Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I didn't say anyone was a crybaby in particular, but if the shoe fits... Yeah Trump had a big advantage. So what. I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how cruel he is. Do you also cry about not winning the lottery? You rather be old rich him or new you?
Nah but seriously. Most of you get your information and have formed your opinions base on no research of your own. Wha kind of racist person openly holds hands with Kanye on the internet? Trump doesn't dislike people of color. He doesn't like lazy people who have their hands out.
You see all these kids in here who just quoted me and said "This is dumb"? That is their reply. No real reply because all of them are replying with hurt feelings.
All of this started with Candice Owens. She just want's black people to stop acting like your circumstances are the worst. You were born in a place that gives you the opportunity to do something with yourself. Nobody making people drop out of school. Nobody making people have children at a young age before they are financially stable. These are individual decisions that people make which hold them back from progressing in society. Ye wasn't born with a "Diamond Spoon" but he seems to be doing OK for himself as a lil boy from Chicago

add this man to the list
I didn't say anyone was a crybaby in particular, but if the shoe fits... Yeah Trump had a big advantage. So what. I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how cruel he is. Do you also cry about not winning the lottery? You rather be old rich him or new you?
Nah but seriously. Most of you get your information and have formed your opinions base on no research of your own. Wha kind of racist person openly holds hands with Kanye on the internet? Trump doesn't dislike people of color. He doesn't like lazy people who have their hands out.
You see all these kids in here who just quoted me and said "This is dumb"? That is their reply. No real reply because all of them are replying with hurt feelings.
All of this started with Candice Owens. She just want's black people to stop acting like your circumstances are the worst. You were born in a place that gives you the opportunity to do something with yourself. Nobody making people drop out of school. Nobody making people have children at a young age before they are financially stable. These are individual decisions that people make which hold them back from progressing in society. Ye wasn't born with a "Diamond Spoon" but he seems to be doing OK for himself as a lil boy from Chicago.

The level of ignorance in this post is actually incredible :lol:
You sound so very ignorant, about many things. Including how systemic forces influence groups.

Also, there is no evidence Trump is a racist. Besides him getting sued by the Federal government twice for housing discrimination against black folk, the fact he confirmed that he said he doesn't like the thought of black people counting his money, his antics with the Central Park 5 (even after they were exonerated), him peddling birtherism towards Obama for years, his comments about undocumented Mexican immigrants, him rolling back nearly all Civil Rights enforcement in federal government, him playing calling the Charlottesville white supremacists fine people, and him retweeting extremely false crime stats regarding black people.

All this info can be readily found with a few minutes on Google. So it is your opinion, not Steezy's, not any of the Trump haters, that is based on ignorance.

You just sound like a new fool, spewing old nonsense

I didn't say it's not difficult for people of color. But it's not easy for most so who cares. That last sentence doesn't apply to you as well? Like you have never said anything offensive about anyone. Stop holding him up to this god standard of man that all of our other presidents have met. At least I know all of the bad things about Trump. But I know he isn't racist.

If I like another Ye product (Shoes) that means I care about him personally? Yeah, point made. You're good. Best and brightest on the case.
You sound so very ignorant, about many things. Including how systemic forces affect groups.

Also, there is no evidence Trump is a racist. Besides him getting sued by the Federal government twice for housing discrimination against black folk, the fact he confirmed that he said he doesn't like the thought of black people counting his money, his antics with the Central Park 5 (even after they were exonerated), him peddling birtherism towards Obama for years, his comments about undocumented Mexican immigrants, him rolling back nearly all Civil Rights enforcement in federal government, him calling the Charlottesville white supremacists fine people, and him retweeting extremely false crime stats regarding black people.

All this info can be readily found with a few minutes on Google. So it is your opinion, not Steezy's, not any of the Trump haters, that is based on ignorance.

You just sound like a new fool, spewing old nonsense

You missed Trump routinely re-tweeting posts from far-right, European white nationalist groups. To the point that the city of London wanted to ban him from visiting.
my two cents on this Ye stuff: he's a guy whose environment has changed him like it does many others. thought one of his most telling tweets was him saying something to the effect of "in my line of work support for trump is 50/50". he's not someone like jay z who kept friends and family from the beginning around (lenny s, tata, emory, bleek etc) kanye has moved in totally diff circles and guys like glc/rhymefest/consequence **** even Jay etc aren't there to keep him grounded.

the other thing is youtube. as anyone who knows how the youtube algo works once you watch one video you watch more and more extreme versions of that. him watching candace, dilbert, jordan peterson etc is typical of many americans that get their views formed by YT. he's also ignorant enough about basic civics to be impressionable. there have been many articles/studies done on this effect. hence throwing out the right's favorite "what about chicago" when he could actually look into things like My Brother's Keeper or just the fed govts civil rights protections and what Obama and Trump did there. his ignorance about civics also shows when he says MAGA is looked towards hatefully. gee, i wonder if its because MAGA at its core is an ideology based around nativism/white resentment.

kanye watching that candace video and agreeing with her basic message that black people are holding themselves back just shows how out of touch he is. him saying to ebro he just wants to start a dialogue when the dialogue has been going on for years and kanye hasn't been a part of it (correct me if im wrong but kanye hasn't supported BLM/social justice causes/reform like jayz or many others in any way). everything he said about candace being a free thinker and not following mob mentality and all that, isnt colin kaepernick a free thinker? someone who lost their livelihood over speech basically. kanye you wanna be a part of the dialogue call someone who has actually been active in this stuff.
I didn't say it's not difficult for people of color. But it's not easy for most so who cares. That last sentence doesn't apply to you as well? Like you have never said anything offensive about anyone. Stop holding him up to this god standard of man that all of our other presidents have met. At least I know all of the bad things about Trump. But I know he isn't racist.

If I like another Ye product (Shoes) that means I care about him personally? Yeah, point made. You're good. Best and brightest on the case.
God standard?

It is a high standard to ask someone to not use their power to systematic oppress a minority group, to take out ads in newspaper calling for kids to be killed and when those kids are proven innocent to write a story slandering them, it is not a god standard to tell someone not to peddle false information about an entire group of people or to defend white supremacist. It is not a god standard to ask someone to not to harass the sitting president with a Jim Crow callback. And it is not a god standard to demand he uphold our Civil Rights laws

Trump is a vile bigot, one that has repeatedly shown this for decades. A pic with a couple rich black people does not prove otherwise
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I didn't say anyone was a crybaby in particular, but if the shoe fits... Yeah Trump had a big advantage. So what. I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how cruel he is. Do you also cry about not winning the lottery? You rather be old rich him or new you?
Nah but seriously. Most of you get your information and have formed your opinions base on no research of your own. Wha kind of racist person openly holds hands with Kanye on the internet? Trump doesn't dislike people of color. He doesn't like lazy people who have their hands out.
You see all these kids in here who just quoted me and said "This is dumb"? That is their reply. No real reply because all of them are replying with hurt feelings.
All of this started with Candice Owens. She just want's black people to stop acting like your circumstances are the worst. You were born in a place that gives you the opportunity to do something with yourself. Nobody making people drop out of school. Nobody making people have children at a young age before they are financially stable. These are individual decisions that people make which hold them back from progressing in society. Ye wasn't born with a "Diamond Spoon" but he seems to be doing OK for himself as a lil boy from Chicago.
It always boggles my mind when racists post on here. What attracted you to a forum primarily about dudes buying Jordans and expensive basketball sneakers then attracted you to post in the general section? Like why would a racist even wear Jordans

Anyways log out and @Methodical Management this is low quality posting and it is ruining my niketalk experience. Deal with this please thank you.
I genuinely think these people thrive off the attention they get by coming and voicing their opinions here. Bulding off my theory that most people who support this type of behavior also display that behavior and have thusly been shunned by society for doing so, it makes a lot of sense that the main goal of theoretically yelling 'fire' in a theater is to gain attention and have someone focusing on and exchanging with them. Doesn't matter if the exchange is good or bad. I genuinely believe that we as humans need that interaction with our fellow man. Those 'deplorables' who don't really have a place in society and refuses to adjust to society's standards are only looking to be involved in something they deep down feel left out of.

That's the only logical answer I can give to the question of why a racist would come to NikeTalk to engage. They want the most attention possible.

Some of you ****** need to just learn how to be around people in real life.
This white man is telling you you're a victim so what you should do is sit back and cry. That will help you. I get it now.
Did you read the part where he says there are links to prove everything he said is backed up. What I'm I saying, of course he did not.

I have read enough research papers, history books, took enough econometrics, and lived as a black man for 32 years. I don't need a single YouTube video to convince me of systemic inequality or racism is real. Research, history,life experience and observable reality tells me it is.
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So John Legend tried to hip Kanye in private and the first thing Kanye did was post it on twitter and play the victim. Kanye is definitely learning from the demographic he's catering to.

That's why I called him a diva earlier


Did you read the part where he says there are links to prove everything he said is backed up. What I'm I saying, of course he did not.

I work as an economist. I have read enough research papers, history books, took enough econometrics, and lived as a black man for 32 years. I don't need a single YouTube video to convince me of systemic inequality or racism is real. Research, history,life experience and observable reality tells me it is.
32 years old and you go days on end arguing with a black Dominican trump supporter.... You are better than this
I'm just saying though. You seem like a smart guy. Why waste time with the man on a daily basis I just don't get it

Don't even respond to this. Just ignore me honestly.
Dude i know you are just trolling me, so I am trolling back :lol:

But to answer your question ole boy's bigotry towards probably is the reason I engaged so much. I always argue with dudes that spew ignorance on black people.

But he not gonna change and Meth not gonna put a stop to his offensive comments so I have fall back. I have not gone back and forth with dude in a minute. I just crack jokes about his ridiculousness now.
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I'm just saying though. You seem like a smart guy. Why waste time with the man on a daily basis I just don't get it

Don't even respond to this. Just ignore me honestly.
Yeah this I agree with and not just to Rusty but everyone. Also not just towards the usuals but anyone who just says dumb ****. Tell them they’re an idiot once and move on.
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