MY WEDDING PICS UPDATE! Vol. Wedding, enagagement, couples photography SHARE YOURS! (updated)

i think i saw your fiances whole second outfit at american eagle when i was there w/ my wife last night

i think i saw the first shirt there too now that i think about it...the whole first outfit looks like it came from there
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

ksteezy..FIRST OFF, YOUR WIFE IS GORGEOUS...not even pretty but GORGEOUS! Props for marrying her.

secondly, you mind if I ask what you guys do? I'm 29 and planning on getting married in the next few years but I'm scared of the financial aspect. We both make a decent living but I'm the frugal budgeter in the relationship and scared of marrying someone who aint, lol

Thanx bro

Im the grounded realist of our relationship, shes the dreamer that unfortunately does not think in numbers and thinks everything is possible, somehow someway we balance each other out, yes we do get into most of our arguments over money, but its part of the relationship, move on and get over it and try to learn along the way. Right now ive been a respiratory therapist for almost 6 years, she has been working as a secretary for about the same time, but recently went back to school, so my income is pretty much the only income, she makes enough to pay for her car and insurance...cant really help with much, let alone help with the wedding...its cool, since ive had a perdiem job for almost 2 years along with my full time, i been able to kick it into full gear for the past 3 months and turned that per-diem into practically a second fulltime job which ive used for all the expenses of the wedding, ive managed pretty good...alot better than i thought, ive just taken a beating physically, but is almost over. The plan is in a year she'll start an accelerated nursing program, which will take her a 1.5 years to complete and hopefully become an RN, realistically speaking we are 27 now, im not expecting her to graduate till shes 30....once thats done, life will be much easier for the both of us, at this point we would probably make close to 100k each granted we have a fulltime job along with a perdiem..

edit*** its ok to be scared, to be honest i felt the same way, we kept saying we would wait till we were financially stable to get married, blah blah blah...i really thought there was no way in hell i could afford a wedding, it wasnt till we decided to do a city hall wedding, then my mother decided to help out a little so that we have something better and then her father jumped in, together they chipped in 5k which covered 75% of the reception hall, after we signed that contract at the hall and had a date set, i was focused....some of us just work better with a deadline....the money just came...the hours at the second job were flowing.


Your Wife is beautiful...
Those are the best engagement pics I have seen in my life...

When I read what you posted about your relationship I felt like you was talking about me and my girl
I'm the realest and shes the dreamer...
I could see myself getting married around your age (I'm 23 now)
We have a daughter together already....
The financial part of it is what I'm worried about...
Ayo, Im still debating on how drunk I should get at the wedding.
Solematic J still mad he not comin.
ksteezy wrote:
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

ksteezy wrote:
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

ksteezy..FIRST OFF, YOUR WIFE IS GORGEOUS...not even pretty but GORGEOUS! Props for marrying her.

secondly, you mind if I ask what you guys do? I'm 29 and planning on getting married in the next few years but I'm scared of the financial aspect. We both make a decent living but I'm the frugal budgeter in the relationship and scared of marrying someone who aint, lol
Thanx bro

Im the grounded realist of our relationship, shes the dreamer that unfortunately does not think in numbers and thinks everything is possible, somehow someway we balance each other out, yes we do get into most of our arguments over money, but its part of the relationship, move on and get over it and try to learn along the way. Right now ive been a respiratory therapist for almost 6 years, she has been working as a secretary for about the same time, but recently went back to school, so my income is pretty much the only income, she makes enough to pay for her car and insurance...cant really help with much, let alone help with the wedding...its cool, since ive had a perdiem job for almost 2 years along with my full time, i been able to kick it into full gear for the past 3 months and turned that per-diem into practically a second fulltime job which ive used for all the expenses of the wedding, ive managed pretty good...alot better than i thought, ive just taken a beating physically, but is almost over. The plan is in a year she'll start an accelerated nursing program, which will take her a 1.5 years to complete and hopefully become an RN, realistically speaking we are 27 now, im not expecting her to graduate till shes 30....once thats done, life will be much easier for the both of us, at this point we would probably make close to 100k each granted we have a fulltime job along with a perdiem..

edit*** its ok to be scared, to be honest i felt the same way, we kept saying we would wait till we were financially stable to get married, blah blah blah...i really thought there was no way in hell i could afford a wedding, it wasnt till we decided to do a city hall wedding, then my mother decided to help out a little so that we have something better and then her father jumped in, together they chipped in 5k which covered 75% of the reception hall, after we signed that contract at the hall and had a date set, i was focused....some of us just work better with a deadline....the money just came...the hours at the second job were flowing.
dude, very dope pics..nice setting, photography and all of that..insightful information as well..I've been with my girl for quite some time now (since high school), but am also the type of dude who does not prefer to get married at age 30+ (don't ask me why)..I do contemplate sometimes financially how our wedding would turn out.. I am fairly straight out of college, and all of our college buddies are engaged/getting married right now..I'm just thinking to myself, do you..but in my personal opinion, I want to go all out for my wedding and not have the burden of being limited financially.

my girl just graduated on friday in nursing, so hopefully she will pass the boards in September and become an RN (I am a computer analyst currently..of course she will soon demolish me in the tax brackets
)..but a little assurance is always good to hear..props.

and dope pics too mustbetheshoes

Thanx alot bro, i completely understand your position, marriage shouldnt be taken lightly or as a trend, for instance the trend amongst my friends now is to have kids, i swear about 4 of my cloaest friends all have toddlers months apart, we aré pretty much the only couple that doesnt, and although seeing so many babies makes me want one, i know we aré still not where i wanna be in order to raise a little one with all the resources nessesary! In other words take your time, I've been with mines for 10 years now, we've been thru breakups and makeups and everything in between, we are almost 28 and been living together since 24...I'm ready, we are both ready to make that ultimate doubt in my mind...don't get it twisted I'm an open minded individual and I know is not gonna be a walk in the park, but I'm ready to take on the challenge without wanting to run away every chance I get. Best of luck to you.
This is the exact thought process i have been going through lately...I am 24 and graduated two years ago from college, I work as a Mechanical Engineer. Me and my girl have been together for almost 5 years now, but we have been good friends since we were like 14. I dont want to get married because its a trend because that what it seems to be these days. All my friends, and teammates from college are all getting married. I just dont see how you can get married without being finically stable. I love my girl, there is no doubt in that...but she is still discovering what she wants to be in life. And the whole fincal problem is taking its toll. She is the one I want, there is no doubt she is my best friend.. but she depends on me for some much and its gruling. I give you a lot of respect man for working so hard with your girl to make it work...I dont know how you do it. And those pictures are great man. I hope your wedding is a blast...

Crumps Brother wrote:
i think i saw your fiances whole second outfit at american eagle when i was there w/ my wife last night

i think i saw the first shirt there too now that i think about it...the whole first outfit looks like it came from there
EVERYTHING she wore was from 

Degenerate423 wrote:
congrats, the pics came out great 
.  wish i could find a pair of those evidences 

The LV stores around my way are always stocked, you can also go to an LV store and they'll do a nationwide check and order them bro...
YoUNg bR3aD wrote:
ksteezy wrote:
UnbornSeed wrote:
ksteezy..FIRST OFF, YOUR WIFE IS GORGEOUS...not even pretty but GORGEOUS! Props for marrying her.

secondly, you mind if I ask what you guys do? I'm 29 and planning on getting married in the next few years but I'm scared of the financial aspect. We both make a decent living but I'm the frugal budgeter in the relationship and scared of marrying someone who aint, lol

Thanx bro

Im the grounded realist of our relationship, shes the dreamer that unfortunately does not think in numbers and thinks everything is possible, somehow someway we balance each other out, yes we do get into most of our arguments over money, but its part of the relationship, move on and get over it and try to learn along the way. Right now ive been a respiratory therapist for almost 6 years, she has been working as a secretary for about the same time, but recently went back to school, so my income is pretty much the only income, she makes enough to pay for her car and insurance...cant really help with much, let alone help with the wedding...its cool, since ive had a perdiem job for almost 2 years along with my full time, i been able to kick it into full gear for the past 3 months and turned that per-diem into practically a second fulltime job which ive used for all the expenses of the wedding, ive managed pretty good...alot better than i thought, ive just taken a beating physically, but is almost over. The plan is in a year she'll start an accelerated nursing program, which will take her a 1.5 years to complete and hopefully become an RN, realistically speaking we are 27 now, im not expecting her to graduate till shes 30....once thats done, life will be much easier for the both of us, at this point we would probably make close to 100k each granted we have a fulltime job along with a perdiem..

edit*** its ok to be scared, to be honest i felt the same way, we kept saying we would wait till we were financially stable to get married, blah blah blah...i really thought there was no way in hell i could afford a wedding, it wasnt till we decided to do a city hall wedding, then my mother decided to help out a little so that we have something better and then her father jumped in, together they chipped in 5k which covered 75% of the reception hall, after we signed that contract at the hall and had a date set, i was focused....some of us just work better with a deadline....the money just came...the hours at the second job were flowing.


Your Wife is beautiful...
Those are the best engagement pics I have seen in my life...

When I read what you posted about your relationship I felt like you was talking about me and my girl 
I'm the realest and shes the dreamer...
I could see myself getting married around your age (I'm 23 now) 
We have a daughter together already....
The financial part of it is what I'm worried about...
Thanx alot man 

Honestly im no relationahip expert, but once you stop worrying so much about the finances, things will smooth out and you will move forward, as long as one of you is fairly stable, meaning constant income and secure job, then why not do it, specially if there is a history, love and in your case a need to sit and analize your lives tgether, map out a plan and a realistic time frame to achieve it, I honestly did not think i was gonna be able to pull in so much cash in such ittel time, aside from keeping all the bills on track, but a month from the day, all of the big expenses are paid off and i was able to splurge on things i thought were out the question, like her Louboutins, extra floral arrrangement and even this engagement shoot. Best of luck bro.

Diego wrote:
Ayo, Im still debating on how drunk I should get at the wedding.
Solematic J still mad he not comin.

8 pages later, the only NTer thats attending the big event, drops a comment and its about him and how drunk he should get, you know what I think you should hand over your invite and date to Solematic J to represent you...

jhobson5 wrote:
ksteezy wrote:
xcg11pinoYx wrote:
ksteezy wrote:
UnbornSeed wrote:
ksteezy..FIRST OFF, YOUR WIFE IS GORGEOUS...not even pretty but GORGEOUS! Props for marrying her.

secondly, you mind if I ask what you guys do? I'm 29 and planning on getting married in the next few years but I'm scared of the financial aspect. We both make a decent living but I'm the frugal budgeter in the relationship and scared of marrying someone who aint, lol
Thanx bro

Im the grounded realist of our relationship, shes the dreamer that unfortunately does not think in numbers and thinks everything is possible, somehow someway we balance each other out, yes we do get into most of our arguments over money, but its part of the relationship, move on and get over it and try to learn along the way. Right now ive been a respiratory therapist for almost 6 years, she has been working as a secretary for about the same time, but recently went back to school, so my income is pretty much the only income, she makes enough to pay for her car and insurance...cant really help with much, let alone help with the wedding...its cool, since ive had a perdiem job for almost 2 years along with my full time, i been able to kick it into full gear for the past 3 months and turned that per-diem into practically a second fulltime job which ive used for all the expenses of the wedding, ive managed pretty good...alot better than i thought, ive just taken a beating physically, but is almost over. The plan is in a year she'll start an accelerated nursing program, which will take her a 1.5 years to complete and hopefully become an RN, realistically speaking we are 27 now, im not expecting her to graduate till shes 30....once thats done, life will be much easier for the both of us, at this point we would probably make close to 100k each granted we have a fulltime job along with a perdiem..

edit*** its ok to be scared, to be honest i felt the same way, we kept saying we would wait till we were financially stable to get married, blah blah blah...i really thought there was no way in hell i could afford a wedding, it wasnt till we decided to do a city hall wedding, then my mother decided to help out a little so that we have something better and then her father jumped in, together they chipped in 5k which covered 75% of the reception hall, after we signed that contract at the hall and had a date set, i was focused....some of us just work better with a deadline....the money just came...the hours at the second job were flowing.

dude, very dope pics..nice setting, photography and all of that..insightful information as well..I've been with my girl for quite some time now (since high school), but am also the type of dude who does not prefer to get married at age 30+ (don't ask me why)..I do contemplate sometimes financially how our wedding would turn out.. I am fairly straight out of college, and all of our college buddies are engaged/getting married right now..I'm just thinking to myself, do you..but in my personal opinion, I want to go all out for my wedding and not have the burden of being limited financially.

my girl just graduated on friday in nursing, so hopefully she will pass the boards in September and become an RN (I am a computer analyst currently..of course she will soon demolish me in the tax brackets 
)..but a little assurance is always good to hear..props.

and dope pics too mustbetheshoes 

Thanx alot bro, i completely understand your position, marriage shouldnt be taken lightly or as a trend, for instance the trend amongst my friends now is to have kids, i swear about 4 of my cloaest friends all have toddlers months apart, we aré pretty much the only couple that doesnt, and although seeing so many babies makes me want one, i know we aré still not where i wanna be in order to raise a little one with all the resources nessesary! In other words take your time, I've been with mines for 10 years now, we've been thru breakups and makeups and everything in between, we are almost 28 and been living together since 24...I'm ready, we are both ready to make that ultimate doubt in my mind...don't get it twisted I'm an open minded individual and I know is not gonna be a walk in the park, but I'm ready to take on the challenge without wanting to run away every chance I get. Best of luck to you.
This is the exact thought process i have been going through lately...I am 24 and graduated two years ago from college, I work as a Mechanical Engineer. Me and my girl have been together for almost 5 years now, but we have been good friends since we were like 14. I dont want to get married because its a trend because that what it seems to be these days. All my friends, and teammates from college are all getting married. I just dont see how you can get married without being finically stable. I love my girl, there is no doubt in that...but she is still discovering what she wants to be in life. And the whole fincal problem is taking its toll. She is the one I want, there is no doubt she is my best friend.. but she depends on me for some much and its gruling. I give you a lot of respect man for working so hard with your girl to make it work...I dont know how you do it. And those pictures are great man. I hope your wedding is a blast...

I guess its just the process of life, if you are in a relationship, a happy one you will begin contemplating marriage and kids when you begin to approach 30....what else is there to do? this age you should have your life figured out carreer-wise, i this age you should be able to support a family...and if youve had a good woman by your side for the past half a decade why not do the right thing by her.

Its funny i feel that when you grow up with a group of friends you somehow someway tend to follow on each others footsteps, one got his liscence the rest followed, one moved out the others follow, one got his girl preggo the others might be hesitant but will truely are who you sorround yourself with.


for my spanish people, tell me you never heard that phrase come out of your grandmas mouth...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Diego wrote:
Ayo, Im still debating on how drunk I should get at the wedding.
Solematic J still mad he not comin.


Yooooooo, whered you get those kicks?
Pics are sick.
What you do for a livin to be so ballin like that?
Your wife is hot bro.
BTW, I would appreciate if next time I went over you guys didnt lock her Maxine in a cage. I feel like I havent had the chance to get to know her (No bestiality).

Seriously though, Im hyped.
Free food, free drinks. I think I even know what I may be getting you guys (Angie might enjoy the gift more than you though. Sorry man).
Awesome stuff.

My wife does wedding photography amongst some other things.

We regret not doing an engagement session. Just wasn't as important at the time. Wedding planning in general is a pain in the $+$.

Her dress was too magnificent to even contemplate a TTD session, but the photographs that come from them are usually pretty awesome.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

thanx Venom, when i saw them i was surprised at how they came out to be honest...i was beyond

btw check out what the lady will be walking down the isle in....i spoil this girl too damn much!


christian louboutin marine glitter vp ... NICE work!
thanx everyone and mustbetheshoes, you better post up some wedding

i had to re-add the pics, for some reason they
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