My journey through the entertainment industry..............

here's a little cheat sheet for ya

why people would be what you guys call "gay" or "bi"

theyre artists
artists push boundaries
they disregard and transcend labels like "sexual preference"
people like , well ****, lets start with the greats like shakespeare and da vinci, but the list is countless and i dont be the one to make it

ya'll like tom hardy, right? inception, the fighter, lawless. cool tough guy, like puffy
tome hardy said this only a few years ago:
"Of course I have [had sexual relations with other men]. I’m an actor for ****’s sake. I’ve played with everything and everyone."
pretty much sums it

theyre jaded sexually
like hugh hefner! you cannot sit here and call heff a ***- i dont think any would would call that man gay
but he had to do *** play just to get off, because years and years off hot blondes will get old at some point
and he wrote about getting sucked off by a guy. he freely admitted that, but maybe it was more than a one time thing

they're hedonists / addicts
- like masterzik said
like the romans and the greeks and the mayans, and numerous other cultures that we're here rreallyy not that long ago
they just, eh they just **** . and theyre are no complications beyound that
the **** and they party and they take drugs because they only do things that will give them pleasure, they dont care about the source

i jusy don't understand why it matters
like "omg denzel / will smith / who ever is gay"-- who cares??
if they were gay, would you think any less of them? if thats true, thats really sad, and thats on you

personally, i believe that were all bisexual
and i think that sexuality is a spectrum, but on a scale of 0-10 (0 being completely hetero, 10 being completely homo)
no one is a zero
but i dont think this forum is one thats receptive to my views, so i wont dive into that
^i have nothing against gays but for me personally speaking for myself only as a heterosexual man who gets plenty of box, I don't buy the whole idea of "women getting old" because ur a celeb and u get it so much at ur disposal that u wanna try gay **** out of sheer boredom. I don't buy that at all. IMO that's an excuse and u were low key gay the whole time.

The thought of 2 men being intimate in a sexual way is intuitively disturbing to me on very base genetic level. Like seeing 2 guys kiss on tv makes u feel some type of way like sick to ur stomach. For example if you've ever came across beastiality online u get a ****** up feeling like "uggh that just ain't right! It's an abomination!" For me it's that feeling. Then u get some ppl who look at that type of ish and laugh which is disturbing in itself and a whole nother topic on psychopathy

I know we're all comprised of the masculine and feminine and I am very in touch with my sacred feminine but when it comes to sex I'll take that 0 on the 0 to 10 spectrum u referenced thank u very much
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What do you mean by acting straight though? Celebrities are under no obligation to come out to the public. I don't see anything wrong with keeping one's sexual orientation/sex life in general private.

I agree that they have no obligation, HOWEVER... if an actor/athlete is gay and wants to hide his sexual orientation, then that same athlete shouldn't be complaining about how gays and lesbians are perceived in society when he or she isn't brave enough to represent his lifestyle publicly and prove society wrong.

Acting straight is pretending not to be gay by remaining silent in order to, among other things, reap financial gain. If it's such a civil rights struggle, for the most part the people in the closet do a poor job of helping their cause. Can you imagine if black folks wore makeup and whiteface during the Civil Rights movement and were talking about, it's nobody's business if I'm black or not? >D

The types of folks that sell out their true selves for money and then complain about the current state of affairs are lame as ****. If you're ashamed, then don't do it. That's some coward ****.

That's ridiculous though. I think it says enough that a gay celebrity would have to hide HIS sexuality to reap financial gain to begin with. Athlete is a whole different story, look at the Chris Kluwe thing that just came out (pun) and he apparently isn't even gay, just a vocal support of gay rights. Yeah, yeah...he's a punter. It's not athletes' fault that the culture is the way it is. You've got athletes criticized for taking a few million extra for signing with a new team, you think some of them are gonna jeopardize all of it for playing for the "wrong" team?

I'm not even gonna go into relating the fight for equal rights comparison between gay people & black people. :lol:

Anyway, it's easy for any of us on the outside looking in to say how someone should or shouldn't act, what's right or wrong. Once again, the fact that a homosexual male would have to hide his sexuality in order to establish himself (and for financial gain) is proof enough. He should have the right to come out whenever he feels comfortable. Now, if he's shaming homosexuals in order to make himself seem straight, that's a different story but he shouldn't be obligated to be open with his sexuality regardless of whether he feels some type of way about how Hollywood functions and social perception.

I mean, how many celebrities really want their whole life exposed to the public? If there wasn't some kind of substantial financial gain associated with it, I'd imagine most wouldn't put themselves in that position. They'd stick to off-Broadway or independent films, local comedy clubs or performing in front of a few hundred people at small venues if it was strictly for the love of their art.

This thread is hilarious BTW. The hyper-masculine dudes gossiping like a bunch of women and criticizing other men for their sweetness is interesting.
Dudes having a try out with the other team because of the Coolidge Effect from their lifestyle is harder to believe than dudes putting donkey masks & velvet hoods on while searching for butt chakra all in hope of an elusive Oscar and/or Grammy?
we all love to tell others how much ***** we get
please be honest
we don't get anything close to these people
this is the level im talking about- just everybody in this thread watch this for literally one minute, its perfect

he says "from what i see with people that **** alot is they progress from whatever, to anal, to threesome, to group sex, to ******s, to guys"
-- "whattt???? youre crazy bro"-- (just like ppl in here) because they dont know what its like to have been with hundreds (probablycloser to thousands) of women

now. look at this but ignore the specifics for a second (same female, compared to multiple females)


what this graph is telling me is that novelty (something new/exciting) makes us cum
this novelty/spontaneity can get us off as much as the actual sexual act (the warmth/sensory feelings)
that shows us the importance of sexual variety ( types of partners / situations / whatever)
^this is the same as what said JNSQ said, coolidge effect

lets compare sex to drugs
tolerance is really what were talking about here
the peak of sex (orgasm) with the peak of drugs (the high)
if 10 mg of THC used to get you high, and you've been smoking for 10 years you eill need ALOT more mg (or intensity) to get high, or to get off

my viewpoint is different than most though, and i get that
i think were all bisexual
i dont think that priest men enter priesthood as pedophiles
and i cant knock people for ******g guys, or ******g young girls or anything (95%) in the sexual realm

sidenote about "pedophilia"
the age of consent around the world ranges from 9-20. that is ******ed. where do you draw the line? a woman is fully sexually mature at 16
a man is fully sexual mature at 18. but it being a mans world (legislation wise, blah blah) --men make the laws- so our law says 18 is the age of consent
to me the age of consent should be 16. do i want to see 80 year old dudes with 16 year old? no. but thats their right. /mini-rant

why do so many people get outed as pedophiles
jd salinger with a 14 year old, woody allen with (basically) his daughter, roman polanski and his laundry list of youngins
why do eddie murphy and ronaldo get busted with ******s, and why does tom shane(shane company) get found half dead wearing a soiled diaper and a ball gag with limbs bound and a dildo on the ground in a hotel room in bangkok
why do priests molest little boys (stay with me, because i think theyre all related)
i dont not believe that men take their vows and enter priesthood with a proclivity for young boys
i believe some are like that
but i believe for the most part men enter priesthood, and they make vows of celibacy. theyre ******.
you can only hold something down for so long, before it will poke its ugly head and find a way out
theyre animals they have urges, but thye made A PROMISE TO GOD
so theyre only option is a partner that would never tell and because of the power dynamic that little boy probably wont tell

i think we're all perverts
we're animals.
and if you look back in history (romans, greeks) they were doing "sus" ****. nothings chnaged except society
in these modern times make a lot of our selections based on whats socially acceptable (gender and age of partners) and our power (ability to go agianst society/phonomena)
i think that power is the ultimate currency, and with that you do anything
because what do these people have in common? actors, priests, diamond business owners, and authors
they have power (sometimes through money) and they're perverts
but i dont think their perverse ways came with the money/power

i think that a sense of invincibility came with the power theyve been bestowed
and that's two types of invincibility a) because they wont get caught / can get away with anything
and b) internal invincibility -- they dont question themselves. their subconcious desires become reality because they dont have to question the dumb **** that we do.
AND! these people are showered with constant praise, they may legitimately feel that they can do no wrong becuse they're always rewarded
we all love to tell others how much ***** we get
please be honest
we don't get anything close to these people
this is the level im talking about- just everybody in this thread watch this for literally one minute, its perfect

he says "from what i see with people that **** alot is they progress from whatever, to anal, to threesome, to group sex, to ******s, to guys"
-- "whattt???? youre crazy bro"-- (just like ppl in here) because they dont know what its like to have been with hundreds (probablycloser to thousands) of women

now. look at this but ignore the specifics for a second (same female, compared to multiple females)


what this graph is telling me is that novelty (something new/exciting) makes us cum
this novelty/spontaneity can get us off as much as the actual sexual act (the warmth/sensory feelings)
that shows us the importance of sexual variety ( types of partners / situations / whatever)
^this is the same as what said JNSQ said, coolidge effect

lets compare sex to drugs
tolerance is really what were talking about here
the peak of sex (orgasm) with the peak of drugs (the high)
if 10 mg of THC used to get you high, and you've been smoking for 10 years you eill need ALOT more mg (or intensity) to get high, or to get off

my viewpoint is different than most though, and i get that
i think were all bisexual
i dont think that priest men enter priesthood as pedophiles
and i cant knock people for ******g guys, or ******g young girls or anything (95%) in the sexual realm

sidenote about "pedophilia"
the age of consent around the world ranges from 9-20. that is ******ed. where do you draw the line? a woman is fully sexually mature at 16
a man is fully sexual mature at 18. but it being a mans world (legislation wise, blah blah) --men make the laws- so our law says 18 is the age of consent
to me the age of consent should be 16. do i want to see 80 year old dudes with 16 year old? no. but thats their right. /mini-rant

why do so many people get outed as pedophiles
jd salinger with a 14 year old, woody allen with (basically) his daughter, roman polanski and his laundry list of youngins
why do eddie murphy and ronaldo get busted with ******s, and why does tom shane(shane company) get found half dead wearing a soiled diaper and a ball gag with limbs bound and a dildo on the ground in a hotel room in bangkok
why do priests molest little boys (stay with me, because i think theyre all related)
i dont not believe that men take their vows and enter priesthood with a proclivity for young boys
i believe some are like that
but i believe for the most part men enter priesthood, and they make vows of celibacy. theyre ******.
you can only hold something down for so long, before it will poke its ugly head and find a way out
theyre animals they have urges, but thye made A PROMISE TO GOD
so theyre only option is a partner that would never tell and because of the power dynamic that little boy probably wont tell

i think we're all perverts
we're animals.
and if you look back in history (romans, greeks) they were doing "sus" ****. nothings chnaged except society
in these modern times make a lot of our selections based on whats socially acceptable (gender and age of partners) and our power (ability to go agianst society/phonomena)
i think that power is the ultimate currency, and with that you do anything
because what do these people have in common? actors, priests, diamond business owners, and authors
they have power (sometimes through money) and they're perverts
but i dont think their perverse ways came with the money/power

i think that a sense of invincibility came with the power theyve been bestowed
and that's two types of invincibility a) because they wont get caught / can get away with anything
and b) internal invincibility -- they dont question themselves. their subconcious desires become reality because they dont have to question the dumb **** that we do.
AND! these people are showered with constant praise, they may legitimately feel that they can do no wrong becuse they're always rewarded

Repped...This is a very intelligible. On the subject of pedophilia however, there should be distinct boundaries and parameters in place for the welfare for children, as they aren't mentally capable to express themselves in a erotic manner and have not fully developed their sensuality. Everything else is fair game though.
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What if all those celebs are bi though?

A lot of yall from posts I've seen think the Puff rumors are true for example and I aint one to outright deny them but you mean to tell me Cassie is his beard? That's one helluva beard. Yeah there are other dudes who start families but as a dude that's famous why continue to take down fine *** women if you're truly gay?

I think them dudes just be on their hedonistic tip word to Greece and don't give a **** when it comes to sex but given the stigma of homosexuality in today's society (despite this growing acceptance of it which still isn't widespread) they choose to hide that part of their life especially since a lot of these dudes grew up on that don't be a sissy mentality.
I've also heard that they have people pick "beards" out for them though. I mean, it can't be far off. For years actor Rock Hudson was thought of as a man's and he died of AIDS in the mid 80's and faced rumors of homosexuality in the 50's. This isn't new. 
Dying of AIDs is not evidence of homosexuality. It's evidence that he ****** somebody that was loose or that he was loose and ****** a lot of ppl be it man or woman.

I understand some having beards secretly picked out for them to the point the wife doesn't even know the deal until after marriage but I'm specifically talking about these Sports/Hip Hop dudes that are taking down numerous women while on the road and smashing other female celebs. If you're secretly gay I think it gets to a point you're trying too hard or you're purposely trying to spread something. So the way I see it they're not simply gay, they just then feel free to do all the wild gay **** they want now that they got the money and the power while still doing hetero shh cuz they got the money and the power.
^ As far as this is concerned, I never said that dying of AIDS means you're a homosexual in that statement. Now, you're looking at his situation through a 2014 lens my friend. Think of it in terms of when it happened. Rumors through the 50's, 60's, and 70's questioned his sexuality. His dying of AIDS in the 80's may have cemented the speculation.  At the time when AIDS epidemic first appeared, it was initially in the gay community. So it was assumed it was a gay man's disease (clearly now through further education, we know it's not). It is STILL widely believed that he was gay. Which brings me back to my original point that this isn't anything new, it's been ongoing for years.
I always wanted someone to touch closer on rumor of suge, J Prince, Irv Gottii, & I think Dame trying to start their own Distribution company and shortly after having their offices raided.

It would seem like common sense for the really rich Diddy, 50, Jay, Baby, J Prince etc etc to completely cut out the major label umbrellas and distribute their music on their own especially considering that you don't technically need radio and physical copies as much nowadays. But music is a billion dollar conglomerate tied in with news corps, Radio, TV so maybe the heads at these places made a few calls in.‎
None of yall in here are drowning in yambs like Hugh Heffner is/was so please stop acting like you could ever put yourself in the man's shoes to even imagine his decision.

What if all those celebs are bi though?

A lot of yall from posts I've seen think the Puff rumors are true for example and I aint one to outright deny them but you mean to tell me Cassie is his beard? That's one helluva beard. Yeah there are other dudes who start families but as a dude that's famous why continue to take down fine *** women if you're truly gay?

I think them dudes just be on their hedonistic tip word to Greece and don't give a **** when it comes to sex but given the stigma of homosexuality in today's society (despite this growing acceptance of it which still isn't widespread) they choose to hide that part of their life especially since a lot of these dudes grew up on that don't be a sissy mentality.
I've also heard that they have people pick "beards" out for them though. I mean, it can't be far off. For years actor Rock Hudson was thought of as a man's and he died of AIDS in the mid 80's and faced rumors of homosexuality in the 50's. This isn't new.
Dying of AIDs is not evidence of homosexuality. It's evidence that he ****** somebody that was loose or that he was loose and ****** a lot of ppl be it man or woman.

I understand some having beards secretly picked out for them to the point the wife doesn't even know the deal until after marriage but I'm specifically talking about these Sports/Hip Hop dudes that are taking down numerous women while on the road and smashing other female celebs. If you're secretly gay I think it gets to a point you're trying too hard or you're purposely trying to spread something. So the way I see it they're not simply gay, they just then feel free to do all the wild gay **** they want now that they got the money and the power while still doing hetero shh cuz they got the money and the power.
^ As far as this is concerned, I never said that dying of AIDS means you're a homosexual in that statement. Now, you're looking at his situation through a 2014 lens my friend. Think of it in terms of when it happened. Rumors through the 50's, 60's, and 70's questioned his sexuality. His dying of AIDS in the 80's may have cemented the speculation. At the time when AIDS epidemic first appeared, it was initially in the gay community. So it was assumed it was a gay man's disease (clearly now through further education, we know it's not). It is STILL widely believed that he was gay. Which brings me back to my original point that this isn't anything new, it's been ongoing for years.
If I'm looking at it from a 2014 lens wouldn't his death via AIDs cementing the speculation be looking at it from a 1950s lens?

But my mistake since you never made the claim that that's evidence of the rumor being true.

And as far as this not being anything new as in celebs being gay or hiding that they're gay yeah, I don't think anybody's contesting that. There was a time everyone legitimately thought Liberace was straight.
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we all love to tell others how much ***** we get
please be honest
we don't get anything close to these people
this is the level im talking about- just everybody in this thread watch this for literally one minute, its perfect

he says "from what i see with people that **** alot is they progress from whatever, to anal, to threesome, to group sex, to ******s, to guys"
-- "whattt???? youre crazy bro"-- (just like ppl in here) because they dont know what its like to have been with hundreds (probablycloser to thousands) of women

now. look at this but ignore the specifics for a second (same female, compared to multiple females)


what this graph is telling me is that novelty (something new/exciting) makes us cum
this novelty/spontaneity can get us off as much as the actual sexual act (the warmth/sensory feelings)
that shows us the importance of sexual variety ( types of partners / situations / whatever)
^this is the same as what said JNSQ said, coolidge effect

lets compare sex to drugs
tolerance is really what were talking about here
the peak of sex (orgasm) with the peak of drugs (the high)
if 10 mg of THC used to get you high, and you've been smoking for 10 years you eill need ALOT more mg (or intensity) to get high, or to get off

my viewpoint is different than most though, and i get that
i think were all bisexual
i dont think that priest men enter priesthood as pedophiles
and i cant knock people for ******g guys, or ******g young girls or anything (95%) in the sexual realm

sidenote about "pedophilia"
the age of consent around the world ranges from 9-20. that is ******ed. where do you draw the line? a woman is fully sexually mature at 16
a man is fully sexual mature at 18. but it being a mans world (legislation wise, blah blah) --men make the laws- so our law says 18 is the age of consent
to me the age of consent should be 16. do i want to see 80 year old dudes with 16 year old? no. but thats their right. /mini-rant

why do so many people get outed as pedophiles
jd salinger with a 14 year old, woody allen with (basically) his daughter, roman polanski and his laundry list of youngins
why do eddie murphy and ronaldo get busted with ******s, and why does tom shane(shane company) get found half dead wearing a soiled diaper and a ball gag with limbs bound and a dildo on the ground in a hotel room in bangkok
why do priests molest little boys (stay with me, because i think theyre all related)
i dont not believe that men take their vows and enter priesthood with a proclivity for young boys
i believe some are like that
but i believe for the most part men enter priesthood, and they make vows of celibacy. theyre ******.
you can only hold something down for so long, before it will poke its ugly head and find a way out
theyre animals they have urges, but thye made A PROMISE TO GOD
so theyre only option is a partner that would never tell and because of the power dynamic that little boy probably wont tell

i think we're all perverts
we're animals.
and if you look back in history (romans, greeks) they were doing "sus" ****. nothings chnaged except society
in these modern times make a lot of our selections based on whats socially acceptable (gender and age of partners) and our power (ability to go agianst society/phonomena)
i think that power is the ultimate currency, and with that you do anything
because what do these people have in common? actors, priests, diamond business owners, and authors
they have power (sometimes through money) and they're perverts
but i dont think their perverse ways came with the money/power

i think that a sense of invincibility came with the power theyve been bestowed
and that's two types of invincibility a) because they wont get caught / can get away with anything
and b) internal invincibility -- they dont question themselves. their subconcious desires become reality because they dont have to question the dumb **** that we do.
AND! these people are showered with constant praise, they may legitimately feel that they can do no wrong becuse they're always rewarded

You're absolutely right celebs are getting it in on wilt chamberlain type levels, BUT who's to say that's morally in accordance with natural law? Anybody ever hear of moderation? Self control? Responsibily? If you're smoking 20 blunts a day pretty soon you're not gonna get as high and all the sudden u need something stronger....I agree with what you're saying in regards to progression but my point is yeah u could **** a million broads but if u Actually had that option at what extent would u exercise it? If the end result is you ******g a man and that was not you're intent to begin with then something is wrong there
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we all love to tell others how much ***** we get
please be honest
we don't get anything close to these people
this is the level im talking about- just everybody in this thread watch this for literally one minute, its perfect

he says "from what i see with people that **** alot is they progress from whatever, to anal, to threesome, to group sex, to ******s, to guys"
-- "whattt???? youre crazy bro"-- (just like ppl in here) because they dont know what its like to have been with hundreds (probablycloser to thousands) of women

now. look at this but ignore the specifics for a second (same female, compared to multiple females)


what this graph is telling me is that novelty (something new/exciting) makes us cum
this novelty/spontaneity can get us off as much as the actual sexual act (the warmth/sensory feelings)
that shows us the importance of sexual variety ( types of partners / situations / whatever)
^this is the same as what said JNSQ said, coolidge effect

lets compare sex to drugs
tolerance is really what were talking about here
the peak of sex (orgasm) with the peak of drugs (the high)
if 10 mg of THC used to get you high, and you've been smoking for 10 years you eill need ALOT more mg (or intensity) to get high, or to get off

my viewpoint is different than most though, and i get that
i think were all bisexual
i dont think that priest men enter priesthood as pedophiles
and i cant knock people for ******g guys, or ******g young girls or anything (95%) in the sexual realm

sidenote about "pedophilia"
the age of consent around the world ranges from 9-20. that is ******ed. where do you draw the line? a woman is fully sexually mature at 16
a man is fully sexual mature at 18. but it being a mans world (legislation wise, blah blah) --men make the laws- so our law says 18 is the age of consent
to me the age of consent should be 16. do i want to see 80 year old dudes with 16 year old? no. but thats their right. /mini-rant

why do so many people get outed as pedophiles
jd salinger with a 14 year old, woody allen with (basically) his daughter, roman polanski and his laundry list of youngins
why do eddie murphy and ronaldo get busted with ******s, and why does tom shane(shane company) get found half dead wearing a soiled diaper and a ball gag with limbs bound and a dildo on the ground in a hotel room in bangkok
why do priests molest little boys (stay with me, because i think theyre all related)
i dont not believe that men take their vows and enter priesthood with a proclivity for young boys
i believe some are like that
but i believe for the most part men enter priesthood, and they make vows of celibacy. theyre ******.
you can only hold something down for so long, before it will poke its ugly head and find a way out
theyre animals they have urges, but thye made A PROMISE TO GOD
so theyre only option is a partner that would never tell and because of the power dynamic that little boy probably wont tell

i think we're all perverts
we're animals.
and if you look back in history (romans, greeks) they were doing "sus" ****. nothings chnaged except society
in these modern times make a lot of our selections based on whats socially acceptable (gender and age of partners) and our power (ability to go agianst society/phonomena)
i think that power is the ultimate currency, and with that you do anything
because what do these people have in common? actors, priests, diamond business owners, and authors
they have power (sometimes through money) and they're perverts
but i dont think their perverse ways came with the money/power

i think that a sense of invincibility came with the power theyve been bestowed
and that's two types of invincibility a) because they wont get caught / can get away with anything
and b) internal invincibility -- they dont question themselves. their subconcious desires become reality because they dont have to question the dumb **** that we do.
AND! these people are showered with constant praise, they may legitimately feel that they can do no wrong becuse they're always rewarded

You're absolutely right celebs are getting it in on wilt chamberlain type levels, BUT who's to say that's morally in accordance with natural law? Anybody ever hear of moderation? Self control? Responsibily? If you're smoking 20 blunts a day pretty soon you're not gonna get as high and all the sudden u need something stronger....I agree with what you're saying in regards to progression but my point is yeah u could **** a million broads but if u Actually had that option at what extent would u exercise it? If the end result is you ******g a man and that was not you're intent to begin with then something is wrong there

If that were the case wouldn't all cig smokers be on heroin? Wouldn't all caffeine addicts be popping uppers?

Moderation is important but not every excess leads to escalation.
I personally don't, but I think it's wack to "act" straight. If you're gay be gay.

Some gays don't like to "act" gay. A person sexuality is really a small part of a person. Now some people make it known or you can just tell, but some guys/girls don't have to be flaming just because they are gay/lesbian.
 it's not that big a deal, but American culture is particularly obsessed with celebrity culture altogether. Sometimes it's hard to avoid. Some of us recognize ******** when we see it also. In my case, I'm just calling ********. I don't actively look to see who's dating who. Let's not make this out to be something that it's not. 
Just because American culture as a whole is obsessed doesn't mean it's a good thing. Also, I didn't understand the second part of your post because of the censored words. Could you make the same point without cursing?

I agree that they have no obligation, HOWEVER... if an actor/athlete is gay and wants to hide his sexual orientation, then that same athlete shouldn't be complaining about how gays and lesbians are perceived in society when he or she isn't brave enough to represent his lifestyle publicly and prove society wrong.

Acting straight is pretending not to be gay by remaining silent in order to, among other things, reap financial gain. If it's such a civil rights struggle, for the most part the people in the closet do a poor job of helping their cause. Can you imagine if black folks wore makeup and whiteface during the Civil Rights movement and were talking about, it's nobody's business if I'm black or not? >D

The types of folks that sell out their true selves for money and then complain about the current state of affairs are lame as ****. If you're ashamed, then don't do it. That's some coward ****.
That makes more sense - thanks for clarifying. I still don't agree. The below post captures a lot of what I'm thinking.

That's ridiculous though. I think it says enough that a gay celebrity would have to hide HIS sexuality to reap financial gain to begin with. Athlete is a whole different story, look at the Chris Kluwe thing that just came out (pun) and he apparently isn't even gay, just a vocal support of gay rights. Yeah, yeah...he's a punter. It's not athletes' fault that the culture is the way it is. You've got athletes criticized for taking a few million extra for signing with a new team, you think some of them are gonna jeopardize all of it for playing for the "wrong" team?

I'm not even gonna go into relating the fight for equal rights comparison between gay people & black people. :lol:

Anyway, it's easy for any of us on the outside looking in to say how someone should or shouldn't act, what's right or wrong. Once again, the fact that a homosexual male would have to hide his sexuality in order to establish himself (and for financial gain) is proof enough. He should have the right to come out whenever he feels comfortable. Now, if he's shaming homosexuals in order to make himself seem straight, that's a different story but he shouldn't be obligated to be open with his sexuality regardless of whether he feels some type of way about how Hollywood functions and social perception.

I mean, how many celebrities really want their whole life exposed to the public? If there wasn't some kind of substantial financial gain associated with it, I'd imagine most wouldn't put themselves in that position. They'd stick to off-Broadway or independent films, local comedy clubs or performing in front of a few hundred people at small venues if it was strictly for the love of their art.

This thread is hilarious BTW. The hyper-masculine dudes gossiping like a bunch of women and criticizing other men for their sweetness is interesting.
Good post.
 it's not that big a deal, but American culture is particularly obsessed with celebrity culture altogether. Sometimes it's hard to avoid. Some of us recognize ******** when we see it also. In my case, I'm just calling ********. I don't actively look to see who's dating who. Let's not make this out to be something that it's not. 
Just because American culture as a whole is obsessed doesn't mean it's a good thing. Also, I didn't understand the second part of your post because of the censored words. Could you make the same point without cursing?
Whoa, let's not misinterpret my post. Maybe I didn't make it clear, but I think America's obsession with celebrity culture is ultimately ridiculous. It's not a good thing at all. I don't care how many times Lindsay Lohan has been in and out of rehab, her problem, not mine. They aren't newsworthy to me, BUT when you are going about your day you are bombarded with celebrity news. That's the point I was trying to make. The shortened term for the censored word is BS.
That's a sign of a bigger problem. "News media" in this country is a joke. Its all bought and paid for so they get to decide on what's "news". Sad state of affairs really.
Can you head me to when he talks about that situation because i'm all for inside info and truth behind the industry but Griff be going off the deep end with his **** from time to time... He's one of those barber shop conspiracy time cats.

Around the 24.25 mark, but listen to the entire interview it is very informative.
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Not sure Tyreeke. I haven't listened to that interview in over 2 years. It is a good listen. The whole thing
@calikev34 repped. Thoses are more or less my views. Im just horrible at explaining things. On broader terms, I feel most humans are too scared and too attached to made up rules like god, marriage and PC **** depending on personality, etc. Being 0 on the homosexual scale is also one of those things.
@calikev34 repped. Thoses are more or less my views. Im just horrible at explaining things. On broader terms, I feel most humans are too scared and too attached to made up rules like god, marriage and PC **** depending on personality, etc. Being 0 on the homosexual scale is also one of those things.
please elaborate on how that correlates to accepting a made up ideology? god, marriage, etc
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