I explained that to you in private at the time of the ban. Someone else made a definitive claim about 5G so I asked them what do they know about 5G

For some reason you ignored the two messages I sent asking you if it was cool to make this thread. So I went ahead and made it. I asked the question about you mocking me in that thread because it seemed relevant to you saying this:

Finally, I want to take a moment to address and apologize for the failure to sufficiently uphold our community's values through our community moderation during this challenging time.


As the person responsible for approving and training new moderators, the ultimate responsibility for any moderation delays or errors rests with me.

When a volunteer falls short or abuses their position, they undermine all that we've worked so hard to build and maintain together over these past two decades

Doesn't seem like being condescending and mocking users is the right use of your 'power'.
I’m sorry I mistook you for another user who posted a video about the same conspiracy you wanted to discuss in the COVID-19 thread.

We don’t want that thread used to discuss misinformation. You were doing just that by inquiring about it, plus you’d been squabbling with another member, which served as another unwelcome distraction.

If you’d read the post you quoted, you’d understand why I didn’t have time to respond to your PMs within five minutes just because I was online - and you’d know that I wanted to STOP the disrespectful, off topic posts from diverting that discussion.

There’s a PM in my inbox from a staff member from two days ago I haven’t had the chance to reply to yet. It’s not personal. I’m a little busy right now - as many of us are given the circumstances.

Had you been patient, I’d have had the time to review the specific details pertaining to your situation. You thought it would be more fun to put me on blast publicly.

You got what you wanted. I hope it was worth it.
Shape shifting lizards
I am really torn between whether I should throw my delegates behind Belgium Belgium or aepps20 aepps20

I know that Belgium Belgium is more electable, at least according to some early polling, and he doesn't have the baggage that comes with being the leader of an organization as FIERCE and as FEARED as the Coal Gang.

Then again, Belgium Belgium , like the lizards that spawned this thread, has shape-shifted. He used to be Colombia and now he's Belgium. Which is it? Who are you? How do we know you won't suddenly become @NorthKorea tomorrow? Did you inappropriately touch upon some threads 20 years ago?

aepps20 aepps20 has been consistent from day 1 as an outsider who doesn't play by the rules. He is a two-sport star and popularized high-stepping back in the 90s. I also know he has always been for Coal-4-all, even before that was a popular sentiment in our party.

That said, both are DAPPER and HANDSOME and will easily get my support in the general. The alternative is something we cannot live with for another 4 years. We will not let Rookie RustyShackleford RustyShackleford run roughshod in here any longer!
I think they are the bad guys from Animorphs

Obviously he sucks now but awhile ago Louis CK was on a radio show and they had Donald Rumsfeld on for an interview on the phone and he spent the whole interview trying to get Rumsfeld to confirm he is not a lizard person and he wouldn't budge :lol:
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