NT, how do you know when she's the "one"?

Originally Posted by iBlink

Simple question. I'm getting old and have been with my girlfriend for a year and a few . Granted, the relationship's been rocky and things still have a long way to go, but I'm thinking about popping the question this Christmas. How do I know for certain that she's the one for me?
Don't know if this has been said but if you gotta ask a message board if THEY think YOUR girl is the one for you---then she ain't it playa
You ask ya pastor, ya mama, ya daddy, maybe even ya baby cousin but if you gotta ask some strangers who never even met her, I just don't thinkthat's a good sign. Don't ask this Christmas. Give it at least another 6 months.
damn ya makn me analyze my relationship with my girl who ive been with for the past 3 years and 7 months (IM 18)
I need to grow some balls. @%%+.
If you feel like you can't live a day w/ out her and she feels the same way. If she the one then you guys don't have any TRUST issues or both have befaithful ftl but for each is own. Basically is comes down to loyalty and respect. That can take you a long ways. How old are you btw? If you guys are living w/each other and handling finances together go ahead and "Pop the Question" but if you aren't you might wanna wait. I did the same thing I wasengaged for like 5 months and found out she lied about some things in the past and she eventually moved back w/ her parents. We arent together anymore btw.
3 yrs down the drain
Not to get all Notebookish but ....when you are in the darkest of corners and shes one of the only thing that can give you light...when she smiles at you andyou just know everything will be right.... when she help you stay grounded and then lets you know when its time to take flight.... you will know....I haventhad it yet....but im sure it will be great
I don't think I still know for sure, haha, but we are both pretty realistic and understand the number of failed marriages, etc. Honestly though, as statedabove, no trust issues at all (no reason to worry), and for me, I simply like spending time with my wife and having her around, whether it is just us or withmy friends, etc. I enjoy things more with her than without. After that, dating 4 1/2 years and living together for 1 1/2 (that is where things are learned andchange in the relationship), I knew I was ready for engagement/marriage. Seriously though, when people say things change after marriage, I do not agree. Justharder to break up. But living together? THAT is when things are tested and can change.
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