Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

That’s ya boy.

Ya'll gotta hip me to this biscuit thing.

When slaves were well behaved, they were allowed to have butter biscuits as opposed to crumbs from the table.

The Unchained: Powerful Life Stories of Former Slaves
"There was some white people wouldn't have the darkies eating butter; our white people let us have butter, biscuits, and ham every day. They would put it up for me. "I had more sense than any kid on the plantation."
never heard of this Candace Owens chick until like the other day :lol:

if you're a news junkie like i am you know who she was.

fellas, serious question? is it that hard to grasp that Kanye's childhood formative years coincided with Prime Donald Trump as 80's billionaire Playboy tycoon and admired by da entire entertainment media?

:lol: @ twitter.... this is amazing... best tv series of all time right now.
The entire generation of 80's babies grew up thinking Trump was that dude because he was rich a hotel-casino lord and pulling models left and right, of course we were kids and didn't know better. Now we (or at least some of us) know better.
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