NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Originally Posted by kobe8is

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by HOOD17

Rick Aldeman wants his call
and it's only the first quarter

Jordan getting destroyed by Rodman in the "Bad Boy" challenge


Bro step your tv game up

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Dude, that is SO far from the truth. People get dunked on when there is traffic by dunkers rated in the 40s. You can't honestly say that dunks only happen when a lane is open. I had someone "cheese" with Sasha Vujacic by using that drop step dunk nonsense on me. IN TRAFFIC. You can't tell any of us that we suck at defense because the game allows nonsense to fly.

I mean look at the damn video you just posted. Exactly.

That was a fast break dude..... If anything fish and kobe were behind and the side of him. But ill fix what i said cause i've seen a few dunks where there is no lane and bron or wade posterize people, but i would'nt say it was all the time. As well as to me it isn't that big of a deal if anything i find it to be an "oh %%%!" moment 0_0.
It was a fast break but there was still a defender within a arms length of you. A dunk like that has no place in the game if defenders are that close to you. I mean if you are talking about dunk realism.

You have to take back the comment you made. I hate when people use the "You suck" response when people make claims of getting dunked on by players at an unrealistic rate. It is FAKE the game ALLOWS it, so how can you really say it is the user's fault? Stop living in the dark, 2K knows that if they don't allow folks to dunk at will that they will cry about how hard the game is.
Ill admit that the dunk isn't realistic, but how "real" do you want this game to be im jw? I don't know how much times you are getting dunked on or vis versa, but i guess i haven't seen it as much as you have or others. Care to share what you'd like them to patch. I am assuming lower dunking and vert ability. I feel that the game in general has gotten harder then before so i wouldn't say it's easy.
How real do I want it to be? I have simple desires. I personally hate unrealistic dunks. The amount of dunks in traffic piss me off. ALways have. I don't think that is asking for too much. I wish the game would understand traffic and open. Like the dunk you pulled off has NO BUSINESS being performed if anyone is within 7 feet of you. NO BUSINESS happening with Fish and Kobe right there.

Go play online and you will see all of the BS that this game allows to happen man. It isn't done by accident.

Actually there is speculation that the game was secretly patched after the 2nd roster update.
i need this patched.... I have been stuck at the 2nd year of myplayer for like a week.
everytime i play the first game of the new season the game freezes before the press conference..... so i been on stuck.

been playing the Jordan challenges.... only completed 2 so far.... Drexler screwed me by getting fouled in the last minute of the game.... and Dominique scored 26 points..... i cut the game off.

truth be told, i ball out much more with Pippen i forgot how nice dude was..... i be almost averaging a triple double with him.

and btw MARK PRICE JUMP SHOT IS WET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Yall #+!#@* just suck got too used to that bs that was allowed to go on in the past games and now mad you can't do it
Right and they say it is something wrong with the game.

didnt say i dont win or wont smoke you, 1v1 anytime boss.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

man how the hell did you pull of the 360 between the legs I have the dunk in my package but I dont do it...

I couldn't do it before and i still can't consistently, but when I have which is only 3 times during different games it's been on fastbreaks. How I did it was right after the free throwline while holding RT pull LT and move the shot stick to the left. If you are starting between the wings and corners do the same except move the shot stick toward the way you are moving. So if you were on the left side of the court while going towards the basket you'd move shot stick to the right. Not saying this will work every time, but it's how I did it. Hopefully this helps and i had done it one of the times with a 66 vert, but it barely looks like your man is geting up so yeah. I put it at sig dunk 1234 so i really don't know which one it's doing at what time, but just test it out. Have fun.
Changed my quarters (My Player) to 8 minutes. Feels more realistic. Dropped 33 points, 3 assists, and 6 rebounds on the Hornets last night. Finally got all 3 objectives completed in one game.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

i need this patched.... I have been stuck at the 2nd year of myplayer for like a week.
everytime i play the first game of the new season the game freezes before the press conference..... so i been on stuck.

been playing the Jordan challenges.... only completed 2 so far.... Drexler screwed me by getting fouled in the last minute of the game.... and Dominique scored 26 points..... i cut the game off.

truth be told, i ball out much more with Pippen i forgot how nice dude was..... i be almost averaging a triple double with him.

and btw MARK PRICE JUMP SHOT IS WET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN.

ya same @$#! happened to me, except only 14 games into my 1st season.

so what i started doing was going to "save and quit" with about a minute in the game (if i had all my challenges completed). and then i would reload the game and finish it. if it froze, i'd load it again and eventually it would work.

HOWEVER ... i did that last night and now it won't even load the game save
I haven't played much until this past weekend.

I got drafted by the T'Wolves and thoroughly got upset. I was getting limited minutes and Jonny Flynn would play every play as if he was going to get benched for the rest of the season. I set a ton of pick & rolls for him and he'd shoot over two defenders while I'm rolling to the basket unguarded. Don't even get me started on Bassy, he's worse than Flynn.

Didn't even average 10 PPG, so I demanded a trade and got sent to Utah. They put me in as a starter from the jump and I put up 26 in my first game. Playing with Deron Williams is such a dream. Always passes me the ball when I'm wide open off the screen & roll. Even hands me the ball while coming from the back court to create for myself. Passes out of bad shots to me while I'm underneath the basket for an uncontested dunk/layup.

Plus, the frontcourt of me, Al Jefferson & Paul Milsap... the defense cannot get an offensive board

Plus for a 48 overall rating, already broke some milestones (30 pts in a game, 0 turnovers in 25 minutes, double-double) and even got the endorsement letter from Jordan Brand.

Life in Utah is good. Even my league-wide popularity when Kobe lit us up, I responded with an 'arrogant' comment at the press-conference saying that he got lucky
i just unlocked the XIs and luckily my player is on the kings so the concords for home and white/purp for the road wiil be nice....wouldnt even bother trying to make anything other that than white/ cause they look turrible...

19 more games before the playoffs, we're chasing they lakers for the 1 seed...0.5 games back on a 7 game win streak, im sure 2K will throw us a loss next game just for good measure, thats been the theme this season lol
I just entered my second season after the kings was knocked off playoff contention, I was heated but luckily during free agency I was able to sign with the Hawks
Baron Davis and Blake Griffin are wearing the wrong numbers in my game. Baron is wearing 16, and Blake is wearing 45, at least in my player mode
Originally Posted by Nubuckgees

For My Player know the caps of your player aka�
pg scoring
Shot Inside 95 (582)
Shot close 95 (582)
Shot Medium 99 (459)
Shot 3pt 95 (1537)
So that you'll know what to use your points on first.
whats the cap for a scoring small forward?
Dropped 50 in my 50th game along with 5 asts and 5 boards.. I'm a superstar lol, so it'll forever be known as the infamous '50/50' game. So when 2k decides to dedicate a game to my myplayer lol, this'll be one of the challenges!

 this happen to anyone else? 
i was playing jordan challenge double nickle and i scored 60 got enough assists and exactly 55% from the field 2 mins left in the 4th n they pull jordan so i dont care i got everything we win the game and the 55% and the win doesnt register 
Yall lay of my tv screen im working towards to get a new one
. Anybody else having coaches still coming on to the court? It's annoying now.
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