Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Shade ?
I wonder how much of Kanye's fan base will opt to skip this coming album. Can't be good for his pockets. He may have gained some new red hat wearing folk but I doubt they would drop any money for music they don't relate to.
i always laugh when people start blaming being lazy and having kids young on the current state of black america :lol: because it makes sense that the wealth gap that will take 228 years to close is caused by black people collectively being lazy and blaming the white man for all their problems.

Nevermind a segment of the population was given a 400 year headstart.

You can see why they're upset when they see a black person doing well despite it all.
Why is anyone trying to even analyze or debate his tweets and behaviour ?

I can guarantee this man has severe bipolar disorder. Last time before he left the public eye he was put on 5150 involuntary hold and hospitalized against his will. I have read reports a few years ago from his inner circle that he refuses to take his medications.

This is so sad. I have a loved one with this disorder and it cripples your brain and it takes over you. This behaviour is erratic because it is the disorder speaking; not him. Can we really put responsibility on him spouting all this and this behaviour as a result of being unwell?

The excessive work, his sleep deprivation, the manic highs of grandiosity and God complex, genius creativity, crazy energy, the ongoing racing random thoughts/speech and rants in public and social media, anger, and then the crash to the lowest forms of depression which paralyzes your body mentally and physically. That's bipolar for you. He also admitted he had suicidal tendencies after his mother's death.

This man should not be putting out an album in this mental state. Too much pressure and stressors which trigger these mood swings and episodes. He needs help.

I know I may get backlash for saying I am no professional to diagnose a public figure. Like I said I have someone dear to my heart that suffers from this disorder and studied it to understand.

I may be wrong ... but watching this is too familiar..it hits really close to home as my loved one is still not officially diagnosed either.

I hope Kanye gets the help he needs.
There is literally nothing else Kanye could have done to make the world talk about him so much

This is great and fun to watch unfold.
so he's embracing the divide...the storm he's created. all for the sake of...just doing it?
admittedly it's working because he's got people's attention. but that was because he came out saying like 5 albums are dropping this summer.


i see some similarities here..
This graph is garbage lol......

They past bills to “end segregation” but it didn’t come into effect long after then and in some cases still hasn’t ended. Some lawmakers STILL argue that court cases concluded the incorrect way. Yes they’re old white firm Christians btw
F*** Kanye... and guess what... I've had Bipolar disorder all my life and I'm not a nonsense spewing, ego trippin, sell out, save a *** a** ni***... he used to make good music... not anymore... end of story....

If he does have bipolar, it is all individualized in how your symptoms are manifested.

Kanye has expressed in quite a few songs about his struggles with mental health conditions and diagnosis.

"They told my momma I was bipolar, had ADD" - 'Gossip Files'

Has he not said he's on Lexapro in another song? I know it's used to treat depression and anxiety, but it may not or doesn't react well if you have bipolar.

To me, Yeezus and TLOP feel like audio-manic feels to his potential bipolar disorder.

Just because you don't act erratic and do and say impulsive things or delusional thoughts, and not suffer from the delusion of grandeur, doesn't mean other bipolar people don't.

Mental illnesses are on a spectrum and are experienced differently. Does not mean we cannot have compassion or understanding. Ironic that others with a mental health illness even judge and stigmatize others for how they should be.

Again I am no doctor and it is wrong for me to do an armchair diagnosis. But I just am concerned about the dude and feel bad people are hawking on him for a very serious condition. This is not normal and his delusions are a cry for help. He needs help not to be crucified for what he can't control.
This graph is garbage lol......

They past bills to “end segregation” but it didn’t come into effect long after then and in some cases still hasn’t ended. Some lawmakers STILL argue that court cases concluded the incorrect way. Yes they’re old white firm Christians btw

I mean I know all that but the first major bill passed in 1954 so that's what's on the graph.
I always was intrigued by the “us” word that gets thrown around

Kanye isn’t for “us” anymore. His music isn’t for “us”, his clothes aren’t for “us”...

His music has got exponentially better if you ask me, but I also would never want to hear another college dropout type album. I’m ok with leaving things in the past

His clothes are priced comparably to most low tier lux brands

We need to stop putting so much weight on entertainer’s pov. I don’t think Kanye agrees with the bigotry that Trump portrays but i’m sure he agrees with the “free thought”, marketing ability and polarizing traits. I think he has purposely left tweets open ended to create the dialogue and also show how people have a hard time seeing things from views besides their own.

The key is nuance and as a society we clearly lack that. It’s us vs them and thats with almost every agenda that is a hashtag on social media.
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