Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Life of Pablo is a classic though. The remastered version is way better than what he first released. Went back to it a few times and honestly left me speechless with how good it is.

Anyways the notion that he is not a genius is silly. To be at the Apex of rap music to now being at the Apex of fashion and clothing while still being at the pantheon of rap greats right now that people still drop everything when he releases music is mind boggling. He knows how to stay relevant and he always releases a quality product regardless of what NT general thinks.
Uhhh can I take this back now

Dude is all the way wylin on twitter
I can’t wait to see how the ancestors are going to punish Biscuitye West

What happened between then and now?

His mom passed.

This dude been on one for a minute. The passes his "fans" gave him time after time are comical. This is the same guy who BLATANTLY tried to sell Confederate Flag merchandise, but now since he supports MAGA/45, he's gone too far? :lol:

Get outta here. It's crazy the lengths people will go to defend this guy....

Get better people to look up to in your actual life. Not these false prophets.


if you have such an inferiority complex that you have to tell people that you're a genius, then are you really?

Genius should be reserved for people who actually deserve it. He WAS amazing at producing beats and he currently has something with the Yeezy boosts, but yall gotta stop putting this dude on a FORCED pedestal for everything that he does.
When it rains, it pours.

if you have such an inferiority complex that you have to tell people that you're a genius, then are you really?

QFT!!! "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!" :sick:
His mom passed.

This dude been on one for a minute. The passes his "fans" gave him time after time are comical. This is the same guy who BLATANTLY tried to sell Confederate Flag merchandise, but now since he supports MAGA/45, he's gone too far? :lol:

Get outta here. It's crazy the lengths people will go to defend this guy....

Get better people to look up to in your actual life. Not these false prophets.


if you have such an inferiority complex that you have to tell people that you're a genius, then are you really?

Genius should be reserved for people who actually deserve it. He WAS amazing at producing beats and he currently has something with the Yeezy boosts, but yall gotta stop putting this dude on a FORCED pedestal for everything that he does.

One comment I read on reddit regarding TLOP...sums it up well:

this was the case on TLOP too, it was a nightmare. just incoherent jaden smith level stuff that people have to force themselves to find profound because it's genius kanye.

Only album that required a patch. But...yea..."genius."
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