NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Anthony Parker making Eddie House fall though?
Right in the middle of my last game I got 3 red lights on my 360. It's already been "fixed" once, I haven't tried again but I hope I don't have to send it in for the second time.
anyone get their own jordan shoe yet? finally got mine. ugly as hell, but they give me +8 mid range
Terrible... lol
Nobody wants to get the ball?!?!

My hand goes through the ball in this one. SMH
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Terrible... lol
� �
The flooring moves you guys are posting are hilarious. No one in my game as fallen from dribble moves. This is comedy. My goal in this game is to make someone fall now. 
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by LeRobin

On My Player it says they traded me to the Lakers but I'm still with the same team... 

the same exact thing just happened to pissed
so do you have to make a new player?
Yo has this happened to anyone?
I had the XI's equipped on my players in association. I switched it out with the XIII's, and now the XI's are unavailable to select.
Has this happened to anyone???
just made an association, never noticed how hard it was to make a pass...ended the game with over 20 turnovers...
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

I remember someone in here saying that in My Player, they were shook so bad by John Wall that they had to set their controller down.

Well last night I was guarding Westbrook as he was coming up the floor and with the simplest crossover he made my dude fall on his damn back near the sideline. I had never seen anything like that in the game up until that point.

I simply just changed the channel

That was me
Made me drop my controller. The other day Westbrook gave Yao a face full of penis. I turned off my 360 and drove around for an hour

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Not even sure man. Probably not. Don't recall them doing it before

they have done the shoe code thing before. I highly doubt they will do anything like that for this game considering how lazy of an effort they gave on the current roster of shoes and color options...

it was nba 2k6 by the way
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Not even sure man. Probably not. Don't recall them doing it before

they have done the shoe code thing before. I highly doubt they will do anything like that for this game considering how lazy of an effort they gave on the current roster of shoes and color options...
it was nba 2k6 by the way
Ah that brings back memories 
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by young718chris

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

I remember someone in here saying that in My Player, they were shook so bad by John Wall that they had to set their controller down.

Well last night I was guarding Westbrook as he was coming up the floor and with the simplest crossover he made my dude fall on his damn back near the sideline. I had never seen anything like that in the game up until that point.

I simply just changed the channel

That was me
Made me drop my controller. The other day Westbrook gave Yao a face full of penis. I turned off my 360 and drove around for an hour

Homie said drove around for an hour

drove around for a full hour?
Son had to get his mind right.


how come when i check the ratings for my myplayer team, everybodies stats or overall grade has gone down except for my own, and continue to as well... this makes the game crazy unrealistic that every nite i drop 45+ and the closest person to me may hav 11...mind you i'm on the wiz with arenas and wall. why has the game made it so that whether we win or lose its solely on my shoulders, yet i'm not the super star of the team, i never get the ball with seconds on the clock (its always arenas ******ed $%# that throws up those bricks) and the fact i'm only rated a 62. it seems like the odds are in your favor to do well in myplayer, as opposed to making it challenging enough that you can only do well if you're reason i should be able to drop 50 on the only 38 minutes on the court..on Allstar...

and i'm not even cheesin either, all the shots are good shots. i just cant trust my team it seems, maybe they're actually getting worse, which would explain their skills diminishing and the reason they miss shots...what explains why they'd take those idiotic shots to begin with tho..?  but yea, only reason i score as much as i do, which i'd actually prefer not to, but if i don't, we have 0 chance of winning, a la' 05-06' Kobe...i will the team to when i get injured too smh..
Okay i dunno if yall have already discussed this or not, BUT WHY IS IT THAT WHEN IM ON A FAST BREAK AND I DISH IT OUT FOR AN OPEN MAN FOR A WIIIIIDE OPEN THREE, he damnnnn near airballs or barely touches the construction. Like no matter how long you hold the shot button down, he still has a early release and misses terribly. What am i doing wrong????
someone please dude just yammed it from the free throw line during a game. i saved it and uploaded it to 2k network. how do i view this after?
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