference" and standard of beauty is just a social construct which is a result of your culture, societal upbringings, and experiences. So what happens on here is those who prefer thicker women, react towards any praise and attention given to slim, white women as NTers simply buying into white America's standard of beauty and that woman HAS to be average and unworthy of praise. On the flip side, many who favor women such as Kate Upton primarily, do not find thicker women with curves attractive because they're raised to believe they're ugly or somehow abnormal, since they don't fit into the standard expectations of beauty and attractiveness.

Which touches on your last comment, "normal" physiques. "Normal" is subjective, and for the most part a social construct... so when you (and I'm not attacking you personally at all) claim someone falls under the "normal" category, it automatically subjects others who don't as "abnormal". Obviously that can be problematic and is a major reason for the "whitening" of non-white women and the issues within minority communities about trying to fit in to the "American" standard of beauty... but that's another issue, although very related.

Also, when people claim "I see women that look better than here on a daily basis", I don't doubt that (although I'm sure they're exaggerating at times), that doesn't change the fact that those women are still in the minority of ALL women. For the most part, the supermodels/models/etc and other women on here who get attention are NOT average whatsoever. If you go to your local supermarket, church, mall, school, whatever, the average girl will not look like Kate Upton at all. That doesn't mean you don't see plenty of women who look as good or better than Upton, but if she was average, then the majority of women would look like her and that isn't the case. Nothing separates supermodels or those voted "most beautiful" from a regular woman who isn't famous, many things go into being in the select group of SI swimsuit models or Victoria Secret models, it's not as if they based their choices on a scientific study of billions of women.

In the end it's incredibly pointless to argue back and forth about what you believe is attractive because it's all subjective. Women of all shapes, colors, sizes, are beautiful and worthy of praise... the problem becomes when people fail to recognize their own pre-conceived and socially constructed views of beauty that are influenced by your environment and society (which applies to both camps).  Rather than simply appreciate women of all types and their beauty, people on here spend so much time trying to put down and degrade other women simply because they don't find them attractive, spend less time on the negative and more on the positive in life and we'll all be better.

Yeah I wrote a lot, but consider it my final answer for any past, present, and future threads on women. File it in the NT reference book for me

Truth and the funny thing is that the ppl who said she isnt average/regular admitted in a way she was average/regular when the average/regular non airbrushed non special fx/camera lighting etc pic was shown. Then said oh she only looks regular/average because of the pic. But that pic shows how she would look on a day to day basis w/o the expensive highend photo shoots,makeup artist etc that the average girl doesnt have.

Ppl keep saying this stupid %%$ about ok if you can show me a girl around the block that look better prove it. im assuming most ppl if did so would be using a cam phone etc.. And while im pretty good with the iphone 4, and its a decent fairly good cam, it doesnt nearly have the quality of lets say the cams pro cam men use. Plus i seriously doubt a dude can walk down the street and see a girl who has their makeup etc done by some of the best ppl in thhe biz.

And ppl hate to say race has nuttin to do with it but this thread more then proves that it does. Which infacts proves the average white chic point. Lets see on average this particular look/body is the average/most reffered look for beauty when it comes to modeling, and the average/most reffered person who is pigmently challenged is going to agree that this is above average in looks.

Its not rocket science ppl. Take average/norm pretty white girl who fits the mold of what we will determine as beauty + photoshop,lighting,camera angles,exotic different looks in both makeup/clothes and pic background and present it to the average/norm day to day person, in which this country is white= the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is portrayed to be above average will appear to be above average to the average/norm typical white male/female.

I mean we could do a poll on the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is said to the a dime and Id bet my left nutt that for the most part the typical average everday white/asian white guy will think she is a dime.

With that being said these type of threads are stupid because why have a discusssion/debate when you already will know the result before the discussion/debate even starts.

you obviously dont know what average means

And you obviously well.... let me not say cause its blatantly obvious and it was already explained in the thread and it is also obvious that you are apart of said arguement in my posting which proves my point even more.
Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Big J 33

It's actually both.
In one corner, those who think any woman who is thick or not a size 4 is fat and ugly... usually they will also love "average" women with slimmer bodies. In the other corner, there are those who prefer thicker women, and their desire for mass and curves will be at a higher priority than those who prefer a pretty face and average/good body... this group also looks down on "average" women such as the girl in discussion in this thread.

Both sides complain that the other is wrong, when they're both wrong... and both right. Most people fail to realize that there's preference and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and while that's cliche, it does apply to the standard NT debate about who is attractive and who isn't. The problem becomes when you address your "preference" and standard of beauty is just a social construct which is a result of your culture, societal upbringings, and experiences. So what happens on here is those who prefer thicker women, react towards any praise and attention given to slim, white women as NTers simply buying into white America's standard of beauty and that woman HAS to be average and unworthy of praise. On the flip side, many who favor women such as Kate Upton primarily, do not find thicker women with curves attractive because they're raised to believe they're ugly or somehow abnormal, since they don't fit into the standard expectations of beauty and attractiveness.

Which touches on your last comment, "normal" physiques. "Normal" is subjective, and for the most part a social construct... so when you (and I'm not attacking you personally at all) claim someone falls under the "normal" category, it automatically subjects others who don't as "abnormal". Obviously that can be problematic and is a major reason for the "whitening" of non-white women and the issues within minority communities about trying to fit in to the "American" standard of beauty... but that's another issue, although very related.

Also, when people claim "I see women that look better than here on a daily basis", I don't doubt that (although I'm sure they're exaggerating at times), that doesn't change the fact that those women are still in the minority of ALL women. For the most part, the supermodels/models/etc and other women on here who get attention are NOT average whatsoever. If you go to your local supermarket, church, mall, school, whatever, the average girl will not look like Kate Upton at all. That doesn't mean you don't see plenty of women who look as good or better than Upton, but if she was average, then the majority of women would look like her and that isn't the case. Nothing separates supermodels or those voted "most beautiful" from a regular woman who isn't famous, many things go into being in the select group of SI swimsuit models or Victoria Secret models, it's not as if they based their choices on a scientific study of billions of women.

In the end it's incredibly pointless to argue back and forth about what you believe is attractive because it's all subjective. Women of all shapes, colors, sizes, are beautiful and worthy of praise... the problem becomes when people fail to recognize their own pre-conceived and socially constructed views of beauty that are influenced by your environment and society (which applies to both camps).  Rather than simply appreciate women of all types and their beauty, people on here spend so much time trying to put down and degrade other women simply because they don't find them attractive, spend less time on the negative and more on the positive in life and we'll all be better.

Yeah I wrote a lot, but consider it my final answer for any past, present, and future threads on women. File it in the NT reference book for me

Truth and the funny thing is that the ppl who said she isnt average/regular admitted in a way she was average/regular when the average/regular non airbrushed non special fx/camera lighting etc pic was shown. Then said oh she only looks regular/average because of the pic. But that pic shows how she would look on a day to day basis w/o the expensive highend photo shoots,makeup artist etc that the average girl doesnt have.

Ppl keep saying this stupid %%$ about ok if you can show me a girl around the block that look better prove it. im assuming most ppl if did so would be using a cam phone etc.. And while im pretty good with the iphone 4, and its a decent fairly good cam, it doesnt nearly have the quality of lets say the cams pro cam men use. Plus i seriously doubt a dude can walk down the street and see a girl who has their makeup etc done by some of the best ppl in thhe biz.

And ppl hate to say race has nuttin to do with it but this thread more then proves that it does. Which infacts proves the average white chic point. Lets see on average this particular look/body is the average/most reffered look for beauty when it comes to modeling, and the average/most reffered person who is pigmently challenged is going to agree that this is above average in looks.

Its not rocket science ppl. Take average/norm pretty white girl who fits the mold of what we will determine as beauty + photoshop,lighting,camera angles,exotic different looks in both makeup/clothes and pic background and present it to the average/norm day to day person, in which this country is white= the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is portrayed to be above average will appear to be above average to the average/norm typical white male/female.

I mean we could do a poll on the average/norm typical pretty white girl who is said to the a dime and Id bet my left nutt that for the most part the typical average everday white/asian white guy will think she is a dime.

With that being said these type of threads are stupid because why have a discusssion/debate when you already will know the result before the discussion/debate even starts.

you obviously dont know what average means

And you obviously well.... let me not say cause its blatantly obvious and it was already explained in the thread and it is also obvious that you are apart of said arguement in my posting which proves my point even more.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity

the people in here crying aren't the white boys
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

who knew kanye smashing an 18 year old white girl would have these white boys crying for 30 pages

@#%! i give white boys props when they smash a blk girl......i'm all for diversity

the people in here crying aren't the white boys
Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by Fade On You


Wait though...SHE'S AVERAGE.  
Take the rack away, she has no body WHATSOEVER...she's cute but she def. isn't bad...i see better white girls walking around, soho, park slope, and williamsburg....this gif doesn't disprove anything


I'm waiting for all the virgins on here to say her rack is fake.
Originally Posted by BigSean

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by Fade On You


Wait though...SHE'S AVERAGE.  
Take the rack away, she has no body WHATSOEVER...she's cute but she def. isn't bad...i see better white girls walking around, soho, park slope, and williamsburg....this gif doesn't disprove anything


I'm waiting for all the virgins on here to say her rack is fake.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Fade On You


Wait though...SHE'S AVERAGE.  
I just see bouncy ******* and blond hair. Not to mention 40 lbs of Este Lauder based steroids on her face. ******* look damn good. Her face is ok. I can see why someone would call her cute but she doesn't do much for me.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Nobody is saying this girl is a dime. The thing is people calling her average is why this thread is 26 pages.  

I guess since a lot of you see tons of girls that look like her every day your view of what is average is different than others.
Again, why is it so hard to believe that certain dudes are in locations in which women like this are seen on a regular basis. I just can't figure out why so many of you question the fact that some of us lives in metro-areas, college campuses, dr's offices, and we are exposed to HUNDREDS of women per day. But when we say that this OP girl wouldn't really stick out, we must be lying?

Originally Posted by hella handsome

But given these dude aren't from around here, they haven't seen anything. These fools need to get out of the house and realize that there are beautiful women EVERYWHERE if they just get off their computers and walk around their cities. Because I see at least 10 chicks a day that look just like this girl, driving BMW's and drinking Starbucks or jogging around Arlington and Georgetown.
I don't understand Hell. I really don't man. One of you NT stalker dudes carry around a camera and take pictures of the best looking girls you see every day and shut these dudes up. PLEASE.
I go to a school with 19,000 students. 66% girls and we're known as one of the "best looking campuses" but trust me if that girl walks in the gym... everyone's stopping to stare.
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