**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

DG could have had his Kerr/Fisher Finals Moment, but he wet the bed. Then the moment was definitely too big for Keef in that play. Won't put the game completely on them because every role player except for KCP had a subpar game.

Collect ourselves mentally. Get back to Lakers ball next game. AD just has to be at 70% hopefully. It wasn't the storybook ending that we wanted in the Kobe jerseys but true storybook endings aren't predetermined and forced.

Bring it home on Sunday. Job not finished.

In addition to this, the team had their shot at the storybook ending, tonight should've been it. Now, go out Sunday and just ******* hoop man, forreal.

Get it done so DG can go hibernate and think about what he's done. Dwight can marry his fiance', Keef and Marcus can fight over who gonna get a better contract, AC can see Bron's hair plug and Bronny can get his *** beat properly.

I read reporters already booked flights home thinking it would end tonight. Just win Sunday so ya'll can leave that damn bubble.
the right basketball play isn't always the right play
Well this is true. But it's easy to say what Bron should've done from the outside. Bron made the right play. Should he have forced a shot? Maybe. Maybe he scores it. But he gave it to a wide open DG for the easiest shot in bball, top of the key 3. I don't blame him.

I blame DaNnY gReEn
The refs really gotta stop giving butler Bron calls...


Whats the point of playing defense if you call that?
The refs really gotta stop giving butler Bron calls...


Whats the point of playing defense if you call that?
I can’t sleep either

Ya those two calls at the end were ******* horse****

also when Miami has both crowder and Iggy on the floor, why not double Butler when he gets the switch. You know exactly what play he is gonna run. Every single time

spoelstra coaches circles around Vogel. They went to an all guard/sf lineup and we kept Dwight in there. It’s a ******* joke
Yeah, I was pissed last night but I feel a little better this morning. It's only one game and we had the benefit of being up 3-1 so we still have two more cracks at it. Still frustrating that we wasted an all-time great LeBron game because our supporting cast didn't show up at all.
it’s good that only one day in between games. I’m sure a normal playoff matchup would be a couple days layoff due to travel. I’m ready for game 6.
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