Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

definitely about to step my game up celtic pride
gotta get like you
LMAO y'all wanted to see and know, but yeah might want to edit both y'all posts real quick. :nerd: They be lurking.
There's a few things that I do that I won't even mention in this thread. So I can only imagine what some of these fools are holding back...

Was just thinking this.

When i was a kid i switched beds with my lil bro because i was sick (closer to the bathroom). I puked on the sheets, fold it and went back to sleep. Didnt tell him. Next day he slept in his bed and was complaining there was a dirty spot on his sheets.
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Once me and my mom went out to lunch.. had a sandwich and some chocolate cake. afterwards she had to go grab something from home depot. i just waited for her in the car while she was in there. 5 minutes turns to 10 minutes and my stomach is killing me.. finally after some time i cant take it anymore.. i had to jump out the car and drop a **** right in the middle of the parking lot, someone HAD TO have seen me now that i think about it .. it was prob 2 in the afternoon on a saturday :rofl:

she had a van back then, so afterwards i crawled in the back seat in the fetal position ashamed at what i had just done.. she got back in the car and asked why it smelled.. "oh i must have stepped in some poop.."

unfortunately i have 2-3 stories about ********
I used to fap into my shorts and just go to sleep after

I had a few pairs in rotation strictly for that purpose

One day i looked at them the day after and i couldnt do that again.. i thought about what my mom had to see whenever she washed them :x :rofl:
I used to fap into my shorts and just go to sleep after

I had a few pairs in rotation strictly for that purpose

One day i looked at them the day after and i couldnt do that again.. i thought about what my mom had to see whenever she washed them :x :rofl:


Bruh, you fapped on yourself and slept in your own semen?


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I've fapped on to myself one time, and it was an accident. First time actually producing anything.

Never happened again after that. I treat that **** like lava, blud.
I used to fap into my shorts and just go to sleep after
Who hasn't done that?... I mean, it's just my own jizz... No specific memory pops up, but I'm sure I've layed down to go to bed high or drunk, felt the need to fap, and passed out without wiping...
Word, I've done this.

-For like almost 2 months last year I rolled my J's with only Bible paper

-I once pissed in somebody's hamper at a party

-I once pissed on my kuzn's floor kuz the bathrooms were full n I was afraid of the dogs outside

-Got dome in the homie's car when I was shermed out by some crackhead broad n busted all over his backseat. He told me to clean n I laughed. Straight looked like cow skin back there 

-I used to gather all the half cups, cans, bottles, what-have-you of alcohol or beer n pour into a cup the next morning n drink it if there was no more drink

-I used to scavenge for cigarette butts to smoke or go to the spot n roll up my own cig
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Who hasn't done that?... I mean, it's just my own jizz... No specific memory pops up, but I'm sure I've layed down to go to bed high or drunk, felt the need to fap, and passed out without wiping...
What I'am saying. You do the do to get to sleep and clean your self up in the morn
-smashing my girl and stuck my finger up her butt while I was stroking. Gave it a quick whiff in between positions to see what that thang smell like
-I have given my girl multiple power bombs and f5s onto the bed
-this past spring break or whenever I'm home from school,I'll keep a pile of cum napkins on the side of my bed. Fap into a napkin and toss on the floor.
-I'll unknowingly rub my girl in the middle of the night. Wake up to a soaking wet hand
-I've fallen asleep while going down on my girl several times
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