Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

As a pro wrestling fan, I take just about everything as a calculated move by the talent.

I think Kanye knows what he is doing here, and always has known what he was doing.
Everybody in here holding hands and hating together as one. I like it. I don’t agree with Ye on everything. He was at the March For Our Lives protest and I think those kids are a bunch of idiots. All I’m saying is he should have the right to express how he feels just like everyone else and not be criticized because he doesn’t fall in line with the rest of the brainwashed sheep.

Truly a shocking revelation
What am I saying that's wrong?


Widely agreed upon

I think he only has 2, but everyone'ss entitled to their own opinions.

I'll say MBDTF over Graduation tho

But this ***** trippin' in 2018 so he can have all them joints back. He fraudulent.
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Perhaps his psychological issues were exacerbated by marrying into that family and having to deal with the nonstop media circus that surrounds them

But blaming them straight out just sounds like too much of an easy answer to me

If you want to look at the timeline, Kanye's behaviour started to spiral after his mother's death. That's the root of it which entrenched his increased erratic and what looks like the grandiose behaviour and God complex.

Kanye blames himself for his mother's death. He had said if he never moved to L.A., she would still be alive. He also was the one that paid for her cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. He feels he literally paid for her to die. That guilt never faded and ruminated to the point of switching his mental health to worse, maybe even intensified underlying diagnoses such as unipolar depression or bipolar.

We do know he was suicidal after her death. He's also been hospitalized a few times.

Back in November 2016 on the TLOP tour, he was back to the erratic manic and depressive episodes with the random/flight of ideas and rants in public.

The triggers? Kim's experience of the robbery in the previous month and the anniversary of his mom's death in early November.

Then there was that meltdown at the trainer's house and they hospitalized him involuntarily and by force, and there were reports he was going through psychosis and paranoia. The whole supposed cause for the hospitalization as dehydration and exhaustion was the cover to the media.

Then he was out of the spotlight to recover and now back again. Kris probably hid him thinking he was tarnishing the Kardashian brand.

So the Kardashians and spotlight definitely don't help, but I believe his psychological issues are further deep rooted. I think Kris Jenner thinks this may be great publicity for the show and family for now.

Afterall, Kim and Ye's marriage is only a business arrangement and for publicity. Ye was heading in too much debt and his marriage to Kim would solidify that he would get paid or get financial help. He even said it.

In summary: Dude needs help and the Kardashians need to help him if they can stop using him for publicity.
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Psychosis is the worst feeling ever. When he first made that gram and posted pic of total recall, i knew he had cracked. Then he got the posting. That movie is how psychhosis feel in a way
Psychosis is the worst feeling ever. When he first made that gram and posted pic of total recall, i knew he had cracked. Then he got the posting. That movie is how psychhosis feel in a way
Screenshot_20180426-160049.png Screenshot_20180426-160037.png Screenshot_20180426-160028.png

This all sounds like delusional grandeur and over-energized mood that are part of mania in bipolar.

Psychosis is scary as hell. That's when you lose touch with reality.

Here's also an interesting article I came across a few years ago:
Everybody in here holding hands and hating together as one. I like it. I don’t agree with Ye on everything. He was at the March For Our Lives protest and I think those kids are a bunch of idiots. All I’m saying is he should have the right to express how he feels just like everyone else and not be criticized because he doesn’t fall in line with the rest of the brainwashed sheep.
You can say all the dumb **** you want. Why you’re surprised people are calling your dumb **** posts dumb **** is what’s odd.
There is nothing “wrong” with this man. The fact that he has merchandise to sell in weeks time is why he’s doing all this. The over analyzation can stop. He’s not the first to pull a stunt to start buzz

Forreal. This ***** is engineering one of the greatest album roll outs of all time :lol:
There is nothing “wrong” with this man. The fact that he has merchandise to sell in weeks time is why he’s doing all this. The over analyzation can stop. He’s not the first to pull a stunt to start buzz
That's the point.

Let his mania do the publicity for him. It's sad. He's not the first or last celebrity to have their mental illness and erratic behaviour unravel in the public eye.

Seriously y'all think there's nothing strange or erratic about his behaviour? That he would purposefully act unstable like this?

Look at Mariah Carey and how now after all these years she admitted her breakdown back in 2001, erratic behavior, divaness, working too much on back to back albums, lack of sleep, lack of energy and depression was due to bipolar disorder. But y'all just thought she was "crazy" just because it's Mariah and that's who she is.

It's a lot more common than you think.
All the people who let kanye get away with disrespecting Taylor like that are to blame for this erratic behavior.
Once yah let him think that was OK, he decided he could "speak his mind" about everything.
There is nothing “wrong” with this man. The fact that he has merchandise to sell in weeks time is why he’s doing all this. The over analyzation can stop. He’s not the first to pull a stunt to start buzz
oh really? So he didnt go to the hospital for no reason a year ago? Ok
That's the point.

Let his mania do the publicity for him. It's sad. He's not the first or last celebrity to have their mental illness and erratic behaviour unravel in the public eye.

Seriously y'all think there's nothing strange or erratic about his behaviour? That he would purposefully act unstable like this?

Look at Mariah Carey and how now after all these years she admitted her breakdown back in 2001, erratic behavior, divaness, working too much on back to back albums, lack of sleep, lack of energy and depression was due to bipolar disorder. But y'all just thought she was "crazy" just because it's Mariah and that's who she is.

It's a lot more common than you think.
I work with people with mental struggles and let me say that there is NO diagnosis that makes someone an *******. That’s a learned behavior reinforced by facilitating their needs. Simply put, he acts like an ******* because it gives him what he wants. He’s not an ******* because of a disability.
oh really? So he didnt go to the hospital for no reason a year ago? Ok
Yeah that way the insurance company still reimburses him for calling off the concert dates he had left
And not liable for it and won’t be sued
Having a “medical issue” gets u out of liability for a lot of things
Yeah that way the insurance company still reimburses him for calling off the concert dates he had left
And not liable for it and won’t be sued
Having a “medical issue” gets u out of liability for a lot of things
pretty sure the insurance company would ask for his records from his stay in the hospital.
pretty sure the insurance company would ask for his records from his stay in the hospital.
HIPAA laws protect against giving out medical information
That’s why ur job can’t ask why ur in the hospital
why doctors can’t give out anyone’s personal health information
HIPAA laws protect against giving out medical information
That’s why ur job can’t ask why ur in the hospital
why doctors can’t give out anyone’s personal health information

Some of these dudes need to get out the house more b.

Mans never got a doctors note before? :lol:
HIPAA laws protect against giving out medical information
That’s why ur job can’t ask why ur in the hospital
why doctors can’t give out anyone’s personal health information
duh...thats why theres courts and lawyers..
Man it’s truly sad to see the deterioration of Ye since his moms passed. Son is truly a walking contradiction of his past, how george bush don’t like black people but his rockin out wit the cheeto bigot, says he aint cuffin gold diggers but wifed up kim son truly went from Kanye to Koonye and it’s a damb shame. Idk if man did it to himself but I stopped rocking with dog after the confederate flags. this whole new ordeal is the nail in the coffin for me imo
I work with people with mental struggles and let me say that there is NO diagnosis that makes someone an *******. That’s a learned behavior reinforced by facilitating their needs. Simply put, he acts like an ******* because it gives him what he wants. He’s not an ******* because of a disability.

Everyone with mental health illnesses and conditions are different in how their symptoms are manifested. It's individualized. It's not black and white. It's complex and complicated.

When you study the brain, and how the chemical imbalance, neurons, genes, hormones, and other factors such as trauma, childhood, environment, etc., interact in mental illnesses, then you will understand the behaviour.

Bipolar is a brain disease. How is it different than understanding when someone that gets erratic or violent with dementia for instance?

And yes, unfortunately some can become narcissists in a manic episode.

Mania in bipolar is an inflated sense of grandiosity and self esteem. For example, they can think they're the smartest people in the world or a genius or a God. You get an elevated mood, euphoria, you get elated, extreme energy, you're on top of the world and nothing can stop you. You also act out of poor judgment such as reckless and erratic behaviour, overspend and substance abuse. You can't control the mania and it's symptoms.

Delusions will make you believe and do things out of character. He maybe is naturally cocky or arrogant, so maybe if he has bipolar it only inflated the ever present traits, or it is the bipolar that makes these traits surface and act out.

It is no secret Kanye was taken into a mental health institution under 5150 involuntary hold and that is NOT just for any reason. That's because dude was seen as a danger to himself and has mental health issues. It was reported he was suffering from paranoia and psychosis.
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