No basketball till October :(

Who do you think will win?

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  • Warriors in 5

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  • Warriors in 6

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When did Freeze become so sensible? My man :smokin

I'm getting older man, can't have hate in my heart my whole life..lmao.

I can respect that :lol: :pimp:


as perfect of a gif response as could be made. repped.
Lol there really has been extroidanry gif usage these past few pages

Hope delly hits at least three 3's tonight. Thats my magic number. He hits 3 or more cavs win. Theyre def gunna force Bron to give it up off the pick n roll and when hes posting. JJ. MM. Or dellevadirty gotta be hitting. Shump and JR the usual wildcards
Dudes in here know about as much as Jon Snow.

Homie called me a LeBron rider, :lol:

EXACTLY! It's the NT logic. If you have shown support to a player before, you're suddenly a "hardcore fan" or a "stan" or a "rider."

We need to do another "Get to know the S&T members" thread again so people know exactly who's a fan of who.
I need to know the avg IQ of NT'ers w/ Lakers avys.

Anyway we can get that info, Ska?

My fellow Laker fans are so threatened by Lebron surpassing Kobe it's ridiculous. :lol:

I'm not threatened. bron is an amazing basketball player. so is kobe. if he's better than kobe, so be it. i dont really agree, but i'm sure there's some bias there. At the end of the day, i enjoyed watching kobe play way more.

I'm a big fan of both. I would still take Kobe cuz he's a killer but Lebron is special.
Dudes in here know about as much as Jon Snow.

Homie called me a LeBron rider, :lol:

EXACTLY! It's the NT logic. If you have shown support to a player before, you're suddenly a "hardcore fan" or a "stan" or a "rider."

We need to do another "Get to know the S&T members" thread again so people know exactly who's a fan of who.

Dudes only see things in black and white on here :lol:. Hyper being a bron stan :rofl:
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how cute 


No but seriously tho

I will never give in

I'll continue to use how many ever face muscles it takes to frown at ole boy and his accolades

But I wouldn't use the word hate

I'll go with extreme dislike

oh yea for sure. I'll cant say I like lebron's game. I respect it for sure though. it's just too ugly and stiff for me to really vibe with. paws.
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At a certain point if every 5th post is about Lebron or Kobe in defense of them or support of are a fan of them

If it's every 3rd post you are a rider

Just admit it :lol:
My fellow Laker fans are so threatened by Lebron surpassing Kobe it's ridiculous. :lol:
thats a dumb misconception

It's the truth. It ain't all of us but it's definitely a large group. Why else are some of the biggest Lebron haters Lakers fans? He ain't in our division or even our conference. I work with 2 Laker fans that hate Lebron with a passion and they look at me like I'm crazy. :lol:
So will we see an appearance from Kerr's secret weapon tonight? No not David Lee....
He might get one more shot, but let him brick that dunk again or miss a bunny at the hoop and he sees DNP next to his name the rest of the series.
I thought that fap pic was a photoshop when I saw it this morning, but come to find out its real? Someones getting fired 
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