Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I just sneezed and threw out my back from the recoil
I took a knee to tie my shoe today.

If I take a knee, it'll take more work to get down than it would to just struggle to stand and tie.

I gotta take a whole seat to tie my shoes.

I gotta stretch and warm up before I can comfortably take knee's and crouch, etc.
Every time I see someone ni Jordan's, I don't even get impressed anymore i just smh, especially workers in minimum wage jobs like Burger King and WalMart, I be like damn that's a whole weeks worth of income if he's part time, 2 if they're part time. If that was me that'd be like dropping 3k on something.
hooped today with some Thundercats around the age 19. I got my 3 wins and left immediately. I'm tool old be sitting and trying to move on a cold start

and my joints hurt
Every time I see someone ni Jordan's, I don't even get impressed anymore i just smh, especially workers in minimum wage jobs like Burger King and WalMart, I be like damn that's a whole weeks worth of income if he's part time, 2 if they're part time. If that was me that'd be like dropping 3k on something.
I would say this is the dumbest logic, but then I remembered who typed this :lol:
I would say this is the dumbest logic, but then I remembered who typed this :lol:
How is it dumb to smh at people spending an entire week or more's worth of salary on sneakers? Their prerogative sure I'm not trying to stop them, I am just saying as I get older I look at it more that way than being in awe of some Columbias or Space Jams or whatever, which they have re-released 10's of times anyways since their inception, each time higher in price and lower in quality?
Every time I see someone ni Jordan's, I don't even get impressed anymore i just smh, especially workers in minimum wage jobs like Burger King and WalMart, I be like damn that's a whole weeks worth of income if he's part time, 2 if they're part time. If that was me that'd be like dropping 3k on something.
Like the nonsensical purchase of the Kia that you bought cause you saw Lebron driving one on tv ?
Blake Griffin was in Optima commercials, LeBron James is in K900 commercials. It was an ok car for me until the transmission died. I thought the hybrid would get me better gas mileage than it did since I drive so much, but whatever. My payment was just North of $400. I think I was making ~65k at the time, so the comparison still doesn't make sense given a car has way more value and usefulness than sneakers and it would, pretax, be under 2 days worth of income.

$200-$300 shoes on $7.25/hr =/= a $450 car payment on $32/hr but fish for your likes
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