MTV's The Challenge

Paulie rallying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Solving the puzzle by himself :lol: Carrying that now broken gurney.

Paulie talking about we gotta work together its a team thing :lol:

:lol: @ team 🇬🇧 not even bothering to solve it after wasting all that time.

:rofl: @ team USA's penalties.
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This puzzle final 4 shot is nerve racking.

Already my least fav Americans are in. Already know Kam or Leroy not gonna make it.

Really wanted Rogan to lose but looks like it's Tori unless Jordan lets her beat him.

Don't care as much now.

Stage 2 wild unnecessary. Trek around the island? :lol: I like how with 15 min left they cut that part and go to the puzzle and swim race.

:rofl: :rofl: @ team UK celebrating in front of a defeated team USA with Cara crying :lol: Beautiful
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My man Rogan! Challenge Champion! :rofl:

Legend CT. 3 Times Challenge Champion!

The Little Engine That Could Dee Challenge Champion!

His such a **** but Jordan was the MVP of this season performance wise!

My heart broke watching Leroy cry like that

Paulie is such a waste. He gassed out.
CT #washedking still winning a challenge. My man.

so what was the point of the timed penalties in stage 1? Didn’t they just head to the boat and rested and swam to the island and ran to the snake pit. I don’t see where the time penalty would be a disadvantage there.

Once they got to the snake pit, they all just stayed there overnight and left at the same time for the puzzle stage.

the time penalty was bs and wasn’t really a factor
Matter of fact, timed finished didn’t even factor into winning the challenge.
Doesn't matter since they still won, but hate when they take one teams big lead, and just say nah we want it to still be close, now you only 5mins ahead.

Rogan redeemed his trash first showing, even if he skated by with the numbers.
Would of rather Tori over Dee, but she couldn't get the puzzle done.
Jordan/CT 3x winners now. Both them should just laugh at US team entire reunion, "Don't wanna pick me as mercenary. Vote me off team? Yeah sure NP"
That Final was wack by the way. i miss the over top puzzles/mental challenges where teams really had a chance to catch up. These tanagrams aren't it!

Those all black pieces probably made it harder for the US to solve the puzzle, the editing got me there for a second. I thought Cara had a Rain Man moment and figured it out

Jordan went and bought himself a brunch outfit for the reunion. He busted out the Undertaker hat.

These reunions are so wack because it always turns into a Let's All Gang Up on Cara. I get Bananas is still the face of the show but he didn't need to be there. It's time to phase him out.
so what was the point of the timed penalties in stage 1? Didn’t they just head to the boat and rested and swam to the island and ran to the snake pit. I don’t see where the time penalty would be a disadvantage there.

Was wondering the same thing. Had to be aggregate time right? If not, it would be like an NBA team going up 40 at the half only for them to reset the score at the start of the 3rd quarter. I was about to lose it if they let the USA win it just like that.
How on earth was US back only 5 min when they also had a 10 minute penalty. UK had to wait 10 min. US had it added on to their time. But then UK only had a 5 minute head start? Huh?

Ending was wild. Ninja and Cara didn't do anything in Stage 1. Paulie almost quit. Kam, LeRoy and Ashley did most of that work.

Good for UK though. Said it a few weeks back that Paulie and Cara were killing their own team. Glad it bit them in the ***.
I hope they rip Cara/Paulie TO SHREDS for tearing the US apart. They played scared all season.

Bananas needs new/more friends or he'll be out early every season.
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