Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

 A) A holistic lifestyle. Which can be expensive and changes nearly everything about the way you live but you will experience better health overall and your lips won't peel at all.

B) Anything with calendula in it. That stuff is magical. Just smear it on your lips and you'll be good to go. They'll still peel but not as often or badly and your lips will heal faster.
Wow. Have my reps.
I'm an INTP so I suppose doing "weird" things is kind of a prerequisite. Too many to name, really.

I'm very introverted and will sometimes blow off going out with friends just to finish an interesting book/science journal im reading.

One thing I enjoy doing is driving around aimlessly when im bored, especially when I use to smoke and drive. But yea I just go to an area ive never been, and ride around. I've found many great restaurants this way. After I got a nice camera I would scope out areas and its generated some dope photos.

I pee in the sink on a weekly basis.

When I want to analyze, prove, or disprove something I will often have a conversation with myself about it; looking at both sides to see if my view is legitimate or not.

Coconut oil make great lube and has no smell, though it can be messy if you're not careful.

I warm my milk before eating cereal.

You aren't tired afterward?

I strip my girl butt naked whenever she gets too physical with me cause I can't hit her back.

I'm going to start doing this.

although not weird to me I use wet wipes/baby wipes.... my folks friends etc... will get on me like what you a grown man cleaning yourself like a baby...too which I respond you a grown @ZZ person who wakes around with shid crust and residue on your butt all day until you bathe again...

Like really wiping your butt with toilet paper to clean it is like trying to clean up peanut butter outta shag carpet...

I love butt wipes and keep a dispenser on deck. When you think about it, you're actually rubbing some of the feces in as you're wiping with regular toilet paper.

i keep water bottles in my car. when people ask, i tell them theyre for when i'm really thirsty or dehydrated.....but really, its in case i have to pee. i pour the water out and unload. last time i did it, about a week ago, i filled 2 16.9oz nestle pure life bottles. that hole is hella small, and my meat is some on me. lol. the hard part if pinching my d while i switch bottles hahahaha

Its amazing how difficult it can be late at night to find a restroom, depending on where you are of course. I've experienced this more than once. Had to do it last night in fact, off of sistrunk for those who live in ft lauderdale.
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There's no cure I know of, but you can control it with:

A) A holistic lifestyle. Which can be expensive and changes nearly everything about the way you live but you will experience better health overall and your lips won't peel at all.

B) Anything with calendula in it. That stuff is magical. Just smear it on your lips and you'll be good to go. They'll still peel but not as often or badly and your lips will heal faster.
come on join us and rep that sink piss bird game
Taking a leak with a full bladder feels mad good. Imagine releasing that while you stroking

LOL clearly people here don't understand basic anatomy. Think about the last time you had a full erection and tried to urinate mid intercourse or in the case of most NTers mid-fapage. Think about why you never ejeculate and urinate at the same time.
Yo, If I want to I can piss. But I choose to nut cause my sheets silk son
for you guys with the od chapped lips where do you guys stay?

I no longer have this problem since I moved to a warmer climate.
real talk i love the smoothness and overall touch after a fresh manscaping.... like the lotion/oil rub down afterwards
1. I often talk to myself when trying to solve a problem, trying to remember something, when I'm contemplating, or out of pure boredom. Ex: While driving..... "I know the building is coming up on the right but I think the parking lot is either on the left side or behind the building"

2. The best time you can hear me curse is when I'm playing online multiplayer games, e.g. Killzone: SF. Example: "How did that mother****** see me!? I'm sniping his *** when I spawn back."

lmao I do #2 a lot, well i did when i was playing GTA V:O a lot. It would be like 2am and i'm cussing like a sailor. :smh:

I use to powder my butts when I played ball but I used cornstarch... iuno but having extra sweaty nutts just felt uncomfortable...

And when you scratch you would get these brown/black tar like stuff in between your nails

I usually just had a lot of white pasty type stuff when I would get back home.

My mother loves me, that's all that matters. :lol: |I

I'll be truthful, I've been with more men than women, however let me say this, I would rather be gay with the right person as opposed to being straight with the wrong person. Women are funny man, I love women, but I wouldn't put one over my true desires, not before obtaining what I really want out of life, she would hate me if I did. Because she would know I'm not on my path. And a lot of people don't realize the wrong piece of p can ruin your life, or prevent you from reaching your goals. So from my experience, I have become a firm believer in chastity. I know it's really not for everyone, although my lifes pupose is not rooted in carnal desires. A nut is a nut, you can get it anywhere, from anyone, even yourself, but do you feel fulfilled after hakunetsu, or empty. I'm all about enriching my existence, and for me that means being committed to my core values. My mantra each day is I am the prize women desire, so I move about in that fashion. Thats just my perspective.

Appreciate the honesty tbh. I feel you on the females part though.
lmao I do #2 a lot, well i did when i was playing GTA V:O a lot. It would be like 2am and i'm cussing like a sailor.

I usually just had a lot of white pasty type stuff when I would get back home.
My mother loves me, that's all that matters.

Appreciate the honesty tbh. I feel you on the females part though.
nah lol i was saying i started using corn starch because when i didnt, and my nutts got all sweaty and what not they would itch and when i scratched them this like brown/black tar like grime would get in between my nails
in b4 the lock

i wash my hands before taking a leak. my d stay clean.

i look at my poop. output of your body is as important as input. stay healthy playas.
I talk to myself when I'm alone

I once was going to the park to play ball with my boys and the park was huge and the courts were in the back of the park. I had to use the bathroom on my way to the park (I took the bus), and the bathrooms were near the court. The bus stop was at the front of the park. I had to go so bad I almost WIO in the park (there were women and kids all over). I couldn't hold it and just pissed on myself 
. When I got to the courts I lied and said a lady say next to me on the bus with a kid and he pissed on himself.
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