Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I honestly think there are a lot of black men and black women that are really invested in this intraracial battle of the sexes culture war

And don't realize that their reactionary tendencies mirror one another

And there are a ton of other black people that have zero interest in such a battle

IMO Malika Andrews is just a person, who happens to be a black woman, that said something some folk might disagree with. At worst, sometimes she gets a little preachy, but nothing crazy.

I honestly don't think he has shown she has the desire to tear down black men
I only caught the Perk clip posted and another similar one where she cut off SAS in a similar matter but admittedly this was before the element of harassment was at play. Perk and SAS were basically saying fire him if need be but this doesn’t need to be public

I’m tryna find the SAS clip from last month and apparently this is a “thing”

( :lol: )

this the Stephen A clip though.

I can see both sides of it. There’s also another factor here that I’ll let someone else bring up lol

I don’t like Malika either
I am pointing out that if you are using that logic in one scenario, it can be applied to another

The degree to which Andrews are been criticized, and how many Youtube videos and posts were dedicated to her actions in a short amount of time seems like a disproportionate reaction to her given her behavior was not unique or excessive compared to what else is on ESPN

My point with SAS and Wilbon is their rhetoric doesn't cause the same level of uproar from the Chelsea boot crowd as Andrews

Can it though?

Had no idea Farrakhan was that powerful / influential.

Also -

To be fair (logical in both scenarios) SAS / Wilborn have gotten WAY more smoke than Andrews ever did yet don't get as half as many defenders.
It is a fashionable boot worn by men of extreme taste and class.

People like RUSTY however have turned Chelsea Boots into a derogatory word

Will not rest until everyone know what a scourge Chelsea boots are on civilization
I honestly think there are a lot of black men and black women that are really invested in this intraracial battle of the sexes culture war

And don't realize that their reactionary tendencies mirror one another

And there are a ton of other black people that have zero interest in such a battle

IMO Malika Andrews is just a person, who happens to be a black woman, that said something some folk might disagree with. At worst, sometimes she gets a little preachy, but nothing crazy.

I honestly don't think he has shown she has the desire to tear down black men

Well in your defense I've never actually read a comment where you have a problem with or complaint about any women, at all, for anything, or in ay regard or context,what so ever, but when it comes to my Chelsea boots...


what are chelsea boots? are those them goofy looking ****s kanye been wearing lately that look 10 sizes too big?

Chelsea Boots have become an avatar for Kevin Samuels.

As fashion goes, they are reserved for only the most distinguished traditional masculine gentlemen of high value - thus the hate from Rusty and his modern male feminist ilk :lol:

Well in your defense I've never actually read a comment where you have a problem with or complaint about any women, at all, for anything, or in ay regard or context,what so ever, but when it comes to my Chelsea boots...


I have made posts in the Political thread about having an argument with my girlfriend's homegirls about them ****ting on me

Pretty sure I have made posts saying some women take their men hating to an unreasonable place.

The thing is, NT is not filled with reactionary women that practice a twisted version of 4th wave in order to **** on men. If they were, I would take issue.

But there seems to be a lot of dudes caught up in these reactionary red pill-type takes and take certain points to unreasonable levels. So I have more of a chance to challenge them
I have made posts in the Political thread about having an argument with my girlfriend's homegirls about them ****ting on me

Pretty sure I have made posts saying some women take their men hating to an unreasonable place.

The thing is, NT is not filled with reactionary women that practice a twisted version of 4th wave in order to **** on men. If they were, I would take issue.

But there seems to be a lot of dudes caught up in these reactionary red pill-type takes and take certain points to unreasonable levels. So I have more of a chance to challenge them

TBH I personally never believed or invested in the gender war / men vs women narrative at all.

It definitely isn't reflected in my lived experience / daily life and I've dated both traditional and modern women.

Plenty of wildin to speak on but the line isn't men vs women or red pill vs blue pill IMHO.

Basically comes down to values.

Edit -

The divide and conquer thing comes to mind because its so much easier to fight over inconsequential nonsense.

Probably better to mind our own business / be objective when it comes to the personal opinions / choices of others and focus on the things that effect us all regardless of our individual circumstances.

Pretty sure all of us are already feeling or going to feel the effects of the economy in the coming months / years and a pill aint gonna help with that be it red or blue.
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wow you going the conspiracy theory route now?

so now you believe he killed mac miller and brittany murphy?

"restoreorderUSA" yea that sounds like a legit source.

so now you believe he killed mac miller and brittany murphy?

This is hilarious because what you just did is exactly what they’ve been doing to Kyrie :lol: Reach for something nobody said instead of sticking with what we know for a fact: that in between yesterday and today when Ye made us aware of this personal trainer speaking to Ye like Kanye is his pet…someone felt like his other notable celebrity clients should be removed from his biography… :lol: stay focused and read slower brother.
Can it though?

Had no idea Farrakhan was that powerful / influential.

Also -

To be fair (logical in both scenarios) SAS / Wilborn have gotten WAY more smoke than Andrews ever did yet don't get as half as many defenders.

How old are you? No disrespect. Farrakhan has been a household name for over 40 years….

Farrakhan was responsible for the million man March in 1995
How old are you? No disrespect. Farrakhan has been a household name for over 40 years….

Farrakhan was responsible for the million man March in 1995

Correct, however there is no comparison between the influence of racism / bias in the US press / MSM / Hollywood / Music and Farrakhan when it comes to establishing narratives / propaganda.

Aint no way "The Final Call" & bean pies = MSM / Hollywood / Music.

Boys ain’t gon ever understand why it’s important to be unified and have them folks know we moving as one. Look at how nervous they got my boy. Tapped him on the shoulder during damn commercial break. We need our own. :lol: :smh:

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