MTV's The Challenge

Happy CT & Darrell got their skulls. CT could of lied and said Big T this is tough, it was fun, but I gotta do best for my game. Instead he went full scumbag, which was entertaining none the less.

Unless Kyle wins the next challenge, def going to be him vs whoever in the final guys elimination.

Nany gonna fall short of a final again
Josh cries more than the sun comes up.

If you ever see this thread, **** you Josh, stupid p****. Like a Lil girl with a skinned knee & ****.

CT should have handled that better. Someone just gonna steal him or Kam next round anyway.

Getting really really close now......7 duo's? They probably want 4 or 5 in the Final.
My dude Peep Game Peep Game watching this episode seeing Big T get ho'd out by CT like

So happy Josh is gone :lol:

You can see the fear in his eyes throughout once he was named.

He should have been prepared because he always thinks people are gunning for him. So glad he's gone.

CT went full Masshole :rofl:

That was cold blooded Big T is the reason he won the daily and got a chance to get the gold skull.

LeRoy telling him to chill because Kam is still his girl :lol:
CT back to his old ways lol. I had a feeling he was going to choose a new partner if he won an elimination. Writing his been on the wall since that episode a few weeks back when he was saying something about Big T being a liability or feeling he had to carry her. What kind of apology was that when he made a fire for her though?!?!

Glad the Goof is out but yea at this point he likely comes back several more seasons. I'm also almost positive the players without skulls get some kind of opportunity without TJ just saying something like "welp you're out of chances to earn your skull and run my final so this ends your time on The Challenge". I'd be laughing so hard if this did happen though.
That ***** act like he did some real real real real bad **** like Rape her friend or something.
It was so over the top.
Like CT said, "BigT, you are not ready to run a final, you are just not".............
The reason his apology turned into such a bad one is because the whole time he's thinking, "man **** this Batch, this **** is stoopid. Yes I went overboard but she's acting like a M'erF'er".....and he snapped.

***** is dumb.
Is it just me or are they trying to setup a "rivals-like" season in the near future? I mean you could have Devin-Darrel, CT-Josh and several other "rivalries" seemed setup this season. If they do I'd just hope it's same sex partners and not the cluster we got in Final Reckoning where they had all types of pairs with MM, MF and FF. That made for some of the dullest eliminations ever.
The biggest rivalry is with Josh and his own dumb *** head.

"I'm totally freaked out cuz I don't know who's coming for me......." No one comes.
"I don't even know what this means and my anxiety is thru the roof over who is gonna come for me......" No one.
"I'm totally ready for anything, I don't care who it is, I'm coming for them" Loses.

**** that moron.
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