MTV's The Challenge

:lol: @ Kam literally solving the math equation for Leroy and Kaycee.

TJ be talking like he wish he could get rid of alliances :lol: His jabs don't sting this late in the game when the ppl he throwing shots at are all safe cuz they aligned with who won the daily.

Didn't expect Nany to win or snake Fessy from Aneesa.

Only 1 hour ep is weaksauce.
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That juke move Nany pulled was 🔥
But her letting Gabby win rd1 I was thinking “typical Nany, just quit again”
I really hope last elimination is next week and it’s double elimination.

Nany won’t win anything in final. I think this might be year Lee does it
If everybody wasn't cheering for her, Nany would have given up after Gabby won that first round. :smh: :lol:

Corey shattering the record for most partners in one season. He's on number 7. :rofl:
If everybody wasn't cheering for her, Nany would have given up after Gabby won that first round. :smh: :lol:
That is exactly what got her through. She even mentions in the post game comments that normally when she gets down she loses confidence and folds, but this time she didn't give up.....I was like yep, we saw it happen once per Challenge for the entirety of her Career, way to get over that hurdle, Woman.
Yea fessy does a lot of taking but let's not act like he didn't gas out in last years final. Didn't kyle and Cory finish ahead of him last last season.
Fessy woulda went to the nfl tho

Bahaha, in his defense I've heard producers encourage former athletes to bring up the topic. Just like Theo from RW (did one and only Challenge season on Invasion) talking about getting kicked out for weed constantly and how he woulda made the league if not for that.

I was hoping Gabby won, now we'll have to hear Nany saying she deserves a victory after all these losses. You don't deserve anything just because you keep coming on the show smh. Her appearance check must be nice though.
Gabby>>>Tori. Not sure why Fessy was so smitten with a serial cheater. Just gonna be a matter of time til he's next.
Fessy is a simp and a loser. I watched him on Big Brother and he simped over a girl who didnt want him the entire season and even got his own friend voted off the show because his friend had a crush on the girl he was simping over. the guy he got kicked off was clearly a non threatening pimple faced geek. Fessy is a lame
I did not know Nany is 5'8". I've even seen her in person and she didn't seem that tall. Gabby is only 5'1". Gabby should have just tackled Nany and thrown her off balance.
Fessy is a simp and a loser. I watched him on Big Brother and he simped over a girl who didnt want him the entire season and even got his own friend voted off the show because his friend had a crush on the girl he was simping over. the guy he got kicked off was clearly a non threatening pimple faced geek. Fessy is a lame

He did scottie DIRTY that season in a spot where they could have legit taken a number from that other alliance. Instead, like you said... Fessy simped and didn't realize there was another big alliance (everyone knew).

That was so painful to watch.
CT acted a damn fool picking Kam :rofl:

I still don't get why he turned her down the 1st episode. As a competitor Kam is probably the best female and she don't come with enemies.

Let me find out Nanny let Josh big goofy mug smash

Lolo need some d in her life. She way too uptight.
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