Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

once when a girl said she would like the butt 2 make sure no hiccups i soaked qtips in mint mouthwash and stuck them up my angus to ensure it was all the way clean plus have a nice smell to it
once when a girl said she would like the butt 2 make sure no hiccups i soaked qtips in mint mouthwash and stuck them up my angus to ensure it was all the way clean plus have a nice smell to it
yo, you do a lot of nasty **** b 
yo, you do a lot of nasty **** b :rofl:
Y'all boys is nasty :lol:

never came from just mouf. There were times when I had to use my hand to reach climax then have her finish it up. Well that girl just didnt have good mouf
yo, you do a lot of nasty **** b 
i mean im saying tho i wanted 2 make sure it was clean plus mouthwash has be real i thought rubbing alcohol at first but then i was like nah i bet that would i did that the first time i manscaped and shaved nutts...the burn and sting is unreal
yo, you do a lot of nasty **** b 
i mean im saying tho i wanted 2 make sure it was clean plus mouthwash has be real i thought rubbing alcohol at first but then i was like nah i bet that would i did that the first time i manscaped and shaved nutts...the burn and sting is unreal
it's not just that 
. You've confessed to so much and after reading @36 OUNCES  posts, your confessions are nicely woven into this thread and can easily be overlooked 
it's not just that 
. You've confessed to so much and after reading @36 OUNCES  posts, your confessions are nicely woven into this thread and can easily be overlooked 
im saying you be surprise how much you dont get when you wipe... im saying try it...get a few qtips and like swab the inside of your angus... it be like some faint residue left up in there... the part you just cant get from wiping...

And now that i think of it it problem isnt strange weird to shave nutts.... im sure tons of dudes do it
it's not just that 
. You've confessed to so much and after reading @36 OUNCES  posts, your confessions are nicely woven into this thread and can easily be overlooked 
im saying you be surprise how much you dont get when you wipe... im saying try it...get a few qtips and like swab the inside of your angus... it be like some faint residue left up in there... the part you just cant get from wiping...

And now that i think of it it problem isnt strange weird to shave nutts.... im sure tons of dudes do it
I use baby wipes when I'm at work. That makes sense. I don't do the q tip thing, I just wash when I'm done at home 
I use baby wipes when I'm at work. That makes sense. I don't do the q tip thing, I just wash when I'm done at home 
or if you dont got that you can use those brown paper towels from the dispensor wrinkle it up some add a lil water with liquid soap....waalaa you have wipes when you in public if you dont have any one you
I had sex with an ex when she was on her period, no condom. funny thing is that I lowkey laid her shirt beneath her and got that shirt looking like a tie dye. she went home with one of mine and that's how everyone in her house knew she was boning.
I had sex with an ex when she was on her period, no condom. funny thing is that I lowkey laid her shirt beneath her and got that shirt looking like a tie dye. she went home with one of mine and that's how everyone in her house knew she was boning.

We all have indulged in moms homemade spaghetti.... That warmth ftw... That crusty, stickiness ftl
I had sex with an ex when she was on her period, no condom. funny thing is that I lowkey laid her shirt beneath her and got that shirt looking like a tie dye. she went home with one of mine and that's how everyone in her house knew she was boning.
Where I'm from we was taught if you see that red ring then don't play with your xbox
Where I'm from we was taught if you see that red ring then don't play with your xbox
switch to the better ps3 experience, only worries is the yellow light, don't let her pee on you.
I had sex with an ex when she was on her period, no condom. funny thing is that I lowkey laid her shirt beneath her and got that shirt looking like a tie dye. she went home with one of mine and that's how everyone in her house knew she was boning.

You was just being a true American.... Blood Sweat and Tears
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I'll be truthful, I've been with more men than women, however let me say this, I would rather be gay with the right person as opposed to being straight with the wrong person. Women are funny man, I love women, but I wouldn't put one over my true desires, not before obtaining what I really want out of life, she would hate me if I did. Because she would know I'm not on my path. And a lot of people don't realize the wrong piece of p can ruin your life, or prevent you from reaching your goals. So from my experience, I have become a firm believer in chastity. I know it's really not for everyone, although my lifes pupose is not rooted in carnal desires. A nut is a nut, you can get it anywhere, from anyone, even yourself, but do you feel fulfilled after hakunetsu, or empty. I'm all about enriching my existence, and for me that means being committed to my core values. My mantra each day is I am the prize women desire, so I move about in that fashion. Thats just my perspective.

I wish I would have been able to put how I feel about sex and the gratification from inner circles that comes from having sex, like this.

It seems you have to go and smash everything that moves just because.

My friends often ask why I'm not chasing P like some of them, smashing mad broads or something.

I just told them P is not that serious and I'd rather focus on myself than waste time with someone who might end up getting in the way of my goals.

They look at me with the deer in the headlights look.


36 you are one genuine dude, or at least you seem that way from your posts here.

Wish more people that I knew were this honest with themselves.

Respect homie.
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Random question, but is it safe to assume that from the fact that you highlighted that one particular instance that you still (at least mainly) smash women?

I ask really just because your comment about not really concerning yourself with labels reminded me of someone once telling me their theory of sexuality falling more within a spectrum than into specific categories per say.

I'll be truthful, I've been with more men than women, however let me say this, I would rather be gay with the right person as opposed to being straight with the wrong person. Women are funny man, I love women, but I wouldn't put one over my true desires, not before obtaining what I really want out of life, she would hate me if I did. Because she would know I'm not on my path. And a lot of people don't realize the wrong piece of p can ruin your life, or prevent you from reaching your goals. So from my experience, I have become a firm believer in chastity. I know it's really not for everyone, although my lifes pupose is not rooted in carnal desires. A nut is a nut, you can get it anywhere, from anyone, even yourself, but do you feel fulfilled after hakunetsu, or empty. I'm all about enriching my existence, and for me that means being committed to my core values. My mantra each day is I am the prize women desire, so I move about in that fashion. Thats just my perspective.

Alright man, I hear you. You seem to be comfortable with your sexuality, and seem to know what you like, which is cool. But drug addicts bruh? There's plenty of women and men out there, who at least try to make better life decisions that won't have negative consequences for you. You saying the wrong P can ruin your life, but so can the wrong D homie.

Protect ya neck out there...
To go along with the thread... I just read all 11 pages while taking a middle of the night deuce...
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I eat skin off my fingers.

I talk to myself when I'm alone.

I won't eat or drink after anyone at all. But I'll eat the poon and bunghole.

I sometimes burn the hair in my legs.

I use the sink as a urinal a few times.

I was having sex with a dime once and I asked her to spit in my mouth (I have no clue why to this day)

i have done this to three different woman...

i dont know what it is, but its hot !!!!!!!

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