NT, how do you know when she's the "one"?


Apr 23, 2008
Simple question. I'm getting old and have been with my girlfriend for a year and a few . Granted, the relationship's been rocky and things still have along way to go, but I'm thinking about popping the question this Christmas. How do I know for certain that she's the one for me?
Are you faithful?

Does the thought of hurting her put your heart in a vice?

When you aren't around her, do certain things make you think about her?

Can you picture you two together in old age?

With kids?

Is she faithful?

Do your morals and goals coincide?
She's been talking about getting my name inked, but I told her not to do it.

I want to know for certain I won't be making a mistake, are there any signs?
Man you know when she is the one. And you asking this question means that your obviously doubting she is the one.
^^^ dont let her do it. its gonna jinx yall relationship if u think shes wifey . my ex got my name tatted on her wrist and we broke up like 4 months later. wewere together for 5 years lol.
when she cooks you pancakes and brings you alka-seltzer when your tummy aches.

If that aint loove then i dont know what looove iiiiiisss
for real though..........

i been wonderin the same.

we be rocky for real, but the make up always brings me back in smh
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

my girl told me last night she gonna get my name tatted on her #^$
I wish my girl would do this
there is no "one" but it gets pretty close, so you just got to be grateful for what you got.

but as for me, never getting married.
by choice of course!
Also family,

How is hers? Will there be any baggage that comes with the marraige?

If so, can you cope?

I've been with my girl for three years, I love her to death...

But marriage isn't for us yet....Goals don't coincide yet, everything else is a go.
Originally Posted by FreshOne12

there is no "one" but it gets pretty close, so you just got to be grateful for what you got.

but as for me, never getting married.
by choice of course!

never havin kids either?

i dunno, that might get lonely
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

my girl told me last night she gonna get my name tatted on her #^$

My new one let me write my name in Sharpie above her vag.

To answer the question, you really don't. You might think she's the one... she might have other plans.

I was with my last girl for damn near 5 years, 2 of which were perfect. Towards the end is when it got bad.

We talked about marriage, we even had a kid. I mean it was a semi trap, but still.

I don't know your situation, I'm just speaking from what I've experienced. Good luck to you.
Word ;;

SneakerHeathen is onto sumthin .. Gotta start askin myself them questions he posted ..
This shorty told me that, "you know she's the one, when ever time u see her face in person. You get butterflies everytime."

Aren't you like 21? or 22?

Give it at least a couple years. You're still in college, right?

Travel the world with her, go through the good times and the bad times.

If you still feel the same way, then you'll know.

But if you have to ask a forum board full of guys who stay with the M.O.B mentality if she's the right one, she's definitely not meeting the criteriaright now.
Granted I don't know what your relationship fully , if you have to question if you are , then you aren't IMO .

You should just have that feeling . You shouldn't FORCE having her as the "one" because you aren't naturaly feeling that . You're feelingthat because you feel as if YOU are ready .

I don't know where I am going with all this but yeah , she's the one if you don't have to question if she is IMO .
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