My NT Brethren- Are you a good driver?

It's crazy to me how reckless some people are while driving.
Driving a car for many people is the most dangerous thing they will do all day.
Also think about how easy it is for people to get a licence .
Some people are just not good drivers and theyre out there navigating 4000 pounds of killing machine going 70 miles per hour.
I ******* hate HATE HATE HATE HATE driving in the 5 boroughs. Everyone is a ******* ******* and all the Uber’s,lyfts, and green and yellow cabs here make driving here ******* unbearable. So much ******** here.

Man **** nyc. Worst place to drive in the USA and it’s not even close.
Same, I am not worried about time. I usually leave home with enough time to get to where I need to get without rushing.

People just seem to be in a rush much of the time.

It is cool, you can rush, I won't get in your way man.
This, never felt the need to rush in a 2,000+ lbs death machine
Yall are amazing if you can distinguish between Northern VA and MD drivers.

I wonder how much of that is influenced by preExisting stereotypes/folkLore
Trust me, as someone that moved to the area with no pre-existing notion then lived in both places, you can tell. MD are almost as aggressive as NYC but not as precise. The dumbest things i've seen done, ie pulling out in front of a car doing 60 while doing 40 have been DC plates though.

Essentially though like someone said, anywhere there's a road, there are bad drivers.
Don't get me started on these cyclist bozos

I had a client who got 2 years for brake checking a cyclist who flipped her off. Chick gets in front of him, jacks her brakes, and the dude literally went through her rear window, bike and all. :lol:
My driving skill is superior.


I hate people who don't signal. And just as much, I hate people who signal WHEN they turn, not before they turn.

The turn signal is made to alert drivers around you that you plan to make a turn, you don't use it right at the turn, or halfway through your turn. Its too ******* late by then, I've either had to smash my brakes because you suddenly decided to make a sudden right turn or I'm getting cut off on the highway because some idiot decides they want to switch lanes without the proper amount of space in the lane in front of me, when all they really had to do was use their signal and I could have created space to allow them to merge into the lane.

I ******* hate people.

I also hate people who forget to turn their signal off and just drive wit ha left signal on for miles. Like, how the **** do you not realize that your signal is on? Then they make a right turn and put everyone in danger because we all think you plan to make a left turn :smh:

I hate people who wait until the last minute to merge out of the merging lane on the highway. The hell did you ride all the way down to the point where there's no more lane?

I've got a ton more but I'm pissed just thinking about it
I had a client who got 2 years for brake checking a cyclist who flipped her off. Chick gets in front of him, jacks her brakes, and the dude literally went through her rear window, bike and all. :lol:
Damn 2 years though? was he seriously hurt?
As I said in other threads, people get behind those wheels and magically get tough.

Unless you would tell someone, "MOve, get out of my way" watch the tone of your horn/beeps at people. Watch the hand motions you give people, you wouldn't have all that heart if we were on foot face to face
Actually one intentionally bad thing I do is i'm using the signal less and less unless it's against oncoming traffic, got tired of people speeding up to close the gap as soon as you put it on.
Damn 2 years though? was he seriously hurt?

Yeah he got pretty f'd up. Head injury, broken bones, cuts. Middle aged dude who messed with the wrong one apparently. It was funny because I could picture the entire thing playing out in my head as she described it. 100% believable that the cyclist was being a POS.
As I said in other threads, people get behind those wheels and magically get tough.

Unless you would tell someone, "MOve, get out of my way" watch the tone of your horn/beeps at people. Watch the hand motions you give people, you wouldn't have all that heart if we were on foot face to face
I would do all that stuff to your face. You don’t intimidate me
Oh and if you want the worst of the worst...come to CT, RI and MA. You'll need a valium after an hour in the car.
I am a 100% defensive driver.

I expect people around me to be distracted and emotional.

I let people over.
I use signals.

I am textbook.

I come in peace

I'm more so a defensive driver as well, but I gotta keep my head on swivel and my foot ready on the pedal. People are reckless and I don't want to be the victim of someone else's death wish on the road.

But I get in my car everyday with the mindset that my purpose in my vehicle is to get myself and anyone in the car with me to our destination safely, so I can't get distracted or start on road wars with other driver endangering us just because someone else is a bozo

MD has more drivers that go all out with reckless abandon, while VA drivers are probably more careless/distracted.

This makes a ton of sense, because there are definitely more chargers, impala's, etc speeding up 495, 210, etc

Where as soon as you cross over the Woodrow Wilson it seems like all of the drivers seem like they never driven a gotdamn car before.

And then on top of that, the roads are **** in the DMV :smh:
Learned to to drive in the best driver state I’ve ever lived in, Michigan.

85 mph is normal, a foot of snow or more is normal, blizzards, rain, etc, etc...

The amount of violations I see on the road is truly beyond me. I wish I was a petty cop sometimes.

Been back in Grand Rapids for a week now for the holidays. It's crazy how less nerve wrecking driving here is compared to LA. Even with the snow, cold, and ice.

LA drives are dicks, man. All of them. I ride a motorcycle in LA too, so I see ALL of it.

- People not signaling when they turn or switch lanes.

- People taking forever to take off at green lights because they're staring at their ******* cell phones
- People trying to beat the left turn light, running it while it's red and ultimately giving the next intersection less time to turn left because of your selfishness.
- People driving like speed racer just to get to the next traffic jam / red light 15 seconds faster
- People honking their horns over literally anything (I don't think I've heard a car horn once since I've been home in Michigan)

There's just a **** ton of people driving in Los Angeles who should not be driving, and that's all I'll say about that.
Yall are amazing if you can distinguish between Northern VA and MD drivers.

I wonder how much of that is influenced by preExisting stereotypes/folkLore

Nah man, its very clear between NoVA and MD drivers. VA drivers are goofy, inattentive, and drive like they're the only car on the road. They drift, use their signals at the last minute, cut you off in the middle of the beltway with no signal, they'll drive slow in the fast lane, etc. VA drivers are also notorious for driving in the far opposite lane of their exit, then they'll try to cross over 3-4 lanes in the middle of rush hour to get off on their exit.

MD drivers are reckless. They speed, they swerve in and out of lanes, anyone with a little cash and gets a dodge charger, challenger, mustang, etc thinks they're ******* Vin Diesel. I also hate seeing those Hyundai's, Kia's, Honda's etc driving reckless. Its why we see more highway cops in MD versus in VA. There are way more speed traps, red light cameras, current speed indicators, etc in MD. Because everyone on this side has a death wish apparently. I try to stay off the beltway going north for that exact reason.

I'm cautious of getting into a auto insurance dispute in VA. I'm more cautious of getting into a health insurance emergency in MD.

And don't get me started on DC drivers. Its a mixture of all 3
Yo I see this issue A LOT here downtown.

People try to catch the light but there's no room so they end up blocking the intersection. I've been at a light, second car, and I've missed two cycles of lights cuz the first prick blocks the intersection and we can't proceed. Light turns red for us, then the next wave same **** happens. Another prick blocks the intersection.
My driving has been top level since I was 16 thanks to every Gran Turismo since 3 . All gold licenses bruh........but DMV drivers are the worst.

Virginia drivers just don't know what the **** is going on half the time. Left lane hoggers, don't signal, they have no idea how to navigate DC and they just drive slow as hell.

MD drivers don't give a damn about nobody. By far the most aggressive drivers in the DMV. Tailgaters, speeders and they will cut you off before you know it.

DC drivers are a combination of the worst drivers around the country because of all the transplants.
I like to think of myself as a good driver. Im very defensive but I didnt really have much of a choice because my Dad was a Defensive Driver instructor so he made us that way lol.

Side Question: I always hear people say "The drivers in *insert City* suck, they dont know how to drive!"

So what city has good drivers? Have you ever just been riding around said "the drivers in this town are amazing"?
I am also bothered by people that drive JUST AS FAST in in-climate weather as they would do on a clear day.

If it is raining, it is cool if you slow down people. You don't have to indirectly show off to the world that you "have the skill" to drive that fast in the rain.

Many driving behaviors comes down to Displays of Ego, when you lose your ego and just let folks win (in their minds) you instantly become a better driver.
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