**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Outside of D'Lo being a bust and Randle being trash you're making up ****. Mosgov is 9 games into a 4 year deal. And on JC is he not coming off the bench like I suggested?
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Just wanted to point out how wrong you've been on pretty much everything ever. But besides that you missed the point. E is saying get rid of Nick because we're gonna have to give him 4 years 40 M's. I'm saying that's not likely because we didn't have to overpay last time so why would we this time.

He's going to be 32. You want that long term. Jesus how many times do we have to do this with every damn player. Pau, Kobe, Steve Nash. MWP. Every damn time. But nah it's smart to give 4 years AGAIN to a guy who won't be a starter and is barely a starter currently, only by default because Clarkson has been designated to the 6th man role. And likely will lose more and more minutes as Ingram improves.

I'm saying you get rid of him because he's not going to give you 5 years of solid production. And you know that.

Not only that, you can find better and younger players.

He's certainly going to get significantly more than he did from us this go round.

Because he's 32 and he's having a great season so far (9 games nonetheless).

Look at all the other deals going to bench player wings. Nick is going to opt out of his deal and miraculously take a significant pay cut? Not a chance.
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Rudy would be perfect here, too bad you couldn't get Rudy Huxtable for Deng right now.
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Outside of D'Lo being a bust and Randle being trash you're making up ****. Mosgov is 9 games into a 4 year deal. And on JC is he not coming off the bench like I suggested?

Making up ****? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

I just did some digging..you really want me to share what I found? :lol:

I'm saying you get rid of him because he's not going to give you 5 years of solid production. And you know that.

Where are you getting 5 years from? Your bung hole? 2-3 years max on a reasonable deal. Anything other than that he's free to walk far as I'm concerned.
Yes I'm serious, Rudy Gay is actually a starting caliber SF and is playing very well so far, since we're apparently a playoff team now, on an expiring deal while Ingram is getting acclimated.
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Yes I'm serious, Rudy Gay is actually a starting caliber SF and is playing very well so far, since we're apparently a playoff team now, on an expiring deal while Ingram is getting acclimated.

i agree even if we dont make the playoffs make that draft pick as late as it can be for the sixers and hes an expiring
C'mon bruh. :lol:

We don't need empty stat king Rudy Gay. Let these young boys keep building.

We have 2 wings that really shouldn't be starting right now ideally. Rudy provides consistent production. And it's only for 1 year theoretically.
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wassup with all the trade talk already?

squad is playing coooo

well only gonna get better as the season goes on too

So just completely abandon the playoff dream?
Picks don't really help at this point and we already have some from the Calderon deal

I don't dream about playoffs, I dream about Figueroa.

Nick and Lou will not be here when we enter our true window. (2-3-4 years)

So flip them now for more assets later.

Late 1's, early 2's add assets, keep costs low. In 2-3 years, as Randle, DLo etc get more expensive, having a couple 22-23-24 year olds with talent (and experience) will be more useful than 35 year old Nick Young, etc.

Yes, we could bust on a pick or two, but as said, Nick/Lou do nothing for us long term. Getting swept by the Warriors really doesn't excite me in any way. Not even for experience reasons.

Let em play well, get their value up, then flip them and give even more PT/responsibility to the young core to finish the year. 10 seed, 9 seed, 8 seed, no real difference. Improvement will have been proven to other FA's.
Man some people are just garbage on here...we dont need a current big name to win lets develop what we have to big names...we've seen more than enough from our guys
[quote name="leemelone"]For you to say there's no reason to re-sign them is just silly to me. We are where we are right now largely because of them.[/quote]Exactly.

Now like you said, we are where we are largely because of them. We are 5-4. While 5-4 is not 0-9, it is also not 7-2, or 8-1. We are 5-4 because of them, and with them we will remain around .500. I mean, surely you acknowledge that. Surely you don't think that we're going to have this 18-1 stretch somewhere during this season or maybe string together 7-0 then maybe drop 3 and go on an 8-2 run with these guys, right?

We are where we are largely because of them, which is 5-4, which is better than terrible, but not championship level.
I don't dream about playoffs, I dream about Figueroa.

This is funny for reasons you might not understand if you're not from LA :lol:.

But anywho, yes a first round sweep is actually beneficial. Stealing a game would be even more so. Any playoff experience is beneficial and we have a chance to get there because of this current roster. The pieces that will be here long term are learning how to win, RIGHT NOW, because of players you guys would have been happy to get rid of before the season for some hot Cheetos. So yes, they are doing something for us long term and we're witnessing it on a nightly basis. We'd be exponentially worse right now and in the future if we didn't have them, it would just delay the team's growth even more. We already have enough friggin assets. Do your homework right and you don't need 14 picks for 2 players like Boston. We already don't have enough room for ant brown and zubac and you guys want to cram more babies in the crib. For the same reason they kept metta over brown they will keep lou and Nick and not trade them for $5 lotto scratchers. This front office is one shot one kill and we have like 6-7 solid players still developing with 3 more coming in the next 3 years minimum. That is an abundance.

Ska 5-4 is nothing to scoff at. It's like you guys want to skip the middle part, the cream filling of the rebuild and go straight to the dynasty. You guys can't see the forest for the trees. We're on a good trajectory right now and I personally don't want to ruin that chasing picks and free agents.
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