Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Man it’s truly sad to see the deterioration of Ye since his moms passed. Son is truly a walking contradiction of his past, how george bush don’t like black people but his rockin out wit the cheeto bigot, says he aint cuffin gold diggers but wifed up kim son truly went from Kanye to Koonye and it’s a damb shame. Idk if man did it to himself but I stopped rocking with dog after the confederate flags. this whole new ordeal is the nail in the coffin for me imo

That’s what started his descent. His mom passing was devastating
Everyone with mental health illnesses and conditions are different in how their symptoms are manifested. It's individualized. It's not black and white. It's complex and complicated.

When you study the brain, and how the chemical imbalance, neurons, genes, hormones, and other factors such as trauma, childhood, environment, etc., interact in mental illnesses, then you will understand the behaviour.

Bipolar is a brain disease. How is it different than understanding when someone that gets erratic or violent with dementia for instance?

And yes, unfortunately some can become narcissists in a manic episode.

Mania in bipolar is an inflated sense of grandiosity and self esteem. For example, they can think they're the smartest people in the world or a genius or a God. You get an elevated mood, euphoria, you get elated, extreme energy, you're on top of the world and nothing can stop you. You also act out of poor judgment such as reckless and erratic behaviour, overspend and substance abuse. You can't control the mania and it's symptoms.

Delusions will make you believe and do things out of character. He maybe is naturally cocky or arrogant, so maybe if he has bipolar it only inflated the ever present traits, or it is the bipolar that makes these traits surface and act out.

It is no secret Kanye was taken into a mental health institution under 5150 involuntary hold and that is NOT just for any reason. That's because dude was seen as a danger to himself and has mental health issues.
Yes thanks, again this is what I work with for a living so I understand the individualized nature and personalized intricacies of manifestation. I also know this guy was dead scilent, usually a loud mouth, up until this point where he has multiple things set to release. The timing of all this not...... convenient??? at all???? Oh and yes I’m waiting for someone to say “mental illness is never convenient” blah blah blah.

As for what makes what happen a learned reinforced behavior is cemented only when it continues to give them what they want. I’ll spare the dopamine and endorphins exposition. This guy is getting exactly what he wants which is attention. There is no illness that makes you act a fool to get what you want. There are illnesses to make you get what you want more but the method you choose to obtain it is a reinforced learned behavior.

As for being a “danger to himself” there’s a pretty broad scope to which a doctor can declare that. Again, I don’t know the details so I’ll leave that be.

This dude has been saying dumb **** for years but only now is he being analyzed for deep illness because the same people who used to agree with him now disagree with what he’s saying.
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Yes thanks, again this is what I work with for a living so I understand the individualized nature and personalized intricacies of manifestation. I also know this guy was dead scilent, usually a loud mouth, up until this point where he has multiple things set to release. The timing of all this not...... convenient??? at all???? Oh and yes I’m waiting for someone to say “mental illness is never convenient” blah blah blah.

As for what makes what happen a learned reinforced behavior is cemented only when it continues to give them what they want. I’ll spare the dopamine and endorphins exposition. This guy is getting exactly what he wants which is attention.

As for being a “danger to himself” there’s a pretty broad scope to which a doctor can declare that. Again, I don’t know the details so I’ll leave that be.

This dude has been saying dumb **** for years but only now is he being analyzed for deep illness because the same people who used to agree with him now disagree with what he’s saying.
i do agree with you on the latter, Kanye always been wildin, atleast old kanye had some decency with his stupidity. Son is just a flagrant snake oil salesman who bought into his own nonsense and is now out here talking about absolutely nothing.
Yes thanks, again this is what I work with for a living so I understand the individualized nature and personalized intricacies of manifestation. I also know this guy was dead scilent, usually a loud mouth, up until this point where he has multiple things set to release. The timing of all this not...... convenient??? at all???? Oh and yes I’m waiting for someone to say “mental illness is never convenient” blah blah blah.

As for what makes what happen a learned reinforced behavior is cemented only when it continues to give them what they want. I’ll spare the dopamine exposition. This guy is getting exactly what he wants which is attention.

As for being a “danger to himself” there’s a prettt broad scope to which a doctor can declare that. Again, I don’t know the details so I’ll leave that be.

This dude has been saying dumb **** for years but only now is he being analyzed for deep illness because the same people who used to agree with him now disagree with what he’s saying.

It's the way he says things and the style of the rants. You can tell a lot of it is delusion from mania.

He expresses himself in a way where he blurts out 50 thoughts at once. It is flight of ideas that jump from one place to another and racing thoughts that become convoluted and incoherent.

Like what the hell is a dragon brother? He makes no sense. That's symptoms of mania in bipolar. That's how they talk during manic episodes.

I think his PR machine is to just let his mania sell the album. So yes, his instability and sickness are used to sell his merchandise and album.

My argument is this is destructive. Too much pressure and stressors that will keep putting him in depressive/manic cycles. Like push the man to get help instead of doing an album release in this state. It's cruel.

This man will end up hurting himself or others and the world is just laughing watching him unravel in his madness. He needs help.

I will not shut up sir.

Its Factz.

Kanye should have been checked heavy by the hip hop community for that, but he wasnt. Every hip hop cat hyped him up about it.
People thought cause she was white they shouldnt speak up, it wasnt about her race, it was about him talking out of his neck towards people who did nothing to provoke him.

Now he is attacking Obama.....
Who's gonna check him though? He was a big name then, Obama checked him, if that's not a wake up call then I don't know what is.

Then again it's hip hop, where dysfunction is sometimes praised, accountability is neglected and consequences are ignored. That's why lots of hip hop artists end up in jail. No one checks you when you do what you get paid to talk about.
I will not shut up sir.

Its Factz.

Kanye should have been checked heavy by the hip hop community for that, but he wasnt. Every hip hop cat hyped him up about it.
People thought cause she was white they shouldnt speak up, it wasnt about her race, it was about him talking out of his neck towards people who did nothing to provoke him.

Now he is attacking Obama.....
Agree to disagree.

Kanye been talking too much WAYYY before swift. See - 'Bush doesn't care about black people' Or was that ok becase you agreed with him?
Agree to disagree.

Kanye been talking too much WAYYY before swift. See - 'Bush doesn't care about black people' Or was that ok becase you agreed with him?

That was okay because that was purposeful.
It wasnt out the pocket, rude, insulting or senseless .
It was a cry for someone to help New Orleans.

Kanye reminds me of my clients.
Kanye is a child with attention seeking behavior issues, they need to ignore him.
I will not shut up sir.

Its Factz.

Kanye should have been checked heavy by the hip hop community for that, but he wasnt. Every hip hop cat hyped him up about it.
People thought cause she was white they shouldnt speak up, it wasnt about her race, it was about him talking out of his neck towards people who did nothing to provoke him.

Now he is attacking Obama.....
God forbid he made a white woman feel awkward. Get outta here with this. So ridiculous to blame this downward spiral on a moment where he went up to the stage heavily intoxicated off Henny.
God forbid he made a white woman feel awkward. Get outta here with this. So ridiculous to blame this downward spiral on a moment where he went up to the stage heavily intoxicated off Henny.

Awkard and disrespected are two different things.

Either way this aint about "Taylor", this is about the situation as a whole and him putting someone down and disrespecting them (unprovoked), and the hip hop community telling him it was ok cause it was true.

Kanye is that bad kid the parents let get away with burning plastic spoons in the house, but then get shocked when he burns down the kitchen.

Let me rephrase
I didnt think it was okay but I understood why he did it, he did it because he was mad about black people DYING in New Orleans. I understood his outrage because it was a very catastrophic situation. But I dont understand why he would be so bothered about an award, I dont understand that, it seemed irrational, where as outrage for people suffering was not irrational. A normal person would have just went on twitter and said " beyonce should have won" He is narcissistic and God forbid someone gets an award he feels is not worthy.
You guys can blame it on the henny I guess....

It all boils down to people doing "crazy" things and not being checked by THEIR peers.(lil mama got checked)
His cocky been on God level since 2006 grammy and it was cute until he decided he could disrespect people.
Now he is disrespecting Obama, under the guise of "keeping it real"

Also I was mad young when he said that, and at that time I didnt agree with him saying that but w/e.
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I didn't say anyone was a crybaby in particular, but if the shoe fits... Yeah Trump had a big advantage. So what. I'm not going to waste my time complaining about how cruel he is. Do you also cry about not winning the lottery? You rather be old rich him or new you?

Look at his “big” advantage

trust funds by Fred trump

You think average joes get that massive funding?

There is nothing “wrong” with this man. The fact that he has merchandise to sell in weeks time is why he’s doing all this. The over analyzation can stop. He’s not the first to pull a stunt to start buzz
With you man, we are all getting worked.

Psychosis is the worst feeling ever. When he first made that gram and posted pic of total recall, i knew he had cracked. Then he got the posting. That movie is how psychhosis feel in a way
If i was preppn for a release of an album and not Just shoes, that manic high would be through the roof too
That was okay because that was purposeful.
It wasnt out the pocket, rude, insulting or senseless .
It was a cry for someone to help New Orleans.

Kanye reminds me of my clients.
Kanye is a child with attention seeking behavior issues, they need to ignore him.

But y'all see how this man acts out with feelings and emotions that are too intense and amplified? How what he says a lot of the times are jumbled rants that are incoherent ? Basically, he acts with lack of judgment, erratic and reacts with emotional response disproportionately to a given situation.

He needs to be held accountable and is responsible for his actions despite his obvious mental illness. But it does change the whole conversation when you look at his psyche and behaviour through a potential mental illness.

He's always been quacky, but it has gotten very bad since the last decade.

That's another thing, the black community, like the general population places deep stigma on mental health.

Would Kanye having a mental illness make people more understanding about his erratic behaviour ? Or it'll affect his brand and celebrity status?

His fame and celebrity don't help. It's obvious he has lack of insight and awareness on his mental well being. He'll continue to spiral. What's scary is he had suicidal tendencies, so then what will be his final straw that he will get help to manage his life before it's too late ?
It's a win win for Kanye.

Despite all this his album will probably go number 1 or pretty high.
Adidas is not dropping him.
He has a basketball shoe coming out that will sell out.

What he's getting is attention (from the president of the United states) and bigger than that is that all of those conservative people who associate musicians and rappers with "**** trump" etc....he's getting them too.

And when he "comes to his senses" everyone will be right back.
BLEEP (Feat. Miko Grimes & DJ Cuppy)
This week Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz are joined by Miko Grimes and DJ Cuppy and discuss Kanye West/Trump bromance unfolding on Twitter, What’s happened to Kanye West, DJ Cuppy previews some new music and talks about Nigerian culture, and more!!!


Some interestig theories on This Kanye stuff. Worth a listen
This white man is telling you you're a victim so what you should do is sit back and cry. That will help you. I get it now.

You realize you can both not let being a victim keep you from achieving success all the while advocating for taking down they systems that cause a 228 year wealth gap between African Americans and whites,
that cause blacks to be sentenced for longer periods for the same crime, that causes blacks to historically be disproportionately poor than whites. Unless you think that those things are caused by black People collectively being inherently lazier than whites. In which case it brings a lot of context to who you are and what you say.
@Air Money I don’t disagree with you on that at all. What I’m saying is that in 2018 you can grind enough for you and yours to be well off. Maybe you can get to a point to where your son will trick off millions your money. Will it be difficult? Bet your *** it will. Will you make it that far? Who knows?
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds Do you know any two people who are equal or start off in the same situations? Yeah we are starting late I get it. But instead of recognizing this L and starting to run the race a lot of people sit back and do nothing but ask for hand outs. I see a lot of brothas out here doing they legit thing. White people ain’t holding us back. The market decides who advances. If Jerome is better then Brad and can make the company money then Jerome will get hired. If that company hires Brad just because he’s white then that’s stupid of them. But Jerome will find work with those skills.
And why debate on blacks getting worse sentences? I personally don’t care. If your a criminal, then your a criminal. The brothas doing crimes is what makes white people look at the rest of us in a negative light.
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