NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Honestly is there a way to pass the ball without it getting it stolen?

Yeah, make smart passes. Think before you hit the button
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Honestly is there a way to pass the ball without it getting it stolen?

And also remember, WE ALL have picked up bad habits from past basketball games. Habits that are not reflective of the game of basketball.

A few tips with the passing.

1. Try not to pass the ball to the opposite direction in which your player is driving. This was practically an automatic turnover in 2K10
2. Know WHO you are passing the ball with. Passing ratings matter this year.
3. Distance matters as well.
4. Cross court passes, don't try them this year.
5. If you see the defense right THERE, don't throw the ball to the man and get mad at the game. Either dribble to put yourself in a better passing angle or don't throw the pass. Or you could always lead pass him AWAY from the defender.
6. When feeding the postman on the block, make the pass from the wing or the corner. Don't make the pass from the top of the key. Not a good passing angle.
This $*%*% DC is too much for me...

He just posted the exact same reply from like 2 pages ago without even complaining. I'da BEEN told ya'll to %*#% off
. I get agitated way too easy. DC, do you work for 2K or something? Props on the patience/info over the last 3 years and +!+#. You're alright with me man
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Honestly is there a way to pass the ball without it getting it stolen?

And also remember, WE ALL have picked up bad habits from past basketball games. Habits that are not reflective of the game of basketball.

A few tips with the passing.

1. Try not to pass the ball to the opposite direction in which your player is driving. This was practically an automatic turnover in 2K10
2. Know WHO you are passing the ball with. Passing ratings matter this year.
3. Distance matters as well.
4. Cross court passes, don't try them this year.
5. If you see the defense right THERE, don't throw the ball to the man and get mad at the game. Either dribble to put yourself in a better passing angle or don't throw the pass. Or you could always lead pass him AWAY from the defender.
6. When feeding the postman on the block, make the pass from the wing or the corner. Don't make the pass from the top of the key. Not a good passing angle.

I'll probably spend atleast 3 hours in practice mode before starting my first game.. How you goin with the sliders DC?
#$%^ is ridiculous i tell you 
these dude should stick to playing Live 10 

passing is not hard in this game (leads me to believe that all yall complaining are cheesers).. i played about 7 games in Assoc (3-4 w/ the Suns).. and averaging about 2TOs & 6dimes w/ Nash.. 
Originally Posted by FEETure

my player teammates are haters to the tenth degree....pass me the ball thabeet, why u at the top of the key crossing over fam?

some of the my payer goals are crazy aswell (my 6'5 scoring SG is asked to hold joe johnson to 4 pts, hahaha)

I think if you're a bad teammate, you won't get the ball as much, atleast from what my experiences in My Player were, DC, can you confirm?
just scanned the thread but wanted to know if anyone had anything weird happen when they played online?

i chose the magic since the other guy chose the heat. went to the player lineup but my players were the lakers minus kobe.
my starting five had artest at point, blake at center, gasol at 2 guard. didnt get a chance to take a pic because the connection disconnected but never had something like that happen.

2k11 is def much more realistic. whats the best ideal settings for the controller?
Does anybody know how to do the real quick spin towards the baseline out of the post? I've done it a few times in practice mode, but can't do it consistently
For all the My Player hackers, 2k (not Sony or M$) is coming down with the ban hammer. 200 are on their list so far.
Just ordered the game for PC. It would be awesome if PC gamers could play online with 360/PS3 gamers.

2K should consider this in the future.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Does anybody know how to do the real quick spin towards the baseline out of the post? I've done it a few times in practice mode, but can't do it consistently

you can only pull that move off if your defender has a low post defense rating. 
played my first game online mannnnnnnnn am I terrible. Back to the practice mode I go. I hate the damn delayed reaction time while playing online, I can't get a shot block to save my life
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Originally Posted by FEETure

my player teammates are haters to the tenth degree....pass me the ball thabeet, why u at the top of the key crossing over fam?

some of the my payer goals are crazy aswell (my 6'5 scoring SG is asked to hold joe johnson to 4 pts, hahaha)

I think if you're a bad teammate, you won't get the ball as much, atleast from what my experiences in My Player were, DC, can you confirm?

don't need DC to confirm
Share the rock, or get %!@# blocked 
just picked it up and played the intro laker game ...

sheesh my mj sucked

but my horace grant was

passing isnt as bad as i thought it would be just don't do dumb passes...
Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

For all the My Player hackers, 2k (not Sony or M$) is coming down with the ban hammer. 200 are on their list so far.

*pours liquor out for Brotha Noompsey* So young
I don't think that's necessarily true Proper because I was able to do it with Kobe in protect ball triple threat position. Do you know how to do it out of that position?
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

I was able to do it with Kobe in protect ball triple threat position.

ya, i know that move, but that's completely different from backing down from the post..
heres a vid on (2K10) post moves:

should have the same basics as 2K11
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