Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

damn i been sayin that ish forever...im glad there's that scrappy just do it mentality thats alive and well here on NT...
Only an idiot thinks this is one or the other. Don't ascribe y'all's inability to multitask and give a **** about others to everyone.
My pockets ain't complaining, but that doesn't mean I don't see the systematic oppression based on a history of racism that is still being enforced.

Whether small groups of "i got mine" mentality people see it or not. You got yours, but you don't have nearly the same privileges you'd have if you were white in America.

But I get it, some people are content with having a piece of the pie, where others rather have an entire pie to themselves.
The irony of that statement that if black folk didn't fight and die for Civil Rights legislation to be passed, his pockets would not be doing as well as they supposedly are.

If everyone in say 1950 looked around and decided to accept the current state of affairs, even harsher oppressive forces would be at play right now.

However, if someone in 2018 look as the current state of affairs and says "things are still unfair, we can do better", it is somehow a non-starter.

The ridiculousness of that way of thinking is astounding to me.

Taking pride in being a free rider; what a time :lol:
equality is a pipe dream. it will never happen. it is an illusion. should you fight for equality? sure. just don't expect to get too far. injustice will rear its ugly face in one way or another. one cannot exist without the other. for every yin there is a yang.
resentment politics isn't my forte, as long as I'm eating well I don't care if da next person is eating better or worse.
Nothing to do with "resentment politics." It is just understanding that me going to school and making money in the US, as a black dude, was the result of many black folks marching, getting arrested, and getting lynched so that legislation that protects their children could be passed. It is also understanding that the ideas that they fought are becoming popular again and could threaten my future well being and that of folks like me.

My brain is too good to be wasted in NYC traffic and the last thing it needs is white racists keeping it from books because the body that houses it is black.
you are righter than you even realize.

I was 100% serious when I said it :lol: Some of us put in that extra work out here though. There's a book you should read sometime called The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery And The Making of American Capitalism. Hell if you're interested I'll buy you a copy.

Amazon product ASIN 046500296X
Here's the historian who authored the book speaking about it.

From description:

Historian Edward E. Baptist visited Google's Cambridge, MA office to discuss his book, "The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism". As he shows in the book, slavery and its expansion were central to the evolution and modernization of our nation in the 18th and 19th centuries, catapulting the US into a modern, industrial and capitalist economy. In the span of a single lifetime, the South grew from a narrow coastal strip of worn-out tobacco plantations to a sub-continental cotton empire. By 1861 it had five times as many slaves as it had during the Revolution, and was producing two billion pounds of cotton a year. It was through slavery and slavery alone that the United States achieved a virtual monopoly on the production of cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and was transformed into a global power rivaled only by England. Dr. Baptist is Associate Professor of History at Cornell. "The Half Has Never Been Told" is his second book; his first was "Creating an Old South: Middle Florida’s Plantation Frontier Before the Civil War".

Nothing to do with "resentment politics." It is just understanding that me going to school and making money in the US, as a black dude, was the result of many black folks marching, getting arrested, and getting lynched so that legislation that protects their children could be passed.

congratulations, you were born in da best time, and in da best Country in Human History...you don't owe anyone from da past an apology for winning da time machine lottery.

I refuse to somehow indoctrinate myself into being bitter about why "I don't have what the next person has" mentality. I just go out and get it, whatever I put my mind to it happens.
congratulations, you were born in da best time, and in da best Country in Human History...you don't owe anyone from da past an apology for winning da time machine lottery.

I refuse to somehow indoctrinate myself into being bitter about why "I don't have what the next person has" mentality. I just go out and get it, whatever I put my mind to it happens.
nothing is wrong with going out and getting it but when your bag aint equaling your white counterpart who may or may not have put in the same work in and is getting more bread than you would you not be upset?
Again, Obama does not deny systemic inequality, he says black people's did not end in the 1960s.


Part of they reason he says things are better than before are not strictly because white people act better, he says on aggregate things are better. He points to diversity as one reason too.

Something conservatives like the current president hates.

I swear conservatives like using Obama as a weapon against minorities when they think they can use his words against them. But the second Bams starts talking about racism, tolerance, helping the disadvantaged, and making the world better, he is a charlatan peddling identity politics.
1) Don’t break the law. Follow the rules.

2) Not true, fair and equal pay is happening all around. If not then find another company. But the truth is. Brandon and Jerome will not have the same resume. If they do, there are also factors like GPA, and skill level.

3) Opportunity? Everybody gets opportunities and they come in all shapes, forms, and sizes.

4) Everybody goes from K-12 dude. But now we have this new thing called the internet where you can learn about a lot of new things.


Imagine being a sociology professor and having this dude on your roster?

"You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you’re making progress.
No matter how much respect, no matter how much recognition, whites show towards me, as far as I’m concerned, as long as it is not shown to every one of our people in this country, it doesn’t exist for me.”

- Malcolm X, 1964.

By that logic, there is no crime because crime is illegal.

Just for reference, the word "Mulatto" is widely considered offensive. That it was a "traditional American race classification" like "negro" or "colored" should tip you off.

Without minimizing or reducing the impact of colorism, it's worth remembering that multiracial Americans continue to face hatred for representing the interracial unions that imperil White hegemony in a society with a "one drop" scheme that renders Whiteness recessive. Look at how multiracial characters are portrayed in "Birth of a Nation," for example.


1) The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (2000) found that White teenagers are over 33% more likely to have sold illegal drugs than their Black counterparts.

Usage rates for marijuana are approximately the same regardless of race. However, according to this same survey, White students are SEVEN TIMES more likely to use cocaine and heroin. Before you say "well, that's just self-report survey data," bear in mind that White youth visit hospital emergency rooms due to illegal drug use three times more than Black youth.

Yet, despite this, THREE QUARTERS of those imprisoned for drug crimes are Black or Latino.

2) First, your suggestion that "equal pay is happening all around... and when equal pay isn't happening, find it someplace else" betrays the broad systemic injustices in American society. If fairness can only be found in various companies, situations, and pockets for people of color, then society isn't truly fair, is it? Worth noting: the corollary of your statement, if taken at face value, would be "If White privilege isn't happening, find it someplace else."

Second, if you'd like to see empirical evidence that demonstrates the effects of racial bias in the workplace, you literally need only look. Resume studies abound. Here's a recent one: https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/minorities-who-whiten-job-resumes-get-more-interviews

Other members have already furnished you with articles summarizing wage gaps. Suggesting that institutional/systemic racism doesn't exist because Oprah Winfrey has money is like saying gravity doesn't exist because airplanes can fly.

3) If I inherit a vast fortune from a notorious bank robber and you have a scratch off lottery ticket, we both have a mathematical opportunity to be wealthy. If we played a card game in which I drew from a different deck and you consequently stood a smaller chance of winning, you would almost certainly characterize that game as "unfair" or "rigged."

You appear to be arguing that nobody should give in to despair, strop trying, and blame the system instead of attempting try to better their lot in life. That is a strawman argument.

"Becoming your best self" and opposing systemic inequality are not mutually exclusive goals. In fact, I would argue that you can't truly achieve the former unless you're heavily invested in the latter.

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1965

4) You've had access to the Internet. You're asking others to perform research about racial inequality for you that you've thus far failed to perform yourself.

“if the word integration means anything, this is what it means: that we, with love, shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin to change it. For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what it must become.”

- James Baldwin, writing to his nephew on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the emancipation.

OK.. Your first statement. About crime being illegal. I don’t understand your point. My point was that if it’s happening, as these fine folks in here say it is, then show me. It’s gotta be easy considering how much of a big problem it is. They can’t show me because it doesn’t exist. And that has been the only article posted to me. You can’t take a broad sweep of whites vs black income and say it supports racism. You just can’t. There are other things to consider.
As for the job application link you posted, I get it. I don’t deny that there are issues. Anyone who does is ignorant. And I don’t want to make excuses for those who do participate in favoritism. But I know it happens.

1) Yeah maybe true. But I’ve been there and done that. I know that I barely saw any white dudes in the game. And if what you say is correct, then I would still have a better chance at catching a black man with drugs then a white person considering the population difference. No? Black men only make up 6% of the population but the white boys only have 33% higher chance?!

2) Some of this I addressed above. Also, I’m not pointing out a single case (Oprah). I’m saying I see a lot of brothas (dark skinned and light skinned), and sistas (especially) out here making it happen. And I’m sure I’m not the only one in here. Y’all acting like seeing a dark skinned man with a good job is a rare thing!

3) Your example of the card game. True. I would say it was unfair. My younger brother is taller then me it’s also unfair. Who cares?
Your next point about about me presenting a strawman argument... I guess you could say that. You would argue that you can’t become your best self without fighting inequality and you would win. But, it would be in your best interest to work on them at the same time. How many people you know without any P.O. made any real change?

4) I have been out and about all day. Posting while walking around on the beach, and in museums. I’m writing this from the back of a Lyft ride now to eat dinner. So....

And I don’t think it’s “fair” how I get a warning and get my post deleted because I brought a touchy subject but this POS in here can say my “Kids are ****ed”... Seems a little bias to me. But hey. Who cares?
OK.. Your first statement. About crime being illegal. I don’t understand your point. My point was that if it’s happening, as these fine folks in here say it is, then show me. It’s gotta be easy considering how much of a big problem it is. They can’t show me because it doesn’t exist. And that has been the only article posted to me. You can’t take a broad sweep of whites vs black income and say it supports racism. You just can’t. There are other things to consider.
As for the job application link you posted, I get it. I don’t deny that there are issues. Anyone who does is ignorant. And I don’t want to make excuses for those who do participate in favoritism. But I know it happens.

1) Yeah maybe true. But I’ve been there and done that. I know that I barely saw any white dudes in the game. And if what you say is correct, then I would still have a better chance at catching a black man with drugs then a white person considering the population difference. No? Black men only make up 6% of the population but the white boys only have 33% higher chance?!

2) Some of this I addressed above. Also, I’m not pointing out a single case (Oprah). I’m saying I see a lot of brothas (dark skinned and light skinned), and sistas (especially) out here making it happen. And I’m sure I’m not the only one in here. Y’all acting like seeing a dark skinned man with a good job is a rare thing!

3) Your example of the card game. True. I would say it was unfair. My younger brother is taller then me it’s also unfair. Who cares?
Your next point about about me presenting a strawman argument... I guess you could say that. You would argue that you can’t become your best self without fighting inequality and you would win. But, it would be in your best interest to work on them at the same time. How many people you know without any P.O. made any real change?

4) I have been out and about all day. Posting while walking around on the beach, and in museums. I’m writing this from the back of a Lyft ride now to eat dinner. So....

And I don’t think it’s “fair” how I get a warning and get my post deleted because I brought a touchy subject but this POS in here can say my “Kids are ****ed”... Seems a little bias to me. But hey. Who cares?

Maybe you should take your own advice and stop playing the victim and try to become the best version of yourself

There have been plenty of brothers on NT that have made string points, ones many people disagreed with, yet didn't get a warning or their post delete

Maybe you should take some more person responsibility. Because the rules are not changing on NT

Just saying :smile:
nothing is wrong with going out and getting it but when your bag aint equaling your white counterpart who may or may not have put in the same work in and is getting more bread than you would you not be upset?

nope, life aint fair. i worry about securing my bag and not worry about how the next person secures their bag.
the dems getting rich off the poor that keep yall in the way of thinking you cant get out here and get it.

This American life is out here for the taking.

No one owes you nothing. You owe it to yourself to get out here and get it no matter what you gotta do legally speaking.
OK.. Your first statement. About crime being illegal. I don’t understand your point. My point was that if it’s happening, as these fine folks in here say it is, then show me. It’s gotta be easy considering how much of a big problem it is. They can’t show me because it doesn’t exist. And that has been the only article posted to me. You can’t take a broad sweep of whites vs black income and say it supports racism. You just can’t. There are

It does happen though. Companies are more likely to hire minorities on a part-time or "per diem" basis as opposed to their full-time white counterparts. Minorities are less likely to be promoted than their white peers. That DIRECTLY effects earning potential. This goes for retail, tech, and several other skilled industries.

Companies don't have to blatantly say "we're going to give Andre $10.00/hour and Jimmy $11.00/hour" in order to discriminate pay.

Like we've said a zillion times, there's way to conceal discrimination. It's not always as straight forward as you think.

Jesus Christ.
facto exacto.

this da type of rap i grew up on.

This is real spit but it doesn’t negate the fact that the cards are stacked against us. Ain’t nobody asking for a handout but god damn can I not be stalked and murdered on my way to work or in my house with my family? Like come the **** on
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