Michael Vick is the best player in the league right now.

What Vick is doing right now is amazing. IMO he is playing better than anyone in the league right now. You can make a case for Rivers, but even with his numbers, the team is under .500. Vick has the entire team playing with a different energy, that was not always seen when Kolb was in. Vick was average before he went to jail??? I disagree. During Vicks last 2 seasons in Atlanta he played pretty good. Of course most will look at the stats or QB rating and say no. One stat not included is the number of drops those 2 seasons. Don't know the exact numbers, but the Falcons were in the top 3 for dropped passes in the 05-06 season. Vick was playing well that season, though I hated the system Jim Mora Jr. had him in. Average??? Blank did give this man that contract for no reason.
What Vick is doing right now is amazing. IMO he is playing better than anyone in the league right now. You can make a case for Rivers, but even with his numbers, the team is under .500. Vick has the entire team playing with a different energy, that was not always seen when Kolb was in. Vick was average before he went to jail??? I disagree. During Vicks last 2 seasons in Atlanta he played pretty good. Of course most will look at the stats or QB rating and say no. One stat not included is the number of drops those 2 seasons. Don't know the exact numbers, but the Falcons were in the top 3 for dropped passes in the 05-06 season. Vick was playing well that season, though I hated the system Jim Mora Jr. had him in. Average??? Blank did give this man that contract for no reason.
Behind the not very O line even when he runs for just 1 yard it's valuable, because a replacement level QB would be sacked.
Behind the not very O line even when he runs for just 1 yard it's valuable, because a replacement level QB would be sacked.
Proud of my son
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by S4L3

But best player? Come on now.
People were saying he was one of the best before he went to jail.

Now that he has the legs and the accuracy....yeah I'd say he's the best..

Ya'll forget EASY. Dude was THE most exciting player in the league. He was the only reason Falcons fans (me included) continued to pay attention to the games.

Vick jerseys couldn't stay on shelves.

This was his Kobe 81 points.


Winning on the road in the playoffs @ Lambeau > This

Ya'll forget EASY.

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by S4L3

But best player? Come on now.
People were saying he was one of the best before he went to jail.

Now that he has the legs and the accuracy....yeah I'd say he's the best..

Ya'll forget EASY. Dude was THE most exciting player in the league. He was the only reason Falcons fans (me included) continued to pay attention to the games.

Vick jerseys couldn't stay on shelves.

This was his Kobe 81 points.


Winning on the road in the playoffs @ Lambeau > This

Ya'll forget EASY.

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Dude is super fun to watch and locked in right now

If he doesn't miss those few weeks hes in the MVP discussion, and still very well could be by the end of the season.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Dude is super fun to watch and locked in right now

If he doesn't miss those few weeks hes in the MVP discussion, and still very well could be by the end of the season.
props to Vick I hope he keeps it gets MVP and a new contract...I just heard its a way he can get an extension in mid December that will allow him to pay off that 20 million he owes
props to Vick I hope he keeps it gets MVP and a new contract...I just heard its a way he can get an extension in mid December that will allow him to pay off that 20 million he owes
I'll never forget that game @lambeau...dude tore us up...

My first playoff game I went to...and everyone was booing at halftime haha
I'll never forget that game @lambeau...dude tore us up...

My first playoff game I went to...and everyone was booing at halftime haha
There isn't a QB in the league playing better than Mike Vick right now. That includes Rivers, Brady, Manning, etc. Am I saying he is better than those players? No. Is he playing as good, if not better than those other players (Who's numbers are inflated because they have no run game, but that's neither here nor there)? Yes.

Crazy thing is, had he not went to jail, the MV7 we see now probably would have never came to light.
There isn't a QB in the league playing better than Mike Vick right now. That includes Rivers, Brady, Manning, etc. Am I saying he is better than those players? No. Is he playing as good, if not better than those other players (Who's numbers are inflated because they have no run game, but that's neither here nor there)? Yes.

Crazy thing is, had he not went to jail, the MV7 we see now probably would have never came to light.
Truly a blessing for me last night.  I got to watch history, a game that will be remembered for quite some time.  I'm glad Mike Vick got a second chance, not just at football but at life.  Most people given that circumstance don't always get that.  So I'm glad Vick has a platform to showcase this redemeption story in front of the general public and give people that are or are going threw a similar situation like his a source to draw inspiration from.  Since Week 1 on here I've been saying "just give a black man a chance" and although most people didn't or even most likely still don't get what I mean when I say that im just happy he's getting this opportunity.  Keep doing your Vick, I'm riding with ya champ!!! 
Truly a blessing for me last night.  I got to watch history, a game that will be remembered for quite some time.  I'm glad Mike Vick got a second chance, not just at football but at life.  Most people given that circumstance don't always get that.  So I'm glad Vick has a platform to showcase this redemeption story in front of the general public and give people that are or are going threw a similar situation like his a source to draw inspiration from.  Since Week 1 on here I've been saying "just give a black man a chance" and although most people didn't or even most likely still don't get what I mean when I say that im just happy he's getting this opportunity.  Keep doing your Vick, I'm riding with ya champ!!! 
and cats tried to $*$ on me when I said he deserved to be on the Top NFL 100.......................He can change a game let alone a play by HIMSELF............ Cherish these last years ppl cuz we wont see a player like him for a minute.............
and cats tried to $*$ on me when I said he deserved to be on the Top NFL 100.......................He can change a game let alone a play by HIMSELF............ Cherish these last years ppl cuz we wont see a player like him for a minute.............
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

OptimusPrimeAPhiA wrote:

S4L3 wrote:

But best player? Come on now.
People were saying he was one of the best before he went to jail.

Now that he has the legs and the accuracy....yeah I'd say he's the best..


Ya'll forget EASY. Dude was THE most exciting player in the league. He was the only reason Falcons fans (me included) continued to pay attention to the games.

Vick jerseys couldn't stay on shelves.

This was his Kobe 81 points.


Winning on the road in the playoffs @ Lambeau > This

Ya'll forget EASY.


Word. First one to go in there and get a W.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

OptimusPrimeAPhiA wrote:

S4L3 wrote:

But best player? Come on now.
People were saying he was one of the best before he went to jail.

Now that he has the legs and the accuracy....yeah I'd say he's the best..


Ya'll forget EASY. Dude was THE most exciting player in the league. He was the only reason Falcons fans (me included) continued to pay attention to the games.

Vick jerseys couldn't stay on shelves.

This was his Kobe 81 points.


Winning on the road in the playoffs @ Lambeau > This

Ya'll forget EASY.


Word. First one to go in there and get a W.
I was obviously a giant Vick hater before he went to prison. His game is unbelievable right now.

He owes a lot to himself for getting his head straight, but also to Reid for forcing him to become to QB he is now. Reid could take any POS not named Mike McMahon and turn him into a winner. I don't think Vick would be having the success he is now if he were on any other team. Very glad we took a chance last year.
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