**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I personally don't think we even need a big name free agent. I'm really high on our core. We've been winning games and dlo jc and Ingram haven't even hit their stride yet. If we can get lou and Nick on reasonable deals sure they can party with us.
Some in here have gone way too far with the DLo hate :lol: he is gonna be a great player. Will prob be pretty consistent his whole career based off the way he plays.

But as of right now I am only talking about his body language and his style of play on the court now. I am not talking bout his production or anything like that. So analytics serves no purpose here.
He downright has been looking uninterested and slow in his play. And he wasn't playing this way through pre season or the first 3 games of the season. Thats fact. I know what I see.
He has been looking lethargic
That's why I said the trade deadline will be interesting. Lou and Nick are the reason why we've been winning. They're also the only players with trade value that aren't part of the young core.

I don't think they get traded if we're still in contention by the deadline, unless it's part something bigger involving one of the young guys too.
My thing is who are you gonna trade them for? Realistically you'd hope to get back the same caliber of players which defeats the purpose
Picks we'll need later if we have any hope of unloading Deng or Mosgov as we get deeper into their contracts.
What kind of picks are you really expecting to get back for these guys. This is backwards as hell to me. Lou and Nick are the reason we're as competitive as we are and now we're supposed to completely shortstop that for bookkeeping purposes? It does more benefit to compete right now than to obsess over future contracts. And the kicker is yall are talking like this because you want to sign guys like Westbrook and cousins :smh:. We have our core locked in, cap is not so important. Mitch has even said cap space is overrated. Highly doubt there is a trade this season, by design. We're going to live with the contracts we signed, roll the dice on the abundance of picks we currently have developing and cross the Deng bridge when we come to it.
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So just completely abandon the playoff dream?
Picks don't really help at this point and we already have some from the Calderon deal

What kind of picks are you really expecting to get back for these guys. This is backwards as hell to me. Lou and Nick are the reason we're as competitive as we are and now we're supposed to completely shortstop that for bookkeeping purposes? It does more benefit to compete right now than to obsess over future contracts. And the kicker is yall are talking like this because you want to sign guys like Westbrook and cousins :smh:. We have our core locked in, cap is not so important. Mitch has even said cap space is overrated. Highly doubt there is a trade this season, by design.

Playoffs are irrelevant this year. I'll take missing it this season for a 20-30 pick. Why because I'll take the chance at a Steal in the draft than losing in 4 or 5 games in the first round. And just settle for making it in 2017-18.

Also, it's highly unlikely we'll make the playoffs. Fun fun team. And we compete, and play hard. But it's still a largely young team

There's still holes in the core.... There's only 3 starters there, and 2 bench players.. Why would you use any possible resource to lock up Lou Williams & Nick Young long term, for the chance to add Top Level Talent next to Top Level Prospects in the near term.

Furthermore, you can always come back to bench players later.

No reason to tie yourself to MORE bench players, when 40% of what you want your starting lineup to be in 5 years is currently empty

Asset Management is more important than Lou Williams & Nick Young. If it's not going to get you into the promise land now, then you shuffle your assets to put you in that place in the future.

And finally it's not for bookkeeping purposes.. It's just admitting, once those deals are up, there's no reason to keep them. And because of that, when the time is right, you might as well get rid of them
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All I can do is sigh. You guys are too smart for your own good and over think this **** sometimes. It's not gonna happen regardless. Just not a smart move to cut the team's legs out from under them for at best a late first rounder. Sure from your desktop you can take the chance on making the team worse for a possible first round steal but it's just not practical. I saw names like Ben bentil and Gary Payton jr get hyped up in here, don't think any of you had Nance or zubac or even Clarkson on your big board. Right now it aint broke so don't try so hard to fix it.
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I've been wondering that as well. Even said we don't need a superstar, lolwut?
I didn't exactly say we don't need a superstar but if it's boogie or Russ, I'm good. Our core will grow into a championship contender, all we really need are spare parts. You guys make a ton of assumptions saying things like since it's not gonna get you to the playoffs trade em, there's no reason to keep them after their deals are up. You don't let guys that have career years and are vital to your success just walk if you can help it. It just doesn't work like that. And as of right now we have a legit chance at the postseason because of players who you guys would have traded for a bag of **** in the summer. You're seriously suggesting basically tanking the season for demarcus cousins and/or Terry rozier, rj hunter caliber players. I can just find relief in knowing this front office doesn't run things like that and it won't happen.
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I've been wondering that as well. Even said we don't need a superstar, lolwut?

Definitely one thing to say, we won't be able to, whether their value isn't as high as we expect... Or generally just letting the cards fall which is what Mitch generally does. (As you're saying, which there's a large possibility)

But to say we shouldn't... Is far different.

Not even to say both, but one of them should be traded for value. Just because there's no reason to give them new contracts here after their current ones lapse.

So help me if we sign Nick Young to 4 year / $40 mil in the offseason, I'm blaming BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE completely
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For you to say there's no reason to re-sign them is just silly to me. We are where we are right now largely because of them. This isn't like this past summer where we would have to overpay for role players. We have some bargaining power this time. So long as they keep up their production, hell yea there's reason to sign them. If someone wants to Evan turner them good riddance but otherwise they can play for my team.
You guys make a ton of assumptions saying things like since it's not gonna get you to the playoffs trade em, there's no reason to keep them after their deals are up. You don't let guys that have career years and are vital to your success just walk if you can help it. It just doesn't work like that. And as of right now we have a legit chance at the postseason because of players who you guys would have traded for a bag of **** in the summer. You're seriously suggesting basically tanking the season for demarcus cousins and/or Terry rozier, rj hunter caliber players. I can just find relief in knowing this front office doesn't run things like that and it won't happen.

So you're signing 32 year old Nick Young to a 4 year deal at $10mil + a season? Which is what his comparable role players are getting at least.

And then a year later deciding to sign Lou Williams to that deal as well?

Then you're stuck with this team for good because then you have to pay Randle in 2018, the year after you have to pay Russell & Nance Jr (Nance may end up gone because someone may offer him a huge deal just to get him), and then in 2020 you have to pay Ingram & Clarkson.

When you had the opportunity to put better players next to our core? And afford all of them going forward into their primes.

Come on that's just nonsense.

These are not star players.... It's not saying, hey let's trade Nance for a Late 1st. Nance you want around for a long time. Lou Williams, you do not because he's not 24. He's already 30.

And again, you're not letting them walk, you're getting value for them.

Since 2011 guys drafted 20 or later
2011 - Kenneth Faried #22, Nikola Mirotic #23, Reggie Jackson #24, Jimmy Butler #30, Chandler Parsons #38
2012- Evan Fournier #20, Jared Sullinger #21, Festus Ezeli #30, Jae Crowder #34, Draymond Green #35, Khris Middleton #39
2013- Rudy Gobert #27, Allen Crabbe #31
2014 - Rodney Hood #23, Clint Cappela #25, Nikola Jokic #41, Jordan Clarkson #46
2015- Justin Anderson #21, Rondae Hollis Jefferson #23, Larry Nance Jr. #27, Josh Richardson #40, Norman Powell #46

All guys who are quality role players, starters or stars... You take the opportunity at that if you have it. Especially when you're looking to field a long term contender, as opposed to a win now team, that is nowhere near contention

Are there trades I wouldn't make? Yes. I wouldn't trade them for Late 2nd Rounders because that's just not worth the return. When there is an ability to buy those picks.... But would I trade them for a Late 1st.. Absolutely. It'd be stupid not to
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Ever heard of a contract year production? There's absolutely zero chance that Nick Young goes back to what he's been his entire career.
Nick signed with us for peanuts after having a career year. You're just throwing out numbers that I never said anything about. A lot of those players you listed are early/mid second rounders. There's a decent chance the picks from Denver and Chicago will be in that same range in addition to our own second rounders we're likely to keep. There's the opportunity you're hoping for. We already have these type of assets, no need to stockpile and squander them like ainge, let alone kill your season for it. Pg is the only upcoming big name free agent that intrigues me and that's only if Ingram is a 2 and Jordan is a 6th man. And even then I'm not THAT intrigued but I understand some see things differently.

Bruh we are just never gonna see eye to eye on how to run a team :lol:. You come up with these convoluted trade proposals every year that never see the light of the day. We're good where we are right now and the foreseeable future. I'm not one to try to fix what isn't broken.

Ever heard of a contract year production? There's absolutely zero chance that Nick Young goes back to what he's been his entire career.

I get it bro, you hate every player on this team. I get it.
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Why did Nick sign for peanuts? Cause he was highly coveted elsewhere or that nobody else wanted him?
Nick is garbage, dlo is a bust, Randle is trash, jc is worthless, why did we sign Mozgov, why is lou on this team, the front office is ****, we won't be competitive for another decade...I get it. Anything else you'd like to add?
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Just wanted to point out how wrong you've been on pretty much everything ever. But besides that you missed the point. E is saying get rid of Nick because we're gonna have to give him 4 years 40 M's. I'm saying that's not likely because we didn't have to overpay last time so why would we this time.
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