NT Do You Wear Shoes in Your House?

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

nope every1should know better.

i hate going to someone else crib and they make you take yours shoes off,
, not a custom I practice, or a custom any of my friendspractice.

I did have one person ask me to take off my shoes, gave him the
face. I ain't walking in another person's crib with my socks on, it isn't my house. I proceeded to act like a smart !*%, telling him to get me a newpair of slippers to walk around, he laughed, I told him I will wait outside for him to go to another person's crib.

I think it is rude for a host to tell people to take off their shoes. Some people are not comfortable with it. I usually walk in socks or slides in my house,but that is only because it is my crib, someone elses house, I'm rocking shoes.
i leave my shoes on for a couple minutes when i come from outside..
or if i don't have any clean socks i'll rock a pair of chucks while i'm waitin' for some to dry
i don't see any other reasons to put my shoes on
no shoes in the house.

only exceptions are big family parties and when service people come to fix something (cable, plumbers, etc).
socks or socks + houseshoes. word to doughboy in boyz in da hood.

we used to call these "blue light specials" cuz you could only get them at walmart/kmart....

I always have on shoes no matter if Im in the house or outside. Remember when dudes would play football in the street
barefoot, I never did that. I love having shoes on for whatever reason.

The only time I take my shoes off is when I go to an Asian or West Indian persons house because they never want you wearing
shoes in the house. I respect the rules but if I'm not literally draggin mud through the house I don't see the point.
i really dont see the purpose of wearing shoes in the house... not only does it dirty the floor but its uncomforable... cant really speak for you guys but whenim not home im in shoes all day and as much as i love shoes i want to be comfy when i get home... so ya have to take them off...
Hell yeah. I always gotta have socks/house shoes/ or regular shoes on in my house. Ive been renting at this spot for about 2 1/2 years now and we have had waytoo many parties to count so our carpet isnt lookin so hott. And tho ive grown out of my "havin huge parties" stage of my life we still have peopleover at the crib like 24 7 so no sense in payin for new carpet now. Just rock some footwear and call it a day.
yeah anybody can wear shoes in my house all day....there's hardly any carpet in my house and the rooms that do have carpet have dark colored carpet...never worried about it.
For the people who say no, why? Cleanliness issue? Do you not own a vacuum? If it is your custom, do you provide an adequate number of slippers for visitingguests (like they do in Asia)? No shoes on a hardwood floor? Seriously?
Black people stay on that "Take your shoes off" !#@ when they get a newspot. I hate that !#@
Nah, but I will start doing it though, some of my friends got the worst foot odor in the world...I prefer if they keep their shoes on.
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