Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

and when this inevitably goes left...

It's funny.

I love James Brown with all my heart.

But he was also incredibly conservative in his views.

He made "Say it loud" in response the backlash he got over this

He also made this

And yet he was still all for black empowerment...albeit not the ways "the kids" of 60's were for achieving empowerment, and that's ok.

But then you have Kanye with his dyed blonde hair, living in Brentwo...I mean Calabasas surrounded by a family that's sold their souls for fame tweeting out ws beliefs and getting cosigns all over from probably the same people on twitter that he was rapping about on Chain Heavy that were calling him a ******.

Just for him to turn around in few months from now and say it was all for the sake publicity???

Nah. He's gone, and I know this is going to end terribly.|l

what in the ****?

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

During Reconstruction, emancipated Black folks became senators and congressmen and people of influence (in the South, no less). They slept and Jim Crow laws were passed under their noses. Soon after, their businesses were looted, they were forced back into poverty or exile towards the North.


Chance has a point. A very great point.

A lot of good concepts/points/conversations being had but the conversation goes to being silly when you have Trump and bigoted troll and a ***** trying to sell albums and stay trending at the top of it.

Context is key, and in the current socioeconomic context, he might be very wrong if he is one of those "middle of the road" cats.

I understand his sentiment, but he is from Chicago. If you look at the major economic policies of the governing - Democrat - body of that city, you will see very conservative ideas being implemented by Rahm Emanuel and his predecessor Daley: reducing the number of schools in poor neighborhoods, selling public assets to private entities, destroying low income housing to replace it with luxury rentals, tennis courts, and basketball arenas for entities that don't need it, regressive taxation schemes, etc... More for the wealthiest and less for the middle and lower classes.

If he is saying that we should go further left than where the Chicago Democrats are, I agree. If, on the other hand, he is defending Black conservatives, in a city that has seen the GOP nominate a literal neo-Nazi to contest a Congressional district seat, he can sit down all the way over there.
“If you don’t like trump you must be liberal”

Yeah.... OR... against racists, sexists, religious bias, religious extremism,..... the list goes on.

But yes, anyone with self respect should throw his shoes in the trash.

And yes, extremely clear this is all a stunt to sell music.

they were trash to begin with.....even when he was with nike
kissing *** of the same administration that said his music wasn't "traditionally American" enough to perform at the inauguration

Kanye used to want to see black people in higher positions in the arts and technology
then it turned to just wanting himself in those positions now it's full on just him wanting white people's acceptance :smh:
Dude always wanted that acceptance. You could tell from the way he begged for recognition from the fashion world. I didn't think he would stoop this low though. I wonder what kind of Wicca spell Kim hit Ye with, cuz this **** ain't normal.
Dude always wanted that acceptance. You could tell from the way he begged for recognition from the fashion world. I didn't think he would stoop this low though. I wonder what kind of Wicca spell Kim hit Ye with, cuz this **** ain't normal.
Real talk, Kim might be the sane one.

All this time we were talking that "poor Kanye" stuff, but Kim gotta hear his buffoonery all the time
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Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

During Reconstruction, emancipated Black folks became senators and congressmen and people of influence (in the South, no less). They slept and Jim Crow laws were passed under their noses. Soon after, their businesses were looted, they were forced back into poverty or exile towards the North.


Context is key, and in the current socioeconomic context, he might be very wrong if he is one of those "middle of the road" cats.

I understand his sentiment, but he is from Chicago. If you look at the major economic policies of the governing - Democrat - body of that city, you will see very conservative ideas being implemented by Rahm Emanuel and his predecessor Daley: reducing the number of schools in poor neighborhoods, selling public assets to private entities, destroying low income housing to replace it with luxury rentals, tennis courts, and basketball arenas for entities that don't need it, regressive taxation schemes, etc... More for the wealthiest and less for the middle and lower classes.

If he is saying that we should go further left than where the Chicago Democrats are, I agree. If, on the other hand, he is defending Black conservatives, in a city that has seen the GOP nominate a literal neo-Nazi to contest a Congressional district seat, he can sit down all the way over there.

i took it as blacks shouldnt be so quick to jump to democrat because of tradition and identity politics/the concept of politics = having to choose between the lesser of two evils is part of how we got in a ****** up political position
i took it as blacks shouldnt be so quick to jump to democrat because of tradition and identity politics/the concept of politics = having to choose between the lesser of two evils is part of how we got in a ****ed up political position

Willing to bet you have never read either parties platforms, a proposed budget, a state of the economy report, or any white papers dealing with the issues black people face.

Black people just don't vote Dem out of identity or picking the lesser evil. One party is clearly a better choice. One party is open to civil rights, the other is extremely hostile. Dems are far from perfect but they are clearly the better choice. Black people that vote left are making a rational decision.

The issue is that the level of political power progressives need to make change is way, way, way, more that people realize. So they settle into hot takes about "both sides"
Willing to bet you have never read either parties platforms, a proposed budget, a state of the economy report, or any white papers dealing with the issues black people face.

Black people just don't vote Dem out of identity or picking the lesser evil. One party is clearly a better choice. Dems are far from perfect but they are clearly the better choice.

The issue is that the level of political power progressives need to make change is way, way, way, more that people realize. So they settle into hot takes about "both sides"

im sure democrats have a better plan for blacks than republicans but the point im making is why do we act like those are our only two choices to begin with
Hilarious how now Kanye has said Obama has done nothing for Chicago

Coming from a guy who now lives in his Calabasas rich mansion enclave

Kanye really still mad about Barry calling him a jackass
"Stick around, some real feelings might surface" - Some guy, 2010
im sure democrats have a better plan for blacks than republicans but the point im making is why do we act like those are our only two choices to begin with
Because they kinda are. That is how our electoral system is set up. Having two powerful political parties is normal for most countries but our winner take all elections along with other systems reinforce that more.

Running third party candidates or not voting just help the GOP. I understand the frustration but for now gaining more power through grass roots activism and the primary system is the best move until the electoral system changes

But I don't see dudes complaining about either party talk about stuff like ranked voting, getting rid of electoral college, or moving towards a parliamentary system.

There was literally a professor that ran for president last cycle with his platform being change electoral system to make things truly democratic. So independents and third parties would have a chance. He got zero traction, none.
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