Met the perfect girl but then she dropped a bomb on me............

Two things. First. I Demand pics of this woman. Second, dude forget about her. You can never go raw, you'll always think about it, and she's just a messed up individual. You know this. You said it yourself. She's out there infecting cats and not even telling them!!! Don't be a simp brethren.
Originally Posted by goDie

For someone thats so "wise" and is constantly dropping "knowledge" its mind boggling how many female problems youve had.

That's a tough decision to go through...she's perfect yet she's not.

how does it make her a bad person?

on the contrary, she told him before they had sex

she sounds great....still

but yeah, dump her, do not contract herpes.

im sure theres a nice guy out there for her with a lifelone genital infection too.....

but shes a stand up girl for actually telling you....BEFORE yall had sex...

imagine if she had questionable morals

this thread would have been entirely different.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does it make her a bad person?

on the contrary, she told him before they had sex

she sounds great....still

but yeah, dump her, do not contract herpes.

im sure theres a nice guy out there for her with a lifelone genital infection too.....

but shes a stand up girl for actually telling you....BEFORE yall had sex...

imagine if she had questionable morals

this thread would have been entirely different.

She's out here infecting dudes and not telling them, that's how She's a bad person
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does it make her a bad person?

on the contrary, she told him before they had sex

she sounds great....still

but yeah, dump her, do not contract herpes.

im sure theres a nice guy out there for her with a lifelone genital infection too.....

but shes a stand up girl for actually telling you....BEFORE yall had sex...

imagine if she had questionable morals

this thread would have been entirely different.

She's out here infecting dudes and not telling them, that's how She's a bad person

i missed that part.

pretty sure she told him before they had sex tho.
realtalk, I dont know how can really be on the Team Raw status with a casual relationship. I ony went Raw on 2 shortys in my life. 1 I took the V card and still waited till a year in the realtionship to go Raw. 2nd, I made sure to put her on the pill and got us both tested with the paperwork before we even considered it. Peace of mind is well worth it.
Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does it make her a bad person?

on the contrary, she told him before they had sex

she sounds great....still

but yeah, dump her, do not contract herpes.

im sure theres a nice guy out there for her with a lifelone genital infection too.....

but shes a stand up girl for actually telling you....BEFORE yall had sex...

imagine if she had questionable morals

this thread would have been entirely different.

She's out here infecting dudes and not telling them, that's how She's a bad person
You dudes are so dramatic. 
Quick to make it sound like shorty is on a mission to infect everyone that she comes across.

She mentioned to OP that she doesnt tell EVERYONE. How do you know what measures she is taking to not infect other people shes sexually active with? Nothing is 100% but there are ways to greatly reduce the risks of transmitting diseases...honestly its a risk we ALL take even when using a condom.

Buncha little girls on NT.
Originally Posted by FEETure

yeah shorty falls into the "alright to murder" category for her grimey antics and nonchalant attitude about it....imagine how you wouldve raged on her if you had already smanged imagine you go get tested and you herped out = murderous rage.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

In essence she doesn't respect the people she has casual sex with enough to even tell them she is infected with a non curable disease. Please be careful out here ya'll this ain't a game out here. Strap up EVERYTIME. I'm so hurt I can't make love to this dope female now

sorry to hear man
Originally Posted by goDie

For someone thats so "wise" and is constantly dropping "knowledge" its mind boggling how many female problems youve had.
Originally Posted by goDie

Originally Posted by xAiRMaXiNx

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

how does it make her a bad person?

on the contrary, she told him before they had sex

she sounds great....still

but yeah, dump her, do not contract herpes.

im sure theres a nice guy out there for her with a lifelone genital infection too.....

but shes a stand up girl for actually telling you....BEFORE yall had sex...

imagine if she had questionable morals

this thread would have been entirely different.

She's out here infecting dudes and not telling them, that's how She's a bad person
You dudes are so dramatic. 
Quick to make it sound like shorty is on a mission to infect everyone that she comes across.

She mentioned to OP that she doesnt tell EVERYONE. How do you know what measures she is taking to not infect other people shes sexually active with? Nothing is 100% but there are ways to greatly reduce the risks of transmitting diseases...honestly its a risk we ALL take even when using a condom.

Buncha little girls on NT.

Part of me wishes that you end up meeting her and taking that risk....Edit : without the condom.
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

So I've been dating this chick for about two weeks. She is literally everything id be looking for in a girl if I were to take one seriously. She is very smart, very talented, funny, sweet and spiritual and fine as %+#$. We have had incredible conversations and everything is just really cool. So earlier today we meet up for lunch and she tells me that she has something to tell me. I'm like go ahead all nonchalantly because we have no problem being open with each other. Her voice begins to crack and she nervously tells me that she has Herpes. I of course acted cool about it but in my head I was like, "wow life is amazing". We never kissed or had sex so I'm not worried about that but I'm really disappointed in God for teasing me like this. I plan on having a sitdown with god tonight and letting it know that these particular situations are unnessasary and down right cruel. Anyway she said something interesting and I wanted to relay it to team "raw" (because I was going to indeed smash this chick raw"). She told me that if she is just having a meaningless hook up with a dude she doesn't tell him but she tells dudes that mean something to her. In essence she doesn't respect the people she has casual sex with enough to even tell them she is infected with a non curable disease. Please be careful out here ya'll this ain't a game out here. Strap up EVERYTIME. I'm so hurt I can't make love to this dope female now

I ain't tryna be funny or anything but post pics so ur fellow brethren don't get knocked out for the by this female

yeah seriously i was going to ask 4 pics to but @ the same time i seriously feel sorry for you op
theirs many girl in the world op and trust me don't blame god this is life just keep it moving ad trust me you will find the right girl trust me
you gotta be careful out here. especially now that the meds for diseases are more effective they mask many of the symptoms.
i met a chick once, shorty was cool probably wouldn't have lead to nothing more than a few late night take downs.
1st night im gonna smash, im over at her place while shes in the bathroom doing whatever im snooping around her place & found some pill bottles in her drawer.
The meds sounded familiar to me because I work in a health care setting, googled them (iphone ftw) ended up being hiv meds smh. had to reevaluate my life after that
about 25% of americans have some form of herpes. but yea its really good to stay safe and protect yourself. props to her for telling you though. I know it sucks. Its not an easy situation for you or her i imagine. Dudes gotta be safe out here. that goes for all of us
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Genital herpes is a virus, just as basic as skin to skin contact is all you need for transmission. Condoms do not protect against the Herps or other forms of viral STDs. However, people with genital herpes can still have normal sex lives. They can pass on the virus even with no symptoms showing, but it is less likely to be transmitted. They only have to watch out that they do not have sex when they have outbreaks.

I know a girl who is a virgin, and she is one for sure, that got genital warts, a form of HPV. She only had oral and genital to genital contact, and she got those warts. She had to laser them off.

Condoms are not enough to protect against all STDs, make sure your partner is tested. STDs can be passed orally too, and not many people use protection for oral.

Also, yes, what this girl is doing not telling partners knowingly she is putting them at risk for an incurable STD is a crime.

if a dude has herpes and he sold me hes kicks/t shirt and he wore them couple times and i decided to wear hes kicks with socks or hes t shirt would i get herpes???

and what if i knew somebody that has herpes and i gave them a hug would i get herpes???

serious question
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

She is very smart, very talented, funny, sweet and spiritual and fine as %+#$.

She told me that if she is just having a meaningless hook up with a dude she doesn't tell him but she tells dudes that mean something to her. In essence she doesn't respect the people she has casual sex with enough to even tell them she is infected with a non curable disease.
To me, she's not "smart or spiritual" if she's continuing to have meaningless sex AND not telling dudes about her condition.  You seem like good ppl, so I'm glad she at least told you. 

p.s. I am not mad when $%#+!$ like this end up in a dumpster somewhere. 

p.s.s. There's a movie about this - I believe it's Red White and Blue.  The broad had AIDS and gave it to the wrong dude. 
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