Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

the dems getting rich off the poor that keep yall in the way of thinking you cant get out here and get it.
There are those who see life at the microscopic level (individual) and macroscopic level (systemic). Being out there and getting it shouldn't keep you from seeing the larger issues that affect all of us in different ways.
This is real spit but it doesn’t negate the fact that the cards are stacked against us. Ain’t nobody asking for a handout but god damn can I not be stalked and murdered on my way to work or in my house with my family? Like come the **** on

Its easy to point out all the nonsense thats going on around us and make excuses for what you dont got but these were the cards you were dealt face reality and play them to your best ability like our ancestors did that got them out of slavery
Its easy to point out all the nonsense thats going on around us and make excuses for what you dont got but these were the cards you were dealt face reality and play them to your best ability like our ancestors did that got them out of slavery

:lol: All homie is asking for is to live in a world in which he doesn't have the potential to be left slumped and cold whenever he has to interact with police

Negro that aint no damn excuse
Its easy to point out all the nonsense thats going on around us and make excuses for what you dont got but these were the cards you were dealt face reality and play them to your best ability like our ancestors did that got them out of slavery
What about the ones who didn’t make it out of slavery? Did they not deserve better?

All of our ancestors ain’t make it out.

Y’all only telling half the story. But reaping the benefits of the sacrifices made by those that came before you.

There are people right now who are working twice as hard and getting paid a third of what their counterparts are.

Y’all basically saying take it on the chin until it gets better. But it can’t get better unless change is forced. Change ain’t going to be given out.

But when change happens, Ninja will be the first in line to reap the benefits of his newly secured “bag”
The people in here talking about racial inequality are not making excuses for personal failings, they are just point out reality and saying it is unfair.

From other threads I know dudes are educated, employed and have successful careers. Dude's are doing good for themselves.

Like how many times does it have to be said that making the best out of the hand you are dealt and being against inequality are not mutually exclusive. People can multitask for God's sake.

Also racism has completely derailed the lives of hard working individuals and it still does.

This whole "stop complaining" shtick is a lazy way to dismiss the points that are being made.
Its easy to point out all the nonsense thats going on around us and make excuses for what you dont got but these were the cards you were dealt face reality and play them to your best ability like our ancestors did that got them out of slavery

Yes, the ancestors fought their masters individually, without coordination with other slaves and abolitionists.

You do realize that the "stand up for yourself and don't expect help from anyone" message contradicts your example, don't you?
Its easy to point out all the nonsense thats going on around us and make excuses for what you dont got but these were the cards you were dealt face reality and play them to your best ability like our ancestors did that got them out of slavery


Who’s making excuses? I don’t disagree with the point you’re trying to make but it’s a very Machiavellian and a low key butter biscuit thought process WHEN APLLIED HERE. The oppression that goes on most definitely needs our attention and energy in efforts to change ****

But you seem to not want to acknowledge it do to what you do and don’t have? This physical world ain’t everything my g.
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nope, life aint fair. i worry about securing my bag and not worry about how the next person secures their bag.
this my last thing as I know you’re set on your point but the fact that you value your self worth in a stagnant way rather than trying to see these flaws in the system and change the bag is disturbing. If I’m putting up HOF numbers but someone gets more of a bag than me then I’m def gonna either a. move to a dif place where I’m appreciated or b. ask for that much due raise. Especially with someone of melinated skin ( even though you don’t claim your blackness) but you do you dawg
I went to school, got two degrees, became an engineer, bought a house, make a nice salary. Still think don’t inequality is something that should be left undealt with. Still doesn’t change the fact that systems in America make it so that tons of people that look like me have a harder time getting to where I am than white People. There’s nothing prohibiting me from crushing it in life and advocate for dismantling of the systems that cause stats to negatively skew in the direction of people of color.
you value your self worth in a stagnant way rather than trying to see these flaws in the system and change the bag is disturbing.

its not even that, its more along da thinking that, if this is da landscape i gotta operate on, so be it, imma eat regardless. its like a Nintendo game set at hard, you either gonna complain other folks got games that are easier to beat, quit da game and complain its too hard and not fair, or just play and beat da game.
I want to know how the focus on 21st century instititionalized American racism became solely about personal finance.

Police profiling
Judicial system / bail / public defenders
For-profit prison system
Drug laws
Voting rights / voter ID laws
Stand your ground laws
Attempts to erode anti-discrimination laws
Predatory lending practices
"School choice" hogwash

All of these are just a few examples of the quiet ways conservatives and WSs bend rules to prevent the advancement and equality of minorities and all "others." And Kanye has thrown in with that lot.

This country has had glimmers of potential since 1776, but it's 2018 and 30-40% of the population wants ayone who isn't white and male to be two steps behind them in all aspects of life. And they love nothing more than useful idiots like Kanye to help sow division in the ranks of those most damaged by their WS policies and ideas.

Slavery>Reconstruction>Jim Crow>"War on Drugs">The quiet Crow of today

How far have we really come? "American exceptionalism" at its finest.
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