NT, Do Your Parents Support You Dating Other Races? Vol. "There are Enough Good __ Women For You"

Originally Posted by theDEEK

They don't care. Mixed people always turn out
and they know this.

They just don't want me dating fat or ugly chicks

I'm vietnamese and my parents don't mind my mexican girlfriend, but I know deep down inside they would prefer me to be dating a vietnamese chick.
I'm vietnamese and my parents don't mind my mexican girlfriend, but I know deep down inside they would prefer me to be dating a vietnamese chick.
I got yellow fever..parents don't care (alot of people I know do not care about race)..New York is a melting pot anyway...

Either gonna be a mixed chick,Asian, or white chick 

(I black/mixed if that matters )
I got yellow fever..parents don't care (alot of people I know do not care about race)..New York is a melting pot anyway...

Either gonna be a mixed chick,Asian, or white chick 

(I black/mixed if that matters )
Moms has mad love for everyone and would never discriminate.  Pops is cool with every race, except for black folk. 

He would hit me with the serious
if I ever dated a black girl.  But I think he would really dig my current love interest.
Moms has mad love for everyone and would never discriminate.  Pops is cool with every race, except for black folk. 

He would hit me with the serious
if I ever dated a black girl.  But I think he would really dig my current love interest.
Yellow fever is serious business... my mom already knows that in the end I'm probably gonna go with an Asian girl, but she's still putting up a good fight

The Asian Woman Appreciation Thread gives me heart attack scares....
Yellow fever is serious business... my mom already knows that in the end I'm probably gonna go with an Asian girl, but she's still putting up a good fight

The Asian Woman Appreciation Thread gives me heart attack scares....
Originally Posted by bruce negro

I'm just wondering how NTers' families view interracial dating within their family. I know in a lot of Black families, females are always saying something along the lines of, "The white girls take all of the good black men" or, "There are enough good black females for black males to date." My mother always looked down upon dating white girls and my sister used to say "White girls are the devil" at COMPLETELY random points in any conversation we had... So I really don't beast over white girls unless they're something EXTREMELY special. I've dated 2 Asian girls and continue to holler at those, and my moms hasn't cared too much... but she throws jabs at me from time to time.

So NT, what are your families' thoughts on interracial dating and have you had any story-worthy experiences?
people are people, and my family doesn't care.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

I'm just wondering how NTers' families view interracial dating within their family. I know in a lot of Black families, females are always saying something along the lines of, "The white girls take all of the good black men" or, "There are enough good black females for black males to date." My mother always looked down upon dating white girls and my sister used to say "White girls are the devil" at COMPLETELY random points in any conversation we had... So I really don't beast over white girls unless they're something EXTREMELY special. I've dated 2 Asian girls and continue to holler at those, and my moms hasn't cared too much... but she throws jabs at me from time to time.

So NT, what are your families' thoughts on interracial dating and have you had any story-worthy experiences?
people are people, and my family doesn't care.
My mom I think only has a problem if a bring home a muslim girl, because my family is hindu...as far as everything else I don't think she minds if their any color under the sun

My dad on the other hand wants to keep the "race" intact. probably just wants me to marry a west-indian/indian hindu girl...despite if she's a @!!, non-intelligent, or anything superficial. Dude is living in the past and i'll flip him the bird if he tells me +%%! about who i'm gonna be with.
My mom I think only has a problem if a bring home a muslim girl, because my family is hindu...as far as everything else I don't think she minds if their any color under the sun

My dad on the other hand wants to keep the "race" intact. probably just wants me to marry a west-indian/indian hindu girl...despite if she's a @!!, non-intelligent, or anything superficial. Dude is living in the past and i'll flip him the bird if he tells me +%%! about who i'm gonna be with.
Parents are Mexican. I have a preference for asian chicks. dated/ brought home a few during high school and was engaged to a korean girl who they loved ( after college ). They are accepting even though I am sure my mom would prefer a spanish speaking daughter-in-law whom she would have more in common with.
Parents are Mexican. I have a preference for asian chicks. dated/ brought home a few during high school and was engaged to a korean girl who they loved ( after college ). They are accepting even though I am sure my mom would prefer a spanish speaking daughter-in-law whom she would have more in common with.
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