Major earthquake possibly to west coast? How do you feel bout this NT?

Originally Posted by knnyngo

Yeah we're done
If it does happen, I'm picking up a bag and start hittin apple stores.
Bay Area Nters we must unite. 
Originally Posted by proper english

"experts" have been predicting a major westcoast quake for YEARs... unless Chile, Japan, & Haiti are in the westcoast, i think its safe to say that they dont really know what theyre talking about. 

jae oh en wrote:
any time a big quake happens, it's routine that all the news outlets start reporting that cali is about to get hit with the big one. i've also seen reports that the quake in japan has actually lessened the chances of a comparable quake happening out here. just goes to show that nobody really knows. 

i've been hearing these "big one" predictions all my life in SF. learned a long, long time ago that it's not worth stressing out over. there's no use in sitting around worried about something you can't control or see coming. just gotta be prepared and live life. 



These predictions have been going on for ages, at this point you can throw out predictions just to say "seeeeeeee I told ya!"
Wow I thought I was the only one on NT from the Central Valley. Anyways, wazzhup fresno heads
Originally Posted by allreds

Wow I thought I was the only one on NT from the Central Valley. Anyways, wazzhup fresno heads

not from there but i can answer you

not a damn thing...literally
I'm pretty sure people in the Bay Area already know that the next earthquake to happen here is going to be a really bad one. It's bound to happen.
West coast been known for earthquakes. Don't think much of it at all.

Reminds me of that joke that might become true; Major earthquake separates Cali from the country making it it's own island
West coast is long overdue for "the big one." All I know is when it does go down, I hope I'm at home with my fiance, dog, and family. Imagine being at work or school and not being able to reach your loved ones for hours because of power outages and cell phones being tied up.
Originally Posted by proper english

"experts" have been predicting a major westcoast quake for YEARs... unless Chile, Japan, & Haiti are in the westcoast, i think its safe to say that they dont really know what theyre talking about. 
It's not like they pull these predictions out of their butts.
lets say yall get hit with an earthquake and u at home, wheres the safest place to be at home?
If the BIG one does happen hopefully everyone is safe.

But if it does I don't know how Cali is gonna recuperate. California is deeply in debt, almost bankrupt.
When it happens it happens. Living in CA you gotta be ready for it. I've already experienced quite a few (none of the scale of Japan's, obviously) and you just need to be ready.

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

lets say yall get hit with an earthquake and u at home, wheres the safest place to be at home?

If you can, you go outside to an area with open land. If you're stuck inside and have no room to run, best places are underneath doorways or under a desk.
will be crazy when that %$!+ hits. i just hope it happens during the day time.
There is no clockwise trend that is just stupid, and this idea that now it's gonna happen to us because it happened it Japan is just dumb. There has always and will always be a risk in the areas known as "the ring of fire". Let's not pretend that this is new.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

will be crazy when that %$!+ hits. i just hope it happens during the day time.

I was just thinking this, also if the fault line is really as weak as they say it is does that mean that the stuff they were saying when i was in middle school(01-03) about us drifting out to sea is plausible? Furthermore, if something as catastrophic as what happened in japan also occurred on this side would anybody be able to help us? Considering we owe everyone such substantial amounts of money i presume not, but residuals owed shouldn't over power ones humanity
I blame tv for always captioning every single thing as "Breaking News"[ Breaking news meme swooshes in and up and away]
Originally Posted by Raymo24TX

 But if it does I don't know how Cali is gonna recuperate. California is deeply in debt, almost bankrupt.
that's something i've wondered about a few times. i've never looked into what california's plan is for that situation either. 

CincoSeisDos sup dude 
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