My journey through the entertainment industry..............

I remember years ago when I was introduced to forest whitaker when I was just trying to get in the game and I told him I wanted to direct. My man looked at me said nothing and just stared off in space. I was like 20 at the time and I remember laughing to myself like man these +!@%$* don't give a #$@% about no young +!@%$* tryna do this. That experience and others I had just made me vengeful. I promised when I'm in the position I'm putting cats on blast. I pulling a lot of cards because in reality these people don't have your best interest in mind. They sell you that garbage on t.v. and tell you its what the people want but in reality the people want whatever you give them. Oh and that secret society %@!% is real. There are several factions like masonry, boule, and the sons of belial. Jada pinkett is Eastern Star.
OP, you not afraid this will come to bite you in the %*+? or are you that well established that you don't mind?
OP, you not afraid this will come to bite you in the %*+? or are you that well established that you don't mind?
Very interesting thread, if this info is true. And it sounds believable... Definitely though, as others have said, Jewish folks run Hollywood overall.
Very interesting thread, if this info is true. And it sounds believable... Definitely though, as others have said, Jewish folks run Hollywood overall.
Yes indeed jews run the game. Jews are good buisness though. They show a lot more love then the anglo saxons.
Yes indeed jews run the game. Jews are good buisness though. They show a lot more love then the anglo saxons.
so what's the shocking news here?

this has been widely known for years

i'm surprised people on nt of all places are just now hearing about this
so what's the shocking news here?

this has been widely known for years

i'm surprised people on nt of all places are just now hearing about this
i believe every word wisepharoah is puttin in this thread

thats just me though.
i believe every word wisepharoah is puttin in this thread

thats just me though.
If the Jews run the game and you consider them good business, than why can't you get on? Are they preventing you from getting on?
If the Jews run the game and you consider them good business, than why can't you get on? Are they preventing you from getting on?
You have to understand, i work with celebs all the time. They are bombarded non stop.
As far as you talking to Whitaker about your future you are probably the 100,000 person to do that.
unless it was early in the morning you were probably not the first that day, you cant expect them to give everyone the time of day.
your naive if you think just cause he don't put you on he doesn't help others. You have to be in the right place at the right time
now lets say you were an intern at his production company, had some good comments about a script that was floating around town then he asked you what you were interested in doing....that my friend is how its done.
put your self in his shoes.

I hope you make it but there is no way you will take care of everyone that walks up out of nowhere with a request. Period.

My man, just take a step back on think about it a little more,

first you say there is more money in TV....False
then you say there is more creative flexibility in TV....false
then you think that Forrest W owes you something....false

i wish you luck but you have a looong way to go.

Now dont get mad at me cause you dont like the truth. haha
You have to understand, i work with celebs all the time. They are bombarded non stop.
As far as you talking to Whitaker about your future you are probably the 100,000 person to do that.
unless it was early in the morning you were probably not the first that day, you cant expect them to give everyone the time of day.
your naive if you think just cause he don't put you on he doesn't help others. You have to be in the right place at the right time
now lets say you were an intern at his production company, had some good comments about a script that was floating around town then he asked you what you were interested in doing....that my friend is how its done.
put your self in his shoes.

I hope you make it but there is no way you will take care of everyone that walks up out of nowhere with a request. Period.

My man, just take a step back on think about it a little more,

first you say there is more money in TV....False
then you say there is more creative flexibility in TV....false
then you think that Forrest W owes you something....false

i wish you luck but you have a looong way to go.

Now dont get mad at me cause you dont like the truth. haha
I didn't say there was more creativity in television and t.v. money is better depending upon the project you have no clue what your talking about. I made this post because someone came into a P company I do buisness with and they had a pitch meeting and killed it. The idea was sick but the developement heads weren't feeling dude and its because they felt threatened. He was a 6'3 straight good looking black dude that had a deep voice and was very intelligent. Don't tell me what I know and don't know because I surely won't tell you what you know. You work for a talent agency? You aren't the talent homie and the ones that are get shafted I see it everyday.
I didn't say there was more creativity in television and t.v. money is better depending upon the project you have no clue what your talking about. I made this post because someone came into a P company I do buisness with and they had a pitch meeting and killed it. The idea was sick but the developement heads weren't feeling dude and its because they felt threatened. He was a 6'3 straight good looking black dude that had a deep voice and was very intelligent. Don't tell me what I know and don't know because I surely won't tell you what you know. You work for a talent agency? You aren't the talent homie and the ones that are get shafted I see it everyday.
Not to defend the shady entertainment industry, but millions upon millions of people flock to Hollywood from every state and every country trying to be in the business. They all have degrees and experience and impressive resume's.....but just going by numbers, 99.9% are gona have their heart broken. Kind of like professional sports: How many millions of kids play high school ball and want to go to the NBA....and how many guys are in the NBA at any given time....300? 350? There aren't enough roster spots for every high school and college player to lace 'em up in the big league.

It just seems like it's one of those things that is never going to be fair and that's just the way it is. But that's not limited to the entertainment industry, that's business as a whole. Every person in a position of power has probably done some unfair things to somebody at one point or another, as well as had unfair things done to them.
Not to defend the shady entertainment industry, but millions upon millions of people flock to Hollywood from every state and every country trying to be in the business. They all have degrees and experience and impressive resume's.....but just going by numbers, 99.9% are gona have their heart broken. Kind of like professional sports: How many millions of kids play high school ball and want to go to the NBA....and how many guys are in the NBA at any given time....300? 350? There aren't enough roster spots for every high school and college player to lace 'em up in the big league.

It just seems like it's one of those things that is never going to be fair and that's just the way it is. But that's not limited to the entertainment industry, that's business as a whole. Every person in a position of power has probably done some unfair things to somebody at one point or another, as well as had unfair things done to them.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I didn't say there was more creativity in television and t.v. money is better depending upon the project you have no clue what your talking about. I made this post because someone came into a P company I do buisness with and they had a pitch meeting and killed it. The idea was sick but the developement heads weren't feeling dude and its because they felt threatened. He was a 6'3 straight good looking black dude that had a deep voice and was very intelligent. Don't tell me what I know and don't know because I surely won't tell you what you know. You work for a talent agency? You aren't the talent homie and the ones that are get shafted I see it everyday.
so in conclusion you gotta be a pillow biter to get to the next level in hollywood if you black?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I didn't say there was more creativity in television and t.v. money is better depending upon the project you have no clue what your talking about. I made this post because someone came into a P company I do buisness with and they had a pitch meeting and killed it. The idea was sick but the developement heads weren't feeling dude and its because they felt threatened. He was a 6'3 straight good looking black dude that had a deep voice and was very intelligent. Don't tell me what I know and don't know because I surely won't tell you what you know. You work for a talent agency? You aren't the talent homie and the ones that are get shafted I see it everyday.
so in conclusion you gotta be a pillow biter to get to the next level in hollywood if you black?
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