Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

- Kept a bowl of old pee under my sink cabinet to wipe on my face in the morning. I would tell people about this after receiving skin compliments. See

- I don't shower after the gym. I just wipe my junk and armpits with a hot, damp towel and put on my dress clothes.

- I leave toilet roll tubes on the ground next to the toilet. There's like 8-12 there right now lol.
There's a few things that I do that I won't even mention in this thread. So I can only imagine what some of these fools are holding back...
I legit got into a argument with my ex onetime when she called me a lil *** boy 'cuz she caught me Indian-style in the bed picking my toes with my fingers (instead of using a nail clipper)
celtics pride has to be on the list man, dude got a similar thread locked SINGLE HANDEDLY before
#3 checking in. 
- Kept a bowl of old pee under my sink cabinet to wipe on my face in the morning. I would tell people about this after receiving skin compliments. See

- I don't shower after the gym. I just wipe my junk and armpits with a hot, damp towel and put on my dress clothes.

- I leave toilet roll tubes on the ground next to the toilet. There's like 8-12 there right now lol.
I here/know a lot of women do the same thing except they wipe their faces with the urine/diaper of a baby...... Ppl so shocked by this hell ppl lather and wash their hair with placenta especially horses... Chicks be paying top dollar/major bread at high end spas for this
To, no offense, but celtics is the most savage dude on NT.

That thread son got locked was hilarious. The things he did to those women, Jesus Christ.
Next up is eracism. Go back a page to see why.
When at home relaxing, I put my hands in my pants and juggle  my balls while watching tv or talking on the phone. very relaxing

Even do it around my girl sometimes, but she knows its a man thing
yea I think a lot of dudes juggle their berries while chillin or playfully stroke while chillin watching tv etc....I know I do it especially after shaving.....That smooth baby bottom touch that you have after a nice shave
I have to
What makes it so funny is of all the crazy stuff in this thread ole buddy dropping that washing his face in piss is what grossed people out.

Like dude are legitimately disgusted.
ppl make it seem like ole dude made a mud mask outta his own mud butt ah something...
I'm offended I'm not on at least in the top 3.. How many of y'all have had an entire hand up a broads butt before?...


You got it bruh.

NT Savage List *revised*

2. shoelyesses shoelyesses
3. Comparison Ford Comparison Ford
4. celticspride34 celticspride34
5. $tacy $tacy
6. 301216baller 301216baller
10. @Freeze
11. F furiousstylez23

You're a filthy dude Celtics, but those three above you are filthy to themselves.

I can't dap you up though. And you can't ever make me a sandwich...

There aren't enough BX smilies to express my feels in this thread

Link me to celticspride34 celticspride34 's savagery thread someone :nerd:
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What's all the fuss about Celtic? What thread did he reveal himself to be the Zen Master of Savagery?

The list is being compiled based on stuff posted in here, so unless he's revealed anything in here (which he hasn't) I have no way of knowing if he's really about that life.

Celtics is a wild man, that's all y'all need to know.

I fapped late at night standing up before and some got on my sheets, since I ain't have no new sheets I just moved the side with the stain to the bottom of the bed.
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