NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

So, when Brady wasn't in the line up those games he got suspended, and our team did well, we always heard:
1. Bill could do it without Thomas,
2. Bradys a system quarterback.

But if 35 year old kid Matt Moore can sling it and score with the same the same uptempo offense and wins out the remaining games while Mahomeboy is out is:
1. Andy Reid able to do it (win) without Mahomey?
2. Patrick a system quarterback?

Inquiring minds wanna know

Keep circle jerking each other with the same corny jokes with the same corny four liking them. Their defense has gotten better the last few weeks but do what y’all do.

A Pats fan saying anything a Spags coached defense is rich.
KC gonna trade or cut Kelce after this season? Gotta pay Mahommes and sign some defensive players.
Packers winning games with Lazard, Geronimo, and MVS is crazy. I know the RBs are carrying them but you gotta give LeFlèur some credit. Even with Rodgers, McCarthy would’ve had dude get killed throwing the ball on third and 15 every drive
Keep circle jerking each other with the same corny jokes with the same corny four liking them. Their defense has gotten better the last few weeks but do what y’all do.

A Pats fan saying anything about a Spags coached defense is rich.

Didn’t realize Watkins got that big of a contract but he’s only got one more year left. Watkins is better and younger than Kelce but injury prone.

Naw Watkins isn't better than Kelce at any facet of football and with the other receivers there he's easily more replaceable.
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