Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

The doctors will make you think you're crazy but Kanye isn't sick he's just a good old narcissists who's addicted fame, money, vanity. Some people aren't built to be in the spotlight despite their talent.

Haven't you thought that maybe his amplified God complex and narcissist behaviour is a symptom of manic behaviour from an underlying mental illness?

From the Charlemagne interview he said that after his hospitalization he lost his Black Panther/Superman confidence. That's mania for you and bipolar disorder. It is described as having superhero superpowers and that's why many will get off the meds. They miss the mania and feeling that out of this world self esteem/ confidence feeling which alleviates them from the lowest extreme of their illness, the depression which lets you enter into the darkest caves of your mind.
Not sure if this had been said but as someone who has grown up with a mother with bipolar disorder as well as a childhood friend, Kanye exhibits all kinds of behavior that screams biolar disorder, specifically someone who isnlt taking their meds like they’re supposed to. Even further, he seems like he’s reach text book megalomania...
Not sure if this had been said but as someone who has grown up with a mother with bipolar disorder as well as a childhood friend, Kanye exhibits all kinds of behavior that screams biolar disorder, specifically someone who isnlt taking their meds like they’re supposed to. Even further, he seems like he’s reach text book megalomania...

Thank you. A dear loved one from mine is bipolar. It is all manifested differently in different people. Kanye is more severe though, but it gets very bad when you age and it's untreated or mismanaged. But my close dear one, when he's manic, aw man, he's like the hulk and superman into one. He is the s*** and thinks everyone loves him and he's untouchable. God complex. He says rants and incoherent things, the racing thoughts, no filter. He's reckless.

Then there's the crash where he is in bed and immobilized and paralyzed and can't move for days because of depression.
At this point, nobody is even saying ****. Also, it's annoying when people "cancel" somebody yet continue to always talk about the *****. Either be done with him or don't. I'm tired of seeing his name. It's gotten way too far when people are having real life conversations in person about this *****

Are you sure you don't feel this way just because you're chairman of the NikeTalk Kanye West fan club?
The doctors will make you think you're crazy but Kanye isn't sick he's just a good old narcissists who's addicted fame, money, vanity. Some people aren't built to be in the spotlight despite their talent.

100% spot on. This cat's always been a narcissist, right from 'The College Dropout'.
Kanye says in that interview that he rejects the idea of therapy for himself and that he would rather go to the people around him to vent

Sounds reasonable enough on paper, but being surrounded by glad-handing yes men makes that entirely different from actual therapy
100% spot on. This cat's always been a narcissist, right from 'The College Dropout'.

That's the thing, we always knew him to be always cocky or arrogant but to this God complex level???

It is whether he is already innately arrogant/narcissist or it's because of something like bipolar when this is exhibited during manic episodes.

His mego-mania got very bad after his mom's death. Why I suspect bipolar is because his mega ego and esteem is in conjunction with behavior like lack of sleep, too much energy, racing thoughts, incoherent rants, recklessness etc.

It is said that bipolar surfaces in your late teens/early 20s or can be triggered later in life by a trauma.
Kanye says in that interview that he rejects the idea of therapy for himself and that he would rather go to the people around him to vent

Sounds reasonable enough on paper, but being surrounded by glad-handing yes men makes that entirely different from actual therapy

I mean Virgil, DonC, IBN, John Legend, Dave Chappelle, Mike Dean, Cudi

dont come off as yes men to me
I mean Virgil, DonC, IBN, John Legend, Dave Chappelle, Mike Dean, Cudi

dont come off as yes men to me

Kanye using the Einstein "insanity" definition quote like he was saying something profound :lol:

Which is also hilarious because Einstein never said it.
Can we please stop with this "He just trolling like Trump" ****.

Trump did not get elected off of trolling.

Let's look at some the things that helped Trump win: Apathy toward Clinton, sexism towards Clinton, a continued white nationalist backlash against Obama and the Dems, Russia inference in the election, and what sealed at the end was Comey's dumbass letter. However, something that doesn't get talked about nearly enough is the suppression of Democratic voters, specifically black voters.

Since Obama got elected the GOP and their donors have been attacking the voting rights of African Americans constantly. They won a repeal of the Voting Rights act on a 5-4 conservative SCOTUS vote because the conservative judges said racism was not a concern in the modern day. Even though the GOP claimed they want to recertify the law, they never did. Instead, GOP ran red and purple states passed voter ID laws, closed DMVs in black neighborhoods, rolled back early voting, purged voter rolls, and refused to give ex-felons their voting rights back all in a systematic attempt to hurt black voters, and in turn, win elections

The courts have been overturning some of this buffoonery as we speak, and these fools keep appealing verdicts, so most of it is still in place, and openly GOP state officials are openly saying this helps them win elections.

Trump himself thanked black people that didn't vote in the 2016 election.

The mere election of Donald Trump was accomplished partially because of systematic white supremacy, not just because of trolling. Calling it trolling is ignoring a serious issue, and endorsing the win itself is tacitly (or maybe in Ye's case ignorantly) endorsing white supremacy.

So can we please stop is acting Trump and his buffoonery is innocuous. And there seems to be no joke with Kanye, he is serious, sure he could be using this for publicity, but all he can also really think he is doing it right now. If it backfires, then he will go from there.

this post is not loud enough
We saw first hand how Kanye reacted when JL told him something that he didn't want to hear
Also in the extended Van Lathan bestdown kanye didn’t receive any of it. Those words just didn’t land and he started getting weird like I wanna hug you because I hurt you.
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