Knicks: No plans to trade, waive, buy out Marbury

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

lol.. new york knicks. what a joke of a sports franchise. they won't be seeing the light for another century. RIP

You really gonna argue Mark Jackson would bring the Knicks to CHIP before D'Antoni? BASED OFF WHAT ACTUAL FACTUAL EVIDENCE? Cuz I know a bunch a otherdudes from should they be considered too for Head Coach. Maybe you or me should be head coach...we are from NY after all. Thats some corny stuff.Should the Bulls have not hired Phil Jackson at first because he wasn't from the Chi and played in NY? I mean saying we need to hire people based off theirgeographical background is ******ed.

Come on fam...I love your passion for the Knicks, but alot of the stuff you say is just rants and raves...not backed up by any actual FACTS, and definitely nothaving anything serious or concrete to base it on. And what has Steph done to earn another chance? Ya'll act like he really turned around his act. EVERYYEAR its the same story, Steph: "I'm a changed man, i worked hard in the off-season, I want whats best for the team...blah blah blah" EVERYSEASON its the same story. But you all wanna act like this year is different. Why keep giving him chances? HE IS NOT A STABLE PERSON MENTALLY. HE IS NOT AWINNER. HE IS NOT A GOOD TEAMMATE. Why do you want that to be the first step your organization takes when trying to COMPLETELY TURN AROUND the entire directionof the franchise?


That is the message D'Antoni is sending, and win or lose, nice or mean, fair or not, its a message all these guys need to hear. The change starts at thetop, and it starts NOW. !+%@ MArbury, !+%@ Zeke, !+%@ DOLAN MOST OF ALL (also !+%@ Duhon, i mean i know he's not good, but i dont care...he is part ofturning around the attitude and work ethic of the team...that's more valuable than 12 points and 4 assists a game this year from Steph). I want to see anew direction, and that's what the new management is doing.

The FACTS are that Marbury is a loser.
D'Antoni is one of the better coaches in the game, and is liked by the players in the league.
Forget style of play, dude made Phoenix a contending team, and coached one of the best PG's, and best PF's in the league. You can say you want D, youwant the old Riley days...but I'd taking being the Suns right now over the current Knicks ALL DAY. No fantasy land, we can at least be a contender withD'Antoni eventually.

The thing that the new management is doing RIGHT, is doing NOTHING. They realize they can get no value for players, can't win this year (or with thisroster), and are not going to panic and run around trying to please the impatient fans of NY like a certain coach named Isah Thomas. Stay the course. Rebuildthe right way, finally, by being patient, and committing to doing things the right way.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

It's not like he's the difference between playoffs and Lottery...
if we all thought that way, none of us would ever watch knick games, we would just say "what's the point?" as long as the fans of this franchise have to watch a sub par product, the least we can ask for is the best players to play.

I mentioned something similar in the Knicks thread. When the Celtics were rebuilding, they at least had a Paul Pierce and an Antoine Walker who both were inand out of the top 10 in scoring. Imo, it's a slap in the face to Knicks fans (who pay the most in terms of ticket prices) to have to sit and watch MARDYCOLLINS lead a fast break as opposed to Stephon Marbury. To not even have ONE player who you'd build the franchise around is a complete joke. Cuz what thatmeans is that you're just treading water. And they've been doing that for the past 8 years.

Originally Posted by throwback1718

they probably dont want him to play because they dont want him to showcase anything for any other teams to look at when his contract is up

if you dont showcase, no one knows your capabilities.
if no one knows your capabilities, not many people will be willing to take the chance on you.

OR how much they should offer you.
maybe thats the plan, to screw him over as extensively as possible so he cant get a good contract next season.

I was referring to his contract situation after this one expires

Yep, that's exactly what I think it is too. And that's why I called the Knicks (Dolan especially, cuz I think this is all his call) PETTY. That's a%!%*% move right there.

Originally Posted by SHERLOCK FOAMS

I've stuck up for this team for years. Even through the dreaded Layden/ Eisley/ Shandon/ Weatherspoon era. I will still watch games (until I get NBA TV), but I have officially lost all respect for this organization, or lack thereof. Even if they do win a championship with D'Antoni, until New York learns how to take care of their own (Ewing, Clyde, Mark Jackson, Ewing Jr, Marbury, etc...) or comes under new management, I will never be 100% genuinely happy.

This, is F#*&ED UP!

And for everyone saying Steph deserves this... I guess it will always just be entertainment for some. But no MAN deserves this. Neither do the fans. The real ones that is.

Brooklyn FTL!...

Well said.
(And don't forget Marv Albert too).

Originally Posted by amishpimp27

And if u talk about Karma, it goes both ways: u think free agents are going to want to sign with us seeing this happen?...if I was LeBron, or ANY 2010 Free Agent, I wouldn't want to go to a team that puts you on the inactive list hoping you'll take less money to be bought out once they want to go in a different direction. This isn't the NFL. They keep saying "this is a business", but that only makes them look worse if you look like this from a business prospective. I wouldn't want to go anywhere NEAR a classless organization that chooses to INTENTIONALLY sell a poor product to consumers, and instead of firing people, tries to embarass them by taking away their livelihood while still keeping them around to be ridiculed and be a distraction to other workers. Would you consider signing with a team that, on a given season, decides to purposefully lose games and puts players on the inactive list for personal reasons?

The bottom line is that this is cheating the fans, disrespectful to players, and completely knicks ticket sales go to all time lows this year, i know i'm not paying to see Chris Duhon...

Another one who gets it.

I honestly don't see LBJ coming to NY (or NJ for that matter) in '10.

And for those of you saying Steph doesn't mind cuz he's still getting paid, I highly doubt that. This type of thing would burn any competetive pro.It's like sitting out a year due to injury... without being injured. To lose a year from the prime of your career is the ultimate *%*# you from the Knicks.Let me get this straight... A professional franchise wants to pay a player 21 mil for an entire year NOT to even suit up?

Do ya'll Marbury haters not even see how stupid that looks? You guys aren't concerned with how the organization is just pissing away YOUR money??

Anyway, only the New York Knicks can make Stephon Marbury a sympathetic figure.
And for those of you saying Steph doesn't mind cuz he's still getting paid, I highly doubt that. This type of thing would burn any competetive pro.
So why doesn't he take 10 mill up front and go play for someone else? Someone else who probably has a better chance of winning anything.

Let's not act like the Knicks orginization is not willing to give him something....he just wants it all.

but hey, I can't blame him..

Steph is so smart he bought his own 45 million Jet during these economic times.
Even if Steph were to take a buyout for 10 mil, Walsh has said he doesn't believe in buyouts so it's not like Steph could do anything about it.
I'm sayin if someone who has made 100 million roughly...spends HALF of that on one purchase...

hell, the guy probably does need all of it this year.

I'm not saying that sarcastically, I'm being serious.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

How about the I'ma starter and always have been quote he threw out before the season?

can i see the exact quote because i swore i read Marbury saying he doesn't mind coming off the bench. What's your problem with Marbury anyways, did hepipe your girl or something?
Originally Posted by TheStephZone

Even if Steph were to take a buyout for 10 mil, Walsh has said he doesn't believe in buyouts so it's not like Steph could do anything about it.
come on don't Think Walsh would approve that but rather pay all 21 to steph to not play?

That's not really his decision anyway, that's on Dolan

can i see the exact quote because i swore i read Marbury saying he doesn't mind coming off the bench. What's your problem with Marbury anyways, did he pipe your girl or something?
Yeah, that's it.


I'll be sure to go get that quote for you...

We're all voicing opinions..

If you wana take this another direction, we can do that, too..I've kept it simple with my opinions and haven't stepped on anyones leave craplike that out.

Steph has done zero in NY to have me defend him. Sure he's talented....that's about it.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

You really gonna argue Mark Jackson would bring the Knicks to CHIP before D'Antoni? BASED OFF WHAT ACTUAL FACTUAL EVIDENCE? Cuz I know a bunch a other dudes from should they be considered too for Head Coach. Maybe you or me should be head coach...we are from NY after all. Thats some corny stuff. Should the Bulls have not hired Phil Jackson at first because he wasn't from the Chi and played in NY? I mean saying we need to hire people based off their geographical background is ******ed.

Come on fam...I love your passion for the Knicks, but alot of the stuff you say is just rants and raves...not backed up by any actual FACTS, and definitely not having anything serious or concrete to base it on. And what has Steph done to earn another chance? Ya'll act like he really turned around his act. EVERY YEAR its the same story, Steph: "I'm a changed man, i worked hard in the off-season, I want whats best for the team...blah blah blah" EVERY SEASON its the same story. But you all wanna act like this year is different. Why keep giving him chances? HE IS NOT A STABLE PERSON MENTALLY. HE IS NOT A WINNER. HE IS NOT A GOOD TEAMMATE. Why do you want that to be the first step your organization takes when trying to COMPLETELY TURN AROUND the entire direction of the franchise?


That is the message D'Antoni is sending, and win or lose, nice or mean, fair or not, its a message all these guys need to hear. The change starts at the top, and it starts NOW. !+%@ MArbury, !+%@ Zeke, !+%@ DOLAN MOST OF ALL (also !+%@ Duhon, i mean i know he's not good, but i dont care...he is part of turning around the attitude and work ethic of the team...that's more valuable than 12 points and 4 assists a game this year from Steph). I want to see a new direction, and that's what the new management is doing.

The FACTS are that Marbury is a loser.
D'Antoni is one of the better coaches in the game, and is liked by the players in the league.
Forget style of play, dude made Phoenix a contending team, and coached one of the best PG's, and best PF's in the league. You can say you want D, you want the old Riley days...but I'd taking being the Suns right now over the current Knicks ALL DAY. No fantasy land, we can at least be a contender with D'Antoni eventually.

The thing that the new management is doing RIGHT, is doing NOTHING. They realize they can get no value for players, can't win this year (or with this roster), and are not going to panic and run around trying to please the impatient fans of NY like a certain coach named Isah Thomas. Stay the course. Rebuild the right way, finally, by being patient, and committing to doing things the right way.
First of all i dont want Mark just cause hes from NY. i want him because hes always been a smart PG and he would bring fire out of these guys. idont think we need another big ego as a coach especially one that doesnt preach defense. No matter who the coach is this team isnt gonna win so we might aswell get Mark and let him develop with the team as a coach. Rather than a big ego wjo has to play by one particular system.

And maybe Steph hasnt earned another chance, but what has he done to not earn another chance? Maybe if this was a situation of whether to resign him or not iwould agree with you. Lets just cut ties. But he is healthy and we are paying him so why would we put him on the active list and let the other bunch of bum @+$losers that we have play. i mean if you look at our team steph is actually the biggest winner that we have. i mean i love Jamal but son has never even reachedthe playoffs, why is he playing? I mean Marbury has done nothing to deserve to be on the inactive list. i mean even your own GM knows that if he is healthy andunder contract he should play. i mean why not? Wjhat do we have to lose. he brings WAY more than the table than Duhon and the least we can do is go out and tryto win. Putting him on the inactive list serves absolutely no purpose. none.

You say take no bull @%%! this year. And i agree. That is why Curry is on the bench. son showed up out of shape and he didnt work, boom no bull @%%! son youaint gonna play. But benching Steph isnt a no bull @%%! kinda thing. Its a we are going to hold you accountable to the past of this team instead of letting itgo and giving you a clean slate like the rest of the team because we have a personal vendetta on you kind of policy. He has one !%@*#%% year left, just let himplay we dont have a PG of the future hes not holding anybody back. Benching him shows the wrong message if anything. He can work hard, get in great shape, havea nice preseason, and be benched behind dudes who arent as talented as his pinky? Yall all talk about letting go of the past. SO LET IT GO and play whodeserves to be played. You say show us a reason why he should be playing. show me a reason what he did to deserve being inactive. sure he has never won, butwe have had the most success with him so he gives us our best shot to win. Its not like we have had guys who have gone padst the 1st round. %!$$ i think theonly one on our team with ANY success in the playoffs is scrub @+$ Malik Rose. But it is Steph getting all the hate. i mean i think he should get play, but ifyou arent planning on playing him than save the !%@*#%% drama. i mean that is my main argument. Even if by some reason he shouldnt play why would we bebriinging more drama. Drama is the last !%@*#%% thing we need right now. We might as well just cut him. Him being inactive is just so !%@*#%% stupid itsunbelievable. This is why i dont want D'Antoni. i hate you ignorant @@%@@ who think people like me base decisions off whose from NY or not. %!$$ that.Steph should play cause hes our best PG. Mark Jackson should be our coach bevcause he knows basketball, he would play what style best suits the team ratherthan having to play his own style even if the team dont fit it and we shoot 30% from the field, and he would bring energy and finally get these worthless @@%@@to play some D. i mean even with Gallo, i didnt dislike the pick cause hes European. ill take Ricky rubio if he comes out i didnt like it cause he dont play D.I dont dislike D'Antoni cuase hes not from NY i just think it was dumb to bring in such a high profile name when you wont win either way. Same thing wentfor Larry Brown and he IS from NY. We can be a contender with D'Antoni? How do you know that? How did Larrry brown work out? Great coaches do not meangreat success if the players dont fit in. And the players sure as %!$$ dont fit in here.

I think everybody is down with rebuilding. But not playing Steph is not a rebuilding step. We are paying him whether he is on the floor or not. so why dont wejust get him in. %!$$ you guys are acting like im saying we should trade for some high profile guy. im just saying as long as we have Steph we should utilizehim. no other Knick deserves to be getting played (minus guys like Nate, Lee, and Chandler cause they are young and can be part of our future) more thanStephon does. i mean we have lost with all of these guys. im not saying go out and sign Steph cause that would be dumb cause we have lost with him, but if weare paying him than why not play him? Orr cut him. This whole situation is just !%@*#%% stupid to me, and dont call me !%@*#%% ignorant ause of that. Thissituation is !%@*#%% stupid. If you think that it is a smart move by D'Antoni to bring unecessary drama and hold grudges from the past instead of movingforward than i think youre ignorant/ Cause the last thing we need is anpther !%@*#%% soap opera from this team, i just wanna focus on winning ball games. Imean i get that some of yall may like Steph but im gonna go out and say it, i dont see how any of yall can see tis as a smart move. What are we getting out ofthis? This is just dumb the only thing we get out of this is drama.

EDIT: and cmon now dont hate on allen just like none of yall should hate on us for saying Marbury should get burn. youre right on point where all voicing ouropinions. And if i were steph i would agree with him on the buyout. if i made money that i earned. Say what you want but Steph got that money, and if you canget paid that much you will obviously say yes so he earned it. Why the **$+ would you accept any less. If i were Marbury i wouldnt take a penny less either,**$+ i earned that $.
in addition to what i said my man just put in in nice terms right here. Cmon he was promised a clean slate but the Knicks cant hold on to theirword. He did what he had to do and if he has a clean slate than he should CLEARLY be starting. Just like Crawford is or Z bo cause they were given clean slatesalthough they are life long losers. Cause just like Marbury although they have lost THEY ARE THE BEST THAT WE HAVE AND YOU PLAY TO WIN. And i mean Marbury hasactually had far more success than both of them. So the only argument you could bring up from there is if you think Duhon>>>>Steph ad if you thinkthat you are just on some serious
and thats another issue.
what do you mean?

Im just as fed up as the next man, and at the end of the day we all want to see this team go out and PERFORM. I just don't see how a man can have a'clean slate' and then get treated like the black sheep.

Start tanking now, none of that Zeke %$## from last yr.
Yo it's amazing how people can want the same thing, but can't see eye to eye on how to get it. But I'll second what allen just said, end of the dayit's all love.

I would just say that the attitude and standards for the organization are more important than the product on the floor this season.

If you believe that the future direction of this team is more important than putting the most "talented" (whatever that means anyway) team on thefloor (for the time being), then there is no way you can argue Marbury should ever wear a Knick uniform again. Not saying other players are the future, but atthis point with Marbury it has just taken on a life of it's own, and fair or not he is the figurative/symbolic cancer that needs to be removed. FAIR OR NOTAGAIN...

That is essentially why I wish we could just cut ties with Marbury. I think it is embarrassing for Marbury to have to wear street clothes (dude really needs astylist by the way, these leather panels on his sports coats are TRASH), but I think he should just be sent away from the team, not be in the Garden atgames...just bury the hatchet already and move on. I really am getting exhausted discussing this 24/7.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

what do you mean?

Im just as fed up as the next man, and at the end of the day we all want to see this team go out and PERFORM. I just don't see how a man can have a 'clean slate' and then get treated like the black sheep.

Start tanking now, none of that Zeke %$## from last yr.
being a knick and St. John's fan
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Stephon Marbury has never made a team he's been on better. Not at any point in his career.
'03-'04 Knicks pre-Marbury trade: 14-21 (.400) in 35 games.
'03-'04 Knicks post-Marbury trade: 25-22 (.532) in 47 games.

His teammates then are almost the same, the he's not at fault for the Knicks making those moves. Trading for Jalen Rose and Steve Francis for valuableexpiring contracts? What lottery picks did the Knicks benefit from?

'98-'99 Nets pre-Marbury trade: 3-16 (.157) in 19 games.
'98-'99 Nets post-Marbury trade: 13-18 (.419) in 31 games.

A .419 win percentage isn't anything to celebrate, but he still made them better. He played with guys like Jamie Feick, Mark Hendrickson, and Chris Carr inthe starting line-up. KVH was dropping high-20's on a nightly basis with Marbury dishing. Did the Nets do ANYTHING to make the team better? In his threeseasons there, the only notable "star" was a rookie Kenyon Martin, who was a raw talent with no scoring ability. Marbury was thrown into a garbagepit.

With the Suns, Marbury had Amare, Marion, and Joe Johnson, sure. But Amare and Johnson were rookie/sophomores. The Amare with Steve Nash was nowhere near theAmare with Marbury. The Joe Johnson in Atlanta was not the Joe Johnson in Phoenix. And while Shawn Marion did his thing, it's already been proven thathe's not the Scottie Pippen type player he was envisioned to be. When Marbury was traded, the Suns record was exactly the same for the rest of the season.When Nash came, everything fell into place with D'Antoni's system. The Nash argument has been beaten to death already so there's no need to go on.

Name one team Marbury played for that was a legitimate contender. The Nets? That roster was atrocious. The Suns? His best year was with a rookie Amare. TheKnicks? No way. The bottom line is that Marbury has never won anything because he's always placed in bad teams. No single player is going to make a garbageteam into a winner. Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett are prime examples. KG's only two great seasons were with Cassell/Spree and Ray/Pierce. The Lakers wereonce a .415 team with Kobe, and with improved teammates, were never a contender until Pau Gasol was brought in and Odom had a career regular season.

No team has ever ATTEMPTED to build around Stephon Marbury. He was brought in to perform miracles, and was blamed when things expectedly went wrong. He stilldropped 20 and 8 wherever he went.

As for the Knicks, I only want to see him play only because he's better for D'Antoni. If any of you (and by that, I mean none of you) watched preseasongames, Stephon and Nate looked like they were going to beast in D'Antoni's system. Yet Duhon is given 40 minutes a game and Nate isn't givenenough. Have some of you WATCHED Chris Duhon with the Knicks? There are times where he looks great playing his role, but like I said in the other Marburythread, there are times in which D'Antoni lets Duhon penetrate and dish at his own will. I'd rather see Marbury do that because THAT'SMARBURY'S GAME. I don't care about his contract, or the obligation the franchise may have, or the fact that he's from NY...he's flat-out BETTERthan Chris Duhon in this system. He's almost unstoppable when he penetrates and dish, and now that he's with a coach who thrives on that, he's notallowed to play.

Stephon Marbury is not why the Knicks are bad. Trading Antonio Davis' and Penny's expiring contracts for Steve Francis and Jalen Rose killed theKnicks. Committing $13 million a season to Jared Jeffries killed the Knicks. Trading away lottery picks for Eddy Curry killed the Knicks. And amidst all thischaos throughout the years, Stephon just wanted to ball. Let him.
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