Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

Had a chick that i was hitting on the regular . fast forward she changes into bootyshorts and things go from from there. I'm hitting it raw and in the midst of all this she

tells me " this feels so good & Im my period " I pulled out and saw the situation brown oil colored period blood all over me and my penis I rolled over and noticed the

stuffed animals ol girl had along the bed and snagged winnie the poo . Poo became the canvas with my penis as the paint brush . I tossed the animal under the bed

and went right back at it
Haven't seen this mentioned... I've banged out a few girls, with someone passed out on the same bed...
I've done that. Passed out mid stroke while being drunk. Woke up a few hours later eyeball to eyeball still on top and she was pissed. Her friend told me the next day that I had a nice butt and that she wasn't quite asleep yet when her friend and I started.  
 All in all not a bad night. Could have been worse.
Maaaaaan I remember dude who was smashing while the blind granny was lurking :smh: :lol: :rofl:
If I have a daughter once she turns 12 I'll never kiss her again....

It's funny this came up, cause I was watching a flick a couple days ago and some chick (18) was asked when she started having sex, and she said 13. Then the dude asked her how many guys has she slept with and she said "bout 60 or 70". Forget 12 years old, my future daughter will get nothing but daps starting at 10.
Well if you guys raise your hypothetical daughters right you wouldnt have this problem
I've done that in my Momma's living room with my fam in there. Also used to get handjobs in class in middle n highschool.
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