Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

In 2018, we live in a classist society and I think that outweighs all of the racism that has and is occurring.

Last time I checked, brothas wasn't getting shot because of the their tax bracket.

They're getting shot because.. They're black...

In 2018 I don't understand why its hard for people to grasp that classism and racism exist. And Racism is still strong and being used to hold people back.

This whole "classism" is the new racism bull **** is a played perspective and its one used by those who don't experience racism.

You know who else said classism is the new racism?...

Yes, Kanye West said it as well.
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General income inequality are driven my policies that were put in place partly because of racism.

Racist conservatives told America that anti-poverty measures was welfare for lazy blacks, sold their base the lie of trickle down economics, and look how neoliberalism has wrecked havoc over the past nearly 4 decades.

The white middle class loved social democracy when they thought it was only for them. Once the Civil Rights policies changed that, they turned on those economic policies.

Their racism made them economically shoot themselves in the foot
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I love how when these arguments happen the dumbass side always claims some type of “I can’t be wrong because....” loophole in a weak attempt to not be stupid

Loopholes include:

“Yo I’m _______ so I cant be ______”

“I actually work as a _______ so I’m right”

“My mom/dad is _______ so ______”

“I used to _______ so that validates everything”

Lol EVERY time
hold up are you serious or trolln?? cuz all last night you was starting your conversations just like that about mental health :rofl:
I think it’s unfair to quote parts of things I said without the full statement in context

With that said RustyShackleford RustyShackleford thank you for that reaponse to my question earlier. That was one of the most thought out responses I’ve received on any subject matter.
I think an interesting case study would be Africans coming to America and becoming successful vs AA journey to success

From personal conversation, it's the root of Africans resentment towards AA's. A lack of appreciation for opportunity...

there's a fascinating WNYC segment about this...imma see if i can find it...
my pockets aint complaining.

My pockets ain't complaining, but that doesn't mean I don't see the systematic oppression based on a history of racism that is still being enforced.

Whether small groups of "i got mine" mentality people see it or not. You got yours, but you don't have nearly the same privileges you'd have if you were white in America.

But I get it, some people are content with having a piece of the pie, where others rather have an entire pie to themselves.
I think an interesting case study would be Africans coming to America and becoming successful vs AA journey to success

From personal conversation, it's the root of Africans resentment towards AA's. A lack of appreciation for opportunity...

Not my thoughts but would be interesting.

On one hand, you have Africans who are older, into their second careers in the US, and mostly hang out outside work with people from their countries, where they get to maintain their traditions and plot on their eventual return to the Motherland. They do not live in the US as if it is their country (even if they become citizens), and as a consequence, they do not feel the need to worry about finding ones place here. All they care about is the money they're gonna bring back to Africa for their business. They do see the racism (and complain about it just as much as AAs), but unlike AAs, they operate with the knowledge that if things go bad here, they can go away.

On the other hand, you have Africans who come from conflict zones and exploitative living conditions. I don't think I need to explain why they wouldn't understand AAs, considering that they have finally found stability here after years in more precarious environments.

The second generation is generally much more in tune with the cultural rift that exists in America.
Whether small groups of "i got mine" mentality people see it or not. You got yours, but you don't have nearly the same privileges you'd have if you were white in America

i don't care about what da next person got, whte or black. what I eat don't make them ish and vice versa.

resentment politics isn't my forte, as long as I'm eating well I don't care if da next person is eating better or worse.
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