NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Add music to my playlist now.

teach me the way chris

there's a 800MB file package from OS.. has all the authentic arena & player specific sounds..
Originally Posted by bredin808

the learning curve for 2k11 is way too moves are so weird to perform and isomotion is pretty random. maybe it's the controls or I just plain suck. i remember in 2k9, i had the controls down pat within a few days....

oh and why the *!%* are open shots SO hard to knock down? i was knocking down open jumpers playing against the CPU with ease, then when i hop online, i went 3/20 on 3pt FGS. 2nd chance points are almost impossible to get if u get a rebound near the basket, u miss putbacks almost everytime.
Again, you think it is hard because we have been spoiled in the past. No longer are the days in which any and every heavily contested shot in the paint is $. That is NOT basketball. So don't take it out on the game, just relearn what digital basketball is. Taking it back up in heavy traffic is never a good idea. Reset, get another quality shot.

Online, you have to release early. I STRUGGLED my first game. Gilbert went like 2-19
. This game I just played, my team shot 44%. Much better. Isomotion is not random, again, practice mode man. You can do what you want when you want if you learn the controls.

Originally Posted by no r3gard

so figured out how to run with my sonics in an association now. my questinon is though, what happens to all the players that were on the team that you were forced to remove? i want to take out the thunder and form a sonics/thunder hybrid team...

Those players are deleted from you Association. They do not go into the Free Agents pool.
I'm loving this game. I'm 3 games into my association, they definitely got the rebounding right this year. No more kevin love averaging 5 a game for the season. There s so many things I want to try and no time. I'm gonna start a my player today and skip the association for a while
For 360, you will need to burn all the songs to a disc, (not an mp3 disc, but regular music cd)
then rip that disc to your 360 HDD, and then create a playlist for each individual song
I'm not sure, but I think you can create a playlist for each event, I'm guessing the songs will
be chosen randomlly from that playlist. (again, not sure about this)
It's quite a tedious process IMO, but I guess it's worth it if you want that full customization
Pick Control: Hold and release L1 button to call for a Pick and Roll (press L1 button again to have screener slip); hold L1 button until the screener gets set for a Pick and Pop

Icon Pick Control: Tap L1 hold player icon of desired screener; Release early for Pick and Roll, hold longer for Pick and Pop.
Is the post moves the same. I had Pau post up but he couldn't bang into the opposing player he tried to do some crossovers. I have a 360 if it matters.

Originally Posted by no r3gard

so figured out how to run with my sonics in an association now. my questinon is though, what happens to all the players that were on the team that you were forced to remove? i want to take out the thunder and form a sonics/thunder hybrid team...

Those players are deleted from you Association. They do not go into the Free Agents pool

daaaaang..thanks for clearing that up for me though...oh well, guess it's time to start my association.  probably will end up taking out the twolves, i don't think anyone will notice 
Originally Posted by presequel

man im throwing turnovers left and right, its very hard to throw high risk passes in this game. you basically need to throw it to the dude next to you, its even hard to throw it into the paint if the dude is cutting into there. much harder than last year.

my player is good improvement tho. gonna take some getting used to.
hell yeah man
. passing is way too hard in this game. it's not like the old 2k where you could hit the cut off man in traffic with ease. you gotta make sure that there are no defenders around to throw a successful pass. and why everytime when I try run a fast break, my teammates don't run all the way down to the post, they always stop at the three point line? is there anyway to change that?   
Originally Posted by presequel

man im throwing turnovers left and right, its very hard to throw high risk passes in this game. you basically need to throw it to the dude next to you, its even hard to throw it into the paint if the dude is cutting into there. much harder than last year.

my player is good improvement tho. gonna take some getting used to.
hell yeah man
. passing is way too hard in this game. it's not like the old 2k where you could hit the cut off man in traffic with ease. you gotta make sure that there are no defenders around to throw a successful pass. and why everytime when I try run a fast break, my teammates don't run all the way down to the post, they always stop at the three point line? is there anyway to change that?   
Originally Posted by HOOD17

Is the post moves the same. I had Pau post up but he couldn't bang into the opposing player he tried to do some crossovers. I have a 360 if it matters.

Practice Mode < Post Moves. Tells you everything

Originally Posted by DR813

 why everytime when I try run a fast break, my teammates don't run all the way down to the post, they always stop at the three point line? is there anyway to change that?   

It depends on the positioning of the defense. If they are in the paint already, your offensive players won't run to that spot (which they shouldn't).
my player teammates are haters to the tenth degree....pass me the ball thabeet, why u at the top of the key crossing over fam?

some of the my payer goals are crazy aswell (my 6'5 scoring SG is asked to hold joe johnson to 4 pts, hahaha)
Yeah... so as a Kobe fan, I scored 81 in The Arrival just to prove a point

I'm REALLY digging the new gameplay mechanics. Stepbacks are CASH MONEY
FTR DC, I'd have BEEN stopped defending this awesome game if I were me. Wait, I am..
.. but yeah, I don't get why SO many of you guys won't practice the controls. It's clearly a totally different game than previous years. Swallow your damn pride. Why BUY game you won't take time to LEARN? I predict a #%%* load of "Man this game is lame.. you can't even dunk on 12 people anymore!" type responses over the next month or so. Thank GOD for a BASKETBALL game. I had gotten way too tired of NBA 2Kbron.
@ cats that are too stubborn to practice but say the game is weak. I got a friend who has to change the controls to push-button crossovers and no shot stick. This is the sam guy that complains that it's too hard to do "this", too easy to turnover, or utterly impossible to do "that". When I'm thinking, "Dude, how you gon change the controls then complain about em? Why would you EXPECT a cross court alleyoop from Chris Anderson to Billups to drop? MAn... go home. I'm just gonna play My player now. Shoo... "
I can't wait till the hype dies down and guys stop going online so much to free up the network. Around November/December last year it was
to play online once the losers quit trying.
Originally Posted by Murda He

FTR DC, I'd have BEEN stopped defending this awesome game if I were me. Wait, I am..
.. but yeah, I don't get why SO many of you guys won't practice the controls. It's clearly a totally different game than previous years. Swallow your damn pride. Why BUY game you won't take time to LEARN? I predict a #%%* load of "Man this game is lame.. you can't even dunk on 12 people anymore!" type responses over the next month or so. Thank GOD for a BASKETBALL game. I had gotten way too tired of NBA 2Kbron.
@ cats that are too stubborn to practice but say the game is weak. I got a friend who has to change the controls to push-button crossovers and no shot stick. This is the sam guy that complains that it's too hard to do "this", too easy to turnover, or utterly impossible to do "that". When I'm thinking, "Dude, how you gon change the controls then complain about em? Why would you EXPECT a cross court alleyoop from Chris Anderson to Billups to drop? MAn... go home. I'm just gonna play My player now. Shoo... "

does ne one know the deal with uploading to 2k sports? i managed to upload a couple screenshots and video, and then a pressbook, but i can only view the latest things i uploaded? where do i check out all teh stuff i did
this game is tough as hell...

im def not use to any of the controls tho cause ihavent played a bball game since like 07
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