No United airlines thread ? VOL....Delta won

Call me a sucker but if they asked me to de-board I'd probably comply bc (nowadays) I know arguing against isn't going to benefit me in that moment.

I would seek reimbursement once I'm off. Hell, I think I'd be cool with just a flight a few hours after the fact if I wasn't in a rush :lol: .
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looks like its gonna benefit him to the tune of some M's

or you could be those three that got off and keep a damn voucher
Is it me or does it feel like a bunch of people are overlooking the fact that's he's a doctor who had patients to see the next day?
Ask for volunteers that will be compensated.
If no one volunteers they may bump up the compensation.
If theres still no one that volunteers then they pick people, typically late boarders and people with cheaper tickets.
If that person decides to act like an *** and not leave then the authorities are called to step in.
At this point it is out of the airlines hands.

Really, it doesn't seem to be out of there hands now does it? Have Iyou yet to say you think they could have handled this situation better? If not I hope your not trying to get promoted where your at my dude.
Someone needs to make a new dead gif using Dao's picture of him knocked out.
So Dao doesn't have his license?
Hasn't practiced in over a decade but hey, hey had patients that urgently needed him.
Really, it doesn't seem to be out of there hands now does it? Have Iyou yet to say you think they could have handled this situation better? If not I hope your not trying to get promoted where your at my dude.
Again, dont work for United but I think they did everything the right way according to accounts of other passengers. The officer handled it poorly, if he would have just dragged him out like a child without bashing his face then Dao would be SOL, now he will most likely be compensated.
I hated United anyway, they screwed me over last time I flew with them.

I'm good on ever buying a ticket from them again
What the man has done in the past is really irrelevant.
Its relevant when people are using him being a "doctor" and needing to see "patients" as a reason for him to have a right to stay on the plane after the police asked him to leave.
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Ah that's your angle :lol:

Let's say he's really not a doctor anymore and he had no patients to see. It doesn't really matter.

He still has rights.
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Hasn't practiced in over a decade but hey, hey had patients that urgently needed him.
Again, dont work for United but I think they did everything the right way according to accounts of other passengers. The officer handled it poorly, if he would have just dragged him out like a child without bashing his face then Dao would be SOL, now he will most likely be compensated.
Story is starting to sound like Dao wouldn't leave after he was asked. Son started getting an attitude and things got physical. It ain't worth the headache at the airport to resist when they ask you to leave. The problem here isn't the airline but the cop who unnecessarily used force on Dao. Cops gone cop...
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Ah that's your angle :lol:

Let's say he's really not a doctor anymore and he had no patients to see. It doesn't really matter.

He still has rights.
Not my angle, I only brought it up because the other guy said he had patients.

Him needing to see his patients>>>>the 4 staff members needing to be at the next airport half a day early
How can you have patients if you aren't a doctor? and those "staff" members are Crew, Crew is needed to man a flight. That flight > his imaginary practice.
hell he could be a witch doctor for all i give af
100%, doctor or construction worker, everyon on the flight is equal when they start plucking people off.
I'm on my ps and qs at the airport and on the plane. In these post 9-11 days everyone is on edge. Better just to keep your mouth shut and leave the attitude at home. Dao prob hit the cop with a mean tiger grip when he tried to escort him off plane. Dao had that old man strength so copper had to put him down [emoji]128514[/emoji].
"The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure permitted Dao to continue practicing medicine in 2015 under certain conditions, after he completed his probation and underwent psychological evaluations, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported."

Lol at fake patients. Pretty sure that would have came to light if it were true.

Plus, you're acting like anybody knew about his past or not possibly having any patients when this was going on.
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