Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

critics will basically point out that constantly dredging up da past is essentially picking da scab over and over again and re-victimization ensues.

i see it like a marriage when someone got caught cheating...if you forgive your spouse then eventually you gotta let it go and move on, or da relationship will never work...
Oh yea because Slavery and all of the trinkle down effects are COMPLETELY wiped away. You are essentially using the, "It is over, move on" logic to tell people to "stop crying."
If we’re using analogies here it’s like having someone stab you over and over, and then the finally “realize” stabbing you was wrong so they stop. But they won’t pay for your medical care for the stab wounds because they’re no longer stabbing you and it’s in the past so it’s not their problem.
But if the spouse keeps cheating, pretending like it’s not an issue doesn’t make sense. Your analogy treats America’s history as a one time mistake and ignoring the impact the mistake made and is still making. Redlining back then still hurts people today, denials of the GI bill denied people the right to build, denial to quality education for so long has a direct impact on the state people of color are born into today. How can you just leave it in the past when none of the impacts of those thing were ever properly remediated?
Not only the trickle down effects but current socioeconomic systems currently disadvantage African Americans too.

The criminal justice system is still unfair to balck people today, black people are still discriminated in lending today, black voters are still targeted for suppression today, I could name dozens more stuff that goes on today.

Things are definitely not all in the past.
None of what I said is what you’re reffering to. Making better personal choices (which is what you’re focusing on) doesn’t change a broken system that makes it harder for people of color to turn their hard work into wealth and stability. That’s not an internal issue, it’s external one. You have a government that we pay into just as much as any other races but black People are supposed be okay with they system working for others to the benefit of those people at the expense of their own? But black people should just stop having kids early and it will fix all their issues? You cast aside the New York Times article so quickly but there are actual numbers and statistics in there and graphs that put it so simple stupid that it’s digestible to everyone. Ignore the editorialized portions. Your problem is that you blame the poor and black People for poverty

No I’m not saying any single thing is to blame for poverty. There are multiple factors that contribute to it. The advantage that I think white people have is that they have had people in the race long enough to learn the ins and outs so they are able to pass the knowledge down. Black people don’t have that advantage.
It’s not the governments job to take care of anyone. Stop waiting for it to happen. The government is just here to make sure we stay civil. If someone is racist, coo just avoid them.
If black people have it so bad then why am I seeing so many black people and other people of color on TV? Not on their own networks like the Hispanics have created, they are on the “Masa’s” network stations and movies. The same people who are working hard and making it are telling other they can’t.
“ better to argue than be in a group of yes men”

When it comes to equality, fairness, etc..... ahhh yes, you SHOULD be surrounded by yes men. Who the **** goes against that for the sake of argument??

As for “the past”, nothing needs to be argued there. If that’s what you’ve got to say you’re dumb as all hell
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No I’m not saying any single thing is to blame for poverty. There are multiple factors that contribute to it. The advantage that I think white people have is that they have had people in the race long enough to learn the ins and outs so they are able to pass the knowledge down. Black people don’t have that advantage.
It’s not the governments job to take care of anyone. Stop waiting for it to happen. The government is just here to make sure we stay civil. If someone is racist, *** just avoid them.
If black people have it so bad then why am I seeing so many black people and other people of color on TV? Not on their own networks like the Hispanics have created, they are on the “Masa’s” network stations and movies. The same people who are working hard and making it are telling other they can’t.

It’s the governments job to have a steady hand where ever it’s hands go. And it’s the governments job to right past transgressions.
This isn’t just about grinding, and choosing to do this or making this choice. It’s about access, resources, employment, government, and socioeconomic.
“If black People have it so bad...”

Explain these to me without using a sweeping generalization. You knock the New York Times article but they’ve got data, numbers, and facts while you’re hitting us with anecdote after anecdote.



At the end of the day you can adjust for every single thing in the world, family, education, wealth, and when everything is the exact same black people still have to work hard to reach the same accolades and they’ll get paid less for doing it. And if the most privileged of black folk feel it, you expect to the least of these to rise up with no issues? If you don’t think that’s a problem worth fixing then I’m glad you’re in the minority.
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Some black folks and other people of color would probably **** their pants if they realized what their white counterparts make. Dudes think it's all sweet because they have a little change in their pocket not realizing the system in place still restricts their growth. And these are facts not feelings. Your "grind" is not as fruitful as it should be.
Some black folks and other people of color would probably **** their pants if they realized what their white counterparts make. Dudes think it's all sweet because they have a little change in their pocket not realizing the system in place still restricts their growth. And these are facts not feelings. Your "grind" is not as fruitful as it should be.

Bold for emphasis.
The very first thing I read in all of those graphs you posted is that the gap is large between men but not women. But if race is the issue here, then what point are you really showing me? Racism only applies to black men? That’s pretty silly.
Income is often a personal negotiation between an individual and an employer. So how does this not come down to personal choices?
This study was also done with a couple thousand people. Dude.... Seriously?

OK I agree 10000% that bad things have happened and do continue to happen to black people. I believe that racism still exists, but only on an individual level. If you really believe what you believe then you should be able to handle a challenge to your stance. Listen to the opposite side. Research the opposite side. People are people. Most people don’t like inequality regardless of race or gender. The people in her pulling these race cards encounter white people everyday, but I bet you wouldn’t be able to put most of the white people you know into the racist box.
The very first thing I read in all of those graphs you posted is that the gap is large between men but not women. But if race is the issue here, then what point are you really showing me? Racism only applies to black men? That’s pretty silly.
Income is often a personal negotiation between an individual and an employer. So how does this not come down to personal choices?
This study was also done with a couple thousand people. Dude.... Seriously?

OK I agree 10000% that bad things have happened and do continue to happen to black people. I believe that racism still exists, but only on an individual level. If you really believe what you believe then you should be able to handle a challenge to your stance. Listen to the opposite side. Research the opposite side. People are people. Most people don’t like inequality regardless of race or gender. The people in her pulling these race cards encounter white people everyday, but I bet you wouldn’t be able to put most of the white people you know into the racist box.
lmao you really try to flip the switch to gender based as if black women don’t get it the worst. You really a fool bruh
Bold for emphasis.
Yeah nevermind the attitudes, I literally saw the numbers because my girl was an accountant at a large corporation and the black ones were thinking of a suit. It's surreal to really see, same job, or their senior getting paid significantly less, and there was a ceiling on promotion.
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