**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


Whole ordeal looks bad. Real bad. :lol:

Since Woj doesn't have any connects w/ the Lakers, I find this version of the story pretty believable in general...
If they've been focused on JJ like it's been reported, but if Hurley's people reached out and let the Lakers know that he might be interested in the head coaching position should they have said thanks but no thanks? I can see it playing out just like reports, set up a meeting you make an offer and if he says no then you go right back to focusing on JJ. Now I could see how that might offend JJ if he thought he was in line to become the coach and he found out via social media like the rest of us that the Lakers were meeting w/ Hurley... do you owe him a phone call about what's going on or is that just Laker business that you keep within the organization?

I don't know man, all of this just seems like a last minute hey this just came up let's meet and see what's up... if it works, cool and if not back to the original plan.
Woj talks to Pelinka. But that seems like a feasible story.
And for the most I don't really see all THAT much wrong with how it played out if that's the case...

Having everything go public isn't a good look, but in today's landscape you're not really going to be able to keep anything a secret.

Now it would be embarrassing if Hurley was the number one choice all along, they got him in the building and couldn't close...

Back to JJ, you gotta wonder how he feels about all of this... I mean it's not like they put him on hold to offer the job to Coby Karl or Adrian Griffin LOL
“Somebody lying…. Smell somebody lying…. I don’t see no fire.”

Shams was dead on. Even Skeletor Skip could smell it. The Lakers do what they have always done. Help other people get PAID.
Pro-Jeanie crowd 😂

Because asking what makes her the worst, or amongst the worst for that matter = support

Why debate it?

Read the last several pages, multiple people (not only me anymore) callin out Jeanie (and Rob), then there's this swell to rush to her defense, why? Because she's the Laker owner she gotta be defended????

Since Woj doesn't have any connects w/ the Lakers, I find this version of the story pretty believable in general...
If they've been focused on JJ like it's been reported, but if Hurley's people reached out and let the Lakers know that he might be interested in the head coaching position should they have said thanks but no thanks? I can see it playing out just like reports, set up a meeting you make an offer and if he says no then you go right back to focusing on JJ. Now I could see how that might offend JJ if he thought he was in line to become the coach and he found out via social media like the rest of us that the Lakers were meeting w/ Hurley... do you owe him a phone call about what's going on or is that just Laker business that you keep within the organization?

I don't know man, all of this just seems like a last minute hey this just came up let's meet and see what's up... if it works, cool and if not back to the original plan.

So then, the 6/70 mil just came up, casual, and now what the offer to JJ going to look like?

And if JJ rejects us................................................. bruh.
You should know before he gets on a plane to LA what it'll take to get him to say yes. At least that's how most negotiations work. The legwork is done early.
Why debate it?

Read the last several pages, multiple people (not only me anymore) callin out Jeanie (and Rob), then there's this swell to rush to her defense, why? Because she's the Laker owner she gotta be defended????
What exactly is the defense here?

Not sure if it was you or someone else that made the original claim that Jeanie IS THE WORST OWNER IN ALL OF SPORTS… which isnt the same thing as calling out Buss for her decision making, it’s making an extreme claim. So I asked why? And then yall moved the goalposts… to now Jeanie IS THE WORST OWNER IN THE NBA. Okay cool, so tell me why? Again, goalpost moved to well she’s ONE OF THE WORST. Fine, compared to her peers what makes her THAT bad? Now we’re to the point where you’re asking me why am I defending and debating this…

IDK, maybe aome of yall are just emotional and be saying anything. If I don’t agree I might just ask you what makes you say that? I hate DLo, I’m not going to say man he’s the worst starting PG in the league…because how do you even validate that statement? But what I can do is point out what I don’t like about him, and even who’d I rather have in here in his place. I get it though, we can’t really be reasonable on here everything is always to the extreme.
Jeanie isn't close to being the WORST owner in the NBA. She's for sure middle of the pack in large part because of lack of liquidity that other franchises have and how she does her mom and pop operations wise.
Jeanie isn't close to being the WORST owner in the NBA. She's for sure middle of the pack in large part because of lack of liquidity that other franchises have and how she does her mom and pop operations wise.

And hey maybe that's where she really lies in the grand scheme... I don't really know much about all of the other owners to make a ranking.

But why is everything almost always default to the worst possible doom and gloom scenario these days? For the life of me I just do not understand it.
If Hurley was reaching out to us, our response was here's 6/70. Was that at the ready, or we negotiated to that point, etc. (I'm assuming that offer wasn't available to JJ)
Who knows man?

My guess is after whoever reached out to whoever, the conversation probably was probably informal...come out to LA and let's discuss in person. The details of the contract he just signed is public knowledge and also the same for the top coaches in the NBA. That kinda establishes a market, and I suppose if he really wanted the job but the money was the offer then you negotiate. But based on what Woj reported it wasn't really about the finances...
Read that one earlier and I alluded to the same thing yesterday....

They pay stars and are cheap around the edges everywhere else.

Pincus makes a good point about Ballmer, all those deep pockets hasn't necessarily translated into the type of success that you'd like to see.

Obviously these days I think you have to be fortunate enough to have a star player and smart about how you construct the roster around them.

Lakers have the stars, but outside of 2020 and 2021 they haven't been smart about how they built the roster around Lebron and AD.

Best move that Jeanie as an owner can make is to look at the persons responsible for the roster and hold them accountable... but winning the title in 2020 bought Rob an incredible amount of leeway/job security.
Yea CPs top 5 owners list was funny to me.

Isn’t Ballmer about to max out his second aging star that’s always injured. The same thing CP kills Rob Pelinka and Jeanie for. Ballmer took over the Clippers the same time Jeanie took over the Lakers. She has a championship during that time. They kill Jeanie/Rob over Lue. Guess what, Clippers got him and what do they have to show for it? lol All those billions and what? They getting a shiny new arena. Good for them.
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